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Official pacific poker regulars thread Official pacific poker regulars thread

11-14-2009 , 12:22 PM
sorry this is ssnl ... but hey fero015 would you stop sitting at 8 HU200nl tables waiting for action? you are just starting an arms race since all the regs will now do this. And i think we will all suffer when a player sees 35+ waiting tables and decides he would rather sit at full ring than deal with sharks. I always though it was etiquette to sit at 2 tables max.
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-14-2009 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by downbytheriver
sorry this is ssnl ... but hey fero015 would you stop sitting at 8 HU200nl tables waiting for action? you are just starting an arms race since all the regs will now do this. And i think we will all suffer when a player sees 35+ waiting tables and decides he would rather sit at full ring than deal with sharks. I always though it was etiquette to sit at 2 tables max.
thank christ someone else is speaking out about this
etiquettte is 2 tables
these guys are killing the stakes doing this
and theres a lot of idiots doing it
who all usually exclusively bunmhunt which causes an even bigger problem
think if everyone emailed 888 it might help
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-14-2009 , 02:03 PM
Yuv is alive.

Will the store be open before Xmas? Or do you have to go with the company line of "It will be open when it's ready"?
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-14-2009 , 02:07 PM
in another thread they said the store is set to roll out before the mid of 2010
another 888 fail
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-14-2009 , 03:29 PM
stop acting all tough and mighty luckyfishz you're not any better than the total bumhunters of this site
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-14-2009 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by Fayth
stop acting all tough and mighty luckyfishz you're not any better than the total bumhunters of this site
a pre christmas miracle
kuchiki standing up for lucyrobe
do u know this guys username on pac?

Last edited by lucyrobe; 11-14-2009 at 04:27 PM.
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-14-2009 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Fayth
stop acting all tough and mighty luckyfishz you're not any better than the total bumhunters of this site
whatever dude, u win. just no wonder u and lucyrobes are the biggest idiots on the site.
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-14-2009 , 08:34 PM

Would you be able to get a cap on the number of HU tables a player can be sitting out alone at. Perhaps cap it at 2 per player per stake.

Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-15-2009 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by LuckyfishZ
whatever dude, u win. just no wonder u and lucyrobes are the biggest idiots on the site.
im with you LuckyFishZ gogogo
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-15-2009 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by LuckyfishZ
whatever dude, u win. just no wonder u and lucyrobes are the biggest idiots on the site.
hahahahaha yea prob the 2 biggest winnerz at Heads Up on 888 are the biggest idiots on the site..stfu u ******
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-15-2009 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by torontoooo
hahahahaha yea prob the 2 biggest winnerz at Heads Up on 888 are the biggest idiots on the site..stfu u ******
i havent had a winning month in HU poker this year!i'm nearly broke so thats nt true.i'm moving down to nl50 next week..
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-15-2009 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by torontoooo
hahahahaha yea prob the 2 biggest winnerz at Heads Up on 888 are the biggest idiots on the site..stfu u ******
Why don't you stfu bumping this ***** thread every 5 days to discuss meaningless who the best 'regs' are?

Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-15-2009 , 12:28 PM
wow, lucyrobe has some ego problems.
you gotta find some friends that will listen to your brag
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-15-2009 , 12:30 PM
and stop coming to this online forum to berate anybody that
doesnt think ur the world's greatest

im sure you're a douche IRL
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-15-2009 , 02:50 PM
hit the 60k VIP mark today..didnt I find out they review the statuses once a month so I need to wait until the end of the month. This is probably gonna cost me at least $1k in FPP bonuses

really really close to just cashing out and leaving this ******ed network.
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-15-2009 , 03:12 PM
deposited on pac the other day played one session never been so confused in my life.

cashed out again now

might tackle this site again when i feel braver
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-15-2009 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by ShortstackCat
hit the 60k VIP mark today..didnt I find out they review the statuses once a month so I need to wait until the end of the month. This is probably gonna cost me at least $1k in FPP bonuses

really really close to just cashing out and leaving this ******ed network.
You should have read the Terms and Conditions first. VIP status is not for shortstackers.
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-15-2009 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by koxx
You should have read the Terms and Conditions first. VIP status is not for shortstackers.
what makes u think i ma shortstacker? i m a 200nl 6max reg
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-15-2009 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by ShortstackCat
what makes u think i ma shortstacker? i m a 200nl 6max reg
LOL idiot
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-15-2009 , 08:48 PM
huh? am i getting leveled here or am i leveling myself?

Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-15-2009 , 09:07 PM
Dear lucyrobe,

It seems that a 50NL grinder sat out against you once and now you think you are the next Durrr. Amusing as your rants in this thread are, it's time to STFU. You refuse to play myself and other regs at 5/10+ after playing like 20 hands. Then you move down and cry when people don't play you. I don't know whether this 'lucyrobe the Sick, Scourge of the Bumhunters' act is a conscious facade, or the result of some impressive feat of self-delusion, but one thing's for sure, it's pathetic and we're tired of it.

You're a bumhunter like everyone else, just a particularly loud, hypocritical and stupid one.

Wishing you immediate busto,
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-15-2009 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by molotom
Dear lucyrobe,

It seems that a 50NL grinder sat out against you once and now you think you are the next Durrr. Amusing as your rants in this thread are, it's time to STFU. You refuse to play myself and other regs at 5/10+ after playing like 20 hands. Then you move down and cry when people don't play you. I don't know whether this 'lucyrobe the Sick, Scourge of the Bumhunters' act is a conscious facade, or the result of some impressive feat of self-delusion, but one thing's for sure, it's pathetic and we're tired of it.

You're a bumhunter like everyone else, just a particularly loud, hypocritical and stupid one.

Wishing you immediate busto,
hahahahah such a good post. Im glad there are some ppl left in this thread with intelligence.
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-16-2009 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by nachunja
and stop coming to this online forum to berate anybody that
doesnt think ur the world's greatest

im sure you're a douche IRL
wheres the brags exactly?
you must be reading the wrong forum
i'm done with this gay **** anyway, I'm not posting anymore
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-16-2009 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by LuckyfishZ
hahahahah such a good post. Im glad there are some ppl left in this thread with intelligence.
i really couldn't give a fu c k guys
it's my own fault i never should have started arguing with fools in the first place and this is now such a waste of my time
so gl to both of you guys

Last edited by lucyrobe; 11-16-2009 at 02:44 AM.
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
11-16-2009 , 04:02 AM
Originally Posted by nachunja
and stop coming to this online forum to berate anybody that
doesnt think ur the world's greatest

im sure you're a douche IRL
oh and one last thing before i sign off

this is supposed to be a MID-STAKES thread
you play nl50 and nl100
maybe this is why you are constantly mad
so sad
go find a microstakes forum and keep grubbing around *******
Official pacific poker regulars thread Quote
