Originally Posted by HappyPixel
25NL. I find the main issue is fitting everything on the screen clearly. I've tried playing 9 tables before, and I found I could cope pretty well apart from everything being really tiny and my HUD cluttering everything up (I only have a 20" widescreen). I've tried cascading and it tilts me so much, lol.
I might try connecting my old 17" monitor as a second screen, should be able to play 8-10 tables if it works out.
Also I used to play longer sessions when I was at Party, I really need to work on that.
I use the Custom Layout Feature on Stars to combine tiling and cascading, which is kind of a compromise but has several good things going for it:
* keeps good overview like tiling
* lot's of tables possible as if you were stacking/cascading
* any table can be selected if you want to see a showdown or something
* relatively big tables (stats are reasonably big)
* room for Winamp controls
Here's a screenshot of a 12 tables setup. Haven't played more than 12 but it's obviously extendable to as many tables you like. For 8 tables I use 4 cascades of 2 tables, for 10 tables 5x2 (one cascade in the center of the screen)