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***Official uNL stats thread*** ***Official uNL stats thread***

03-30-2008 , 01:37 PM
also, for those of you who datamine, how important would you say it is for your overall results? i'm lazy as hell so i haven't done it in a long time.
03-30-2008 , 01:54 PM
Att to steal is the percentage of the time you open-raise CO or BU. Defend BB (and SB to steal) is the number of time someone fold when he is faced with a steal such as described earlier.
03-30-2008 , 02:00 PM
Because mine has been around 11ptbb over about 100k hands at 10 and I definitely have not been winning without showdown.
after 30k hands why didnt you move up?
03-30-2008 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by MAA
Att to steal is the percentage of the time you open-raise CO or BU. Defend BB (and SB to steal) is the number of time someone fold when he is faced with a steal such as described earlier.
03-30-2008 , 08:52 PM

Why do I never win showdowns yet have a pretty solid winrate? Is it just a case of play good run bad or is there another explanation? I don't go to showdown that light, only 20%, I see people with 22-27 all day long who manage to win more of them than me.

Stats too loose for these games? My game is extremely positionally dependent, only raising ak, pocket pairs, and aq/aj in the first 2 positions, opening all sorts of stuff in CO and BTN. These stats are all 6m btw, it's ultimate bet and I didn't know you had to tell pt to treat all hands as 6m until a bit after I began playing on ub.

Sorry for the limited sample size, I just want some feedback right away and hopefully plug some leaks.
03-30-2008 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by sinderg
after 30k hands why didnt you move up?
Well, I had moved down from 25nl to work on a few things, mainly bluffing/thin value betting. I'm now back at 25nl and it seems way easier....
03-31-2008 , 01:18 AM
Why am I so bad at poker?

Can you guys really drill me on every terrible thing I'm doing based on these stats?


I was running hot and now I've been an up and down break even guy

my position stats are a little weird..

losing too much on one pair/two pair? etc.

i'm frequently not getting in with the best of it?

my river betting must be terrible... i think i'm getting the msot value on my turn bets... why am i negative equity on my river? do these bars look right?

Sorry for the extremely long post.. i'm getting frustrated that I have been stuck at 50NL for such a long time
03-31-2008 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by fromak
Why am I so bad at poker?

Can you guys really drill me on every terrible thing I'm doing based on these stats?

Not EVERY thing, but you could defend your blinds a bit more, steal a bit more, bet more turns and rivers, but most importantly, read hands better.
03-31-2008 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by Evoken

Why do I never win showdowns yet have a pretty solid winrate?
You're so aggressive you only get action from much better hands.
03-31-2008 , 03:14 AM
Mh I just looked through my pt and over like 40k hands im a marginal looser with 22-77 combined UTG, other ppl have similar stats with those small pp utg? Maybe time to cut them out of utg raising range lol
03-31-2008 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by orlov
Mh I just looked through my pt and over like 40k hands im a marginal looser with 22-77 combined UTG, other ppl have similar stats with those small pp utg? Maybe time to cut them out of utg raising range lol
That's what, 500 hands? lolsamplesize? As long as you think you're playing them right postflop I wouldn't worry about it.
03-31-2008 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by orlov
Mh I just looked through my pt and over like 40k hands im a marginal looser with 22-77 combined UTG, other ppl have similar stats with those small pp utg? Maybe time to cut them out of utg raising range lol
I am a loser with 33 and 55, overall I win at 0.62PTBB/100, so only marginal winner as well, dunno why
03-31-2008 , 01:47 PM
not to sound preachy, but stats are not that big of a deal. sure reviewing them can show some leaks, but those leaks won't be the biggest contributing factor to winrate/getting better.

postflop hand reading, have a decent idea of your postflop equity, and knowing when to raise or bet or fold and how much to bet/raise is going to be so much more important. think about it: preflop is usually a 4bb decision. postflop is much more. ok, being a tard pf can lead to problems postflop, but u get the idea.

take 2 people for example:

one plays a 17/14/3 game, is tight OOP, has a decent 3bet range but cbets indiscriminately, double barrels so as well (whether or not he has a hand), doesn't pay much attention as to whether the flop is heads up or multiway, has little reads on his opponents, and isn't very attuned to board textures or applying preflop ranges to postflop boards/actions.

the 2nd guy has not so spiffy stats, around 21/12, but pays attention to his opponents' play, selectively cbets, bluff raises or checkraise bluffs good boards, uses preflop+postflop ranges/actions to narrow opponents' range, and understands (because of using ranges/reads) when it is +EV to call a postflop raise and when it is +EV to jam and when it is best to fold.

now, what will happen is, because the 2nd player is playing against other people's ranges (pre and post) and board textures, that eventually his stats will become spiffy. AF will approach 3 or higher, his PFR might increase, and so on. but those won't happen because he is paying attention to improving his stats. it will happen because he is improving his play against the opponents in his game.
03-31-2008 , 09:08 PM
I feel as though derosnec is speaking directly to me as I'm making this post, but I'm making it anyway because I'll take any help I can get. This is my month at 25NL, I beat 10NL last month...but that's 10NL. I've got about 40k hands total under my belt. I've been focusing on developing the basic abc TAG style foundation for my play...I'm very confident preflop but I think my stats would definitely suggest that I'm struggling postflop. I don't cbet every flop but I also don't only cbet when I hit. I am aware of heads up vs. multiway in my play. Board texture and hand reading sound like probable culprits for my poor win rate. I probably need to use position to my advantage more as well (I know that playing in position is good, trying to grasp how to maximize it though).

I suspect I might not be playing aggressive enough? Quit playing scared, double barrel more, and value bet more on the river (or more in general)?

Anyway…any helpful comments on my stats would be much appreciated. I'd also appreciate any suggestions on the best way to improve my game at this point. So far I've read the 2+2 SSNL anthology, Phil Gordon's Little Green Book, Super Systems 1 and 2, watched a bunch of the SSNL videos and just a few days ago got a CR membership. I've also been lurking these forums and have finally registered and plan to start posting. I generally read or watch video for ~30 minutes before each session where I usually put in about 1000 hands 4-tabling.
04-02-2008 , 06:15 PM
Just been playing NL50 and NL50 last 15 days or so and was wondering if anyone could spot anything in my stats to help me out at all?

04-02-2008 , 09:43 PM
Here are some stats that I would really enjoy if somebody took a look at for me. The sample size is only 4000 hands, but almost all of my EV graphs are similar (Green line far under red/blue). I need to figure out how to fix this problem as I know I am losing a ton of value. My stats are normalyl closer to 18.5/14 or so, but this same is a little nittier for whatever reason.


04-02-2008 , 11:49 PM
Here are my stats for my first 12k hands at 10NL. I was wondering if my "money won without showdown" line is too low? I have tightened up noticeably since I first started (From maybe 22%vpip to 18% now) i giving up too much before showdown? I've been focusing on not playing many marginal hands out of position and getting into reverse implied odd situations, at least at such low levels where i don't really need to balance my range. OTOH, I still could get a little more aggressive in the CO and BTN. If anyone has any observations or advice, that'd be greatly appreciated.

edit: my flop, turn and river AF's are 4.53, 2.31, and 2.02 respectively

Last edited by sj2010; 04-03-2008 at 12:18 AM.
04-03-2008 , 02:06 AM
Why do I run so bad? Some advice please? Seems like I've been running into some bad luck. I 3 bet EP and a maniac goes all in with 59 offsuit. I can with my AK since I knew he was going all in w/ random junk and he ends up winning the pot get trip 5s.

04-03-2008 , 03:56 AM
sigh, if only i didnt run like complete crap at 100NL. i actually thought i was playing BETTER at 100NL too. on a side note, anyone think my current NL50 run is sustainable?

[x] nit
[x] small sample size
[x] prob end up playing 50NL forever
04-03-2008 , 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by tenringer
I feel as though derosnec is speaking directly to me as I'm making this post, but I'm making it anyway because I'll take any help I can get. This is my month at 25NL, I beat 10NL last month...but that's 10NL. I've got about 40k hands total under my belt. I've been focusing on developing the basic abc TAG style foundation for my play...I'm very confident preflop but I think my stats would definitely suggest that I'm struggling postflop. I don't cbet every flop but I also don't only cbet when I hit. I am aware of heads up vs. multiway in my play. Board texture and hand reading sound like probable culprits for my poor win rate. I probably need to use position to my advantage more as well (I know that playing in position is good, trying to grasp how to maximize it though).

I suspect I might not be playing aggressive enough? Quit playing scared, double barrel more, and value bet more on the river (or more in general)?

Anyway…any helpful comments on my stats would be much appreciated. I'd also appreciate any suggestions on the best way to improve my game at this point. So far I've read the 2+2 SSNL anthology, Phil Gordon's Little Green Book, Super Systems 1 and 2, watched a bunch of the SSNL videos and just a few days ago got a CR membership. I've also been lurking these forums and have finally registered and plan to start posting. I generally read or watch video for ~30 minutes before each session where I usually put in about 1000 hands 4-tabling.
Value bet more in general and work on picking up the pots no-one wants. Start playing back when someone cbets into you a lot and dont be afraid to double barrel vs the right people in the right spots.

looks like you might be able to minimise your loses from the SB if you tighten up. Complete less hands because playing OOP is so much harder than IP. Maybe 3bet out of the BB/SB more than calling, espicially CO/BTN opens.

Make notes on who gives up easily in smaller pots, who is multitabling etc because they are less likely to care if you are picking up these pots. Cbet a bit more and bet when checked to some more in raised/limped pots; your flop AF is a little low i think.

Also from your stats it looks like you prefer calling on the BTN to 3betting. This is prolly fine right now but as moving up you will find yourself getting squeezed a lot more, so you may want to start 3betting and working out what flops to cbet vs. which villains and getting used to 3bet pots.

Overall though your sample size isnt huge so you may just be running a bit meh. Doing all these things will help you get the winrate up and with experience and practice you should be able to become a bigger winner without making any huge changes.
04-03-2008 , 08:33 AM
Originally Posted by icoNn
Here are some stats that I would really enjoy if somebody took a look at for me. The sample size is only 4000 hands, but almost all of my EV graphs are similar (Green line far under red/blue). I need to figure out how to fix this problem as I know I am losing a ton of value. My stats are normalyl closer to 18.5/14 or so, but this same is a little nittier for whatever reason.


Sample size is too small really.

But simply: Play tighter from the blinds. Raise more preflop (be more aggressive). Bet more turns.
04-03-2008 , 08:37 AM
Ok, whenever the blue line is above the red line, you run better than you should
if your green line is below the blue line, you need to learn how to play postflop and win w/o showdown.
if your green line is way below your blue line, you need to retool your game
04-03-2008 , 09:46 AM
Mh so I cut down my cbet % from autobetting every flop to like 70% and my wswf is like down to 39% cuz of that over last 4k hands.

Time to go back to autocbetting every flop lol?

Originally Posted by Spurious
Ok, whenever the blue line is above the red line, you run better than you should
if your green line is below the blue line, you need to learn how to play postflop and win w/o showdown.
if your green line is way below your blue line, you need to retool your game
You can run above all in equity and still be running bad if you get coolered alot or run bad in non shodwon pots(i.e. ppl never folding to cbets/double barrels/3bets/ other bluffs where they normally fold a high % of the time).

If green is below blue it can also just mean your running bad as mentioned above

blue above green is fairly standard if you tableselect very well and play most of your pots against drooling stations that wont fold a piece.
04-03-2008 , 09:59 AM
I have to disagree with you.
Coolers dont happen often enough, the blue line wont me manipulated too much, short term you are right, but long term definitely not.

And it's not all about table selecting...
I tableselect well (brag, sorry :P), and my green line is still above my blue.
If you play really well postflop the green line is way above your blue line.
04-03-2008 , 10:02 AM
Ofc it has smthg to do with how you tableselect, at a table full of nits you win most money in non showdown pots, whilst at a table full of stations you win most at showdown.

Also depends how much you like variance, if you get into a postflop spot where calling or folding have the same ev, if u call everytime it shows as showdown winnings/losses whilst folding everytime just shows up as non showdown loss.
