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01-11-2023 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by 0NoobiePoker0
Is this all it takes?

Probably not. But I figure a little reminder can't hurt.
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01-11-2023 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by newguyhere
Probably not. But I figure a little reminder can't hurt.
Uri talks about having three signs up when you play. Bluff on one side, Fold on the other and Focus in the middle. That thought process does go a long way to keeping in-game actions simple and effective.
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01-12-2023 , 01:07 AM
Remember when convenience stores used to have lists behind the counter of customers not to accept checks from? I need one of those but for players not to bluffcatch against.
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01-12-2023 , 09:17 AM
like a color tag?
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01-12-2023 , 03:06 PM
Hey guys, I'm seeing other posts that say 50nl bonition reg tables is not much tougher than 25nl bonition reg tables. For those who have played both, what was the dropoff in WR for you?
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01-12-2023 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by thr33bet
Hey guys, I'm seeing other posts that say 50nl bonition reg tables is not much tougher than 25nl bonition reg tables. For those who have played both, what was the dropoff in WR for you?
Its not at all harder, you may even find it easier. At 50nl people play looser, i feel like i saw a lot more crazy stuff compared to 25nl being tighter. But you will get 3bet and 4bet more so you will have to get used to that, but they are still 3 and 4betting at nowhere near optimal. Go for it. Its definitely not tougher.
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01-13-2023 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by newguyhere
Wow i slmost didn't recognize him. This is fantastic thanks for sharing this.
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01-17-2023 , 03:42 PM
Officially shot-taking 500nl now, let's get some prayers for run-good
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01-17-2023 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by 0NoobiePoker0
Today’s Wordle ended my best streak of 127. LOL
try it was created by 2p2's own gabethebabe, he did just sell it though but it's a super hard version of the game

here's the thread about it
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01-17-2023 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
try it was created by 2p2's own gabethebabe, he did just sell it though but it's a super hard version of the game

here's the thread about it
Cool will check it out, thanks!
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01-17-2023 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by JohnRusty
Officially shot-taking 500nl now, let's get some prayers for run-good
gl gl gl
Official Online NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-17-2023 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by JohnRusty
Officially shot-taking 500nl now, let's get some prayers for run-good
Nice, me too, I had a $1600 weekend, would like a few more of those lol. Good luck!!
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01-22-2023 , 11:19 PM
Ive lost 25 buyins in 4 days. Ive been playing poker for many years and ive ran bad plenty of times but ive never run this bad. This is about 6 mos worth of work gone in 4 days. It never goes up that fast, but when you lose it its in the blink of an eye. I think in this 4 day period ive had to have run in the bottom .1% possible. Ive had kings 8 times against aces, plus adding the QQ and JJ against aces in wide range spots and vs 75bb stacks, etc, ive lost count.

My opponents have the nuts every time i make a hand. They 3bet A6o oop and get there. They call 4bets oop w Q10o and get there. Ive lost set vs set 5 times. Ive lost flush vs flush in 3bet pots several times. Every time i bluff with good blockers they have the exact hand im repping.

Even the guys with 30bb stacks have aces every time.

I think i heard Phil Galfond say at some point you will run worse than you ever thought was possible and it will make you want to quit poker. For a month before this i ran the best ive ever run in my life. Ive lost way more than what i made on that run and i moved up from 50 to 100nl in that time so its way worse.
Official Online NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-22-2023 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by YanasaurBBQ
it never goes up that fast, but when you lose it its in the blink of an eye.
Ain't that the truth.

As someone who's been running bad for the last few months (at least 3 days of losing 10+ buyins), I totally get where you're coming from. I just realized yesterday that I've had KK about 40 times at 10nl since November, and haven't won a single buy-in in that time frame.

But it does get better.

Some things that have helped me....

1. Watching live play videos. Hearing someone better than me explain their thoughts can be really insightful.

2. Sitting out immediately after losing a big hand. Whether it was a cooler, bad beat, or just a bluff/bluff catch gone wrong. I'll try to take a breather and walk around my apartment, do some push ups, play the guitar for a few.

3. Setting a stop/loss. This is something I just started recently, but if I notice I'm down 3 or 4 buy ins in a session, I'll just quit and do something else.
Official Online NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-23-2023 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by YanasaurBBQ
Ive lost 25 buyins in 4 days. Ive been playing poker for many years and ive ran bad plenty of times but ive never run this bad. This is about 6 mos worth of work gone in 4 days. It never goes up that fast, but when you lose it its in the blink of an eye. I think in this 4 day period ive had to have run in the bottom .1% possible. Ive had kings 8 times against aces, plus adding the QQ and JJ against aces in wide range spots and vs 75bb stacks, etc, ive lost count.

My opponents have the nuts every time i make a hand. They 3bet A6o oop and get there. They call 4bets oop w Q10o and get there. Ive lost set vs set 5 times. Ive lost flush vs flush in 3bet pots several times. Every time i bluff with good blockers they have the exact hand im repping.

Even the guys with 30bb stacks have aces every time.

I think i heard Phil Galfond say at some point you will run worse than you ever thought was possible and it will make you want to quit poker. For a month before this i ran the best ive ever run in my life. Ive lost way more than what i made on that run and i moved up from 50 to 100nl in that time so its way worse.
Sorry to hear man, that's really rough. I personally have never had run bad that wasn't also included with some major play bad here and there too. So I like to step away for a few days when that happens to clear my head and check all those spots I thought were really great bluffs, etc. Just to make sure I'm indeed making the best decisions I can. I typically always find areas that I was dumping off more money than I should've. So take some time to step back and evaluate your game a bit and use it as a springboard to being a more disciplined player moving forward and hopefully the run bad ends soon.
Official Online NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-23-2023 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by 0NoobiePoker0
Sorry to hear man, that's really rough. I personally have never had run bad that wasn't also included with some major play bad here and there too. So I like to step away for a few days when that happens to clear my head and check all those spots I thought were really great bluffs, etc. Just to make sure I'm indeed making the best decisions I can. I typically always find areas that I was dumping off more money than I should've. So take some time to step back and evaluate your game a bit and use it as a springboard to being a more disciplined player moving forward and hopefully the run bad ends soon.
So true, and also why I try to step away after losing 3 buyins in a session.

I've just come to accept at that point I won't even be playing my B game, and that's how a -3 BI session can easily turn into a -10 BI session.
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01-23-2023 , 11:52 AM
Another thing that has helped me when running bad is I'll just set my PT4 up to see that day's stats. I'll do that for a few weeks sometimes, just looking at the current day. That way I'm not looking at charts and red numbers all over the place and getting in a mood about it. Each day it's fresh stats to look at and that helps keep me in the moment, concentrating on just playing my best poker that day, instead of just getting more and more pissed about the recent past.
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01-23-2023 , 01:05 PM
Thanks guys appreciate it. I know for sure there are spots in this run where ive dusted off more than i should have because i was no longer playing my A game and either made a bad call or bad bluff.

Id estimate that of those 25 buyins, 5-8 of them were lost due to bad play on top of the variance.

I had come in to this very excited about how much progress ive made and finally winning really money as a 100nl reg.

Its extremely emotionally painful to think about how hard its going to be to slowly back up to that level over months when i lost it all in such a short amount of time.

Grind up small winnings over a long period of time in 50nl, grind up more in 100nl, immediately lose it all plus more at the higher limit. Doesnt make sense to use up all your normal/rungood at a smaller limit and then have horrible runbad at the higher limit. That math doesnt add up to ever winning money.

Im not going to move back down. I will either blow up my roll or win.
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01-23-2023 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by YanasaurBBQ

Im not going to move back down. I will either blow up my roll or win.
As someone who has done this countless times.


Unless you can easily deposit back to 100nl.
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01-23-2023 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by YanasaurBBQ
Im not going to move back down. I will either blow up my roll or win.

I had some runbad end of last year @ 10NL and ultimately was left with only 6 or 7 buy-ins. I moved down to 5NL, where I ran like god *and* opponents are much worse. I was able to rebuild a 150€ bankroll for 10NL pretty quickly.

Moving down to rebuild and gain confidence again seems a wise strategy.
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01-23-2023 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by newguyhere
As someone who has done this countless times.


Unless you can easily deposit back to 100nl.
I can easily deposit again, not that i want to. I started w 100 3 years ago and grinded from 5nl to 100. Im being stupid and emotional right now though. What i should have done is go back to 50 to ride out the storm after the runbad first started and i lost like 5 buyins real quick. Ive done stuff like that countless times as i grinded up but i failed to do it this time
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01-23-2023 , 01:27 PM
By the way...

My "real" bankroll is more like ~ 90 NL10 buy-ins. I leave far less on my poker account because I withdraw progressively the money I earn and send it to a bank saving account. Sometimes I feel like my bankroll is thin for 10NL even though it's absolutely not the case.

I wonder if I should try 25NL. On one hand I have the required bankroll, which I built only from playing. On the other hand my winrate @ 10NL is less than stellar, a bit less than 5 BB/100. I win money surely, but sloooowly. But also I pay 8 BB/100 in rake!

Should I move up? I guess yes, because it makes no sense staying at 10NL paying 8 BB/100 to win 5 BB/100. Not that the rake structure is much better @ NL25, but I guess I need to try to move up until I reach a stake where the rake becomes a bit more acceptable.
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01-23-2023 , 01:30 PM
If you want to take a shot, I would recommend

1. Do it at the time of day when fish are the most active on your site
2. Table select
3. Play at most 2 tables so you can really focus on exploiting the fish
Official Online NLHE Chat Thread Quote
01-23-2023 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by boulgakov

I had some runbad end of last year @ 10NL and ultimately was left with only 6 or 7 buy-ins. I moved down to 5NL, where I ran like god *and* opponents are much worse. I was able to rebuild a 150€ bankroll for 10NL pretty quickly.

Moving down to rebuild and gain confidence again seems a wise strategy.
You are absolutely right. I need to take a small break and move down until things get better. Ive been playing poker in some form or other for over 20 yrs and have never experienced such a hugely negative swing in such a short period. Ive weathered many runbad periods and kept my cool but this one got me im sad to say
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