Originally Posted by the_main
ive mentioned it itt before but 'two jacks in the hole' is a really good podcast
its on pokerroad but its a comedy podcast done by scott huff and joe stapelton
+1 was going to post that too. here's my other subscriptions
- Espn Page 2
- BS Report
- NBA Today
- DP show
- Hey Ball (it's with joe tall and someone else. not really about poker)
- The Moth (it's live recordings of people telling stories. a lot of them are really epic. someone on 2p2 linked an episode where steve from blues clues fame talks about a weird date with a 10 which involved going to a birthday party in character and having the dates mom pitch him a childrens book)
oh and PTI show has a podcast too
Last edited by GoodGame; 11-14-2010 at 11:15 PM.