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11-03-2011 , 05:37 PM
So yea after the shortest career wall st has ever seen my firm goes busto and then it turns out they were pulling a howard lederer on their clients and it's the biggest ****ing ****storm i've ever seen. This has to be the worst beat I've ever taken. Poker house anyone? At least I witnessed first hand an epic blowup and can say I was part of the 8th largest bankruptcy in history.
11-03-2011 , 05:44 PM cliffs from the last few months: keep all your $ under your mattress.
11-03-2011 , 05:45 PM
11-03-2011 , 05:45 PM
11-03-2011 , 05:56 PM
wow you were with MF? My condolences... Are you gunna try to get a similar job at a different firm?
11-03-2011 , 05:59 PM
try for another 1 outer? Absolutely.
11-03-2011 , 06:01 PM
them having hired you has to be a signaling device to other firms... though not sure now if good or bad signal
11-03-2011 , 06:03 PM
holy smokes!
11-03-2011 , 06:04 PM
meh I'm not even a little worried about it reflecting poorly on me but that doesn't make the job market any better
11-03-2011 , 06:04 PM
Thats so fked up. I'm guessing someone is going to jail for less than 2 years over this.
11-03-2011 , 06:20 PM
What a shocker!

Sucks for you though. :/
11-03-2011 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by livegrinder

Also, 2-300g of protein in 1 sitting? What the **** are you eating? iirc 3oz of chicken breast has 26g of protein so that's equivelent to eating 40 oz of chicken breast.
i like big portions

11-03-2011 , 06:45 PM
Condolences PC Come to Miami w amuro and I
11-03-2011 , 07:12 PM
HA! Pretty sure I'd rather kill myself than step foot in the hard rock ever again. Seriously I just realized I don't even have a car anymore and I have 10 months left on my lease for my overpriced, pitifully small apartment.
11-03-2011 , 07:14 PM
PC - You can get your real estate company to take it back a lot of the time. They'll have to rent it, but they'll try to do it usually. At least when I wanted out of mine in NYC, they said they'd do it when I called them.
11-03-2011 , 07:34 PM
Yea I can probably get out of it, might have to eat a couple month's rent though. I rented it from an individual so I'll just have to talk to him directly and work it out.
11-03-2011 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by Asa Akira
I think chicken generally has 25-27g protein for every 4oz... with that said, I can easily scarf down 2.5 lbs of perfectly seasoned chicken in one sitting, but usually space it out cuz can't cook it all at once.
How do you afford (lol look where I am) 2.5 pounds of chicken breast at each time? Chicken breast is $6/pound usually.. (also what is up with chicken breast with rib meat? These are usually $2/pound.. what's the negative health risks to these?) So that's $15 a meal..

(although typing it out doesn't seem that bad..)

Last edited by livegrinder; 11-03-2011 at 08:15 PM. Reason: holy **** PC
11-03-2011 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by livegrinder
How do you afford (lol look where I am) 2.5 pounds of chicken breast at each time? Chicken breast is $6/pound usually.. (also what is up with chicken breast with rib meat? These are usually $2/pound.. what's the negative health risks to these?) So that's $15 a meal..

(although typing it out doesn't seem that bad..)
In reality I probably eat 1-2 lbs a day; just saying I could eat 2.5-3lbs if I wanted to and it wouldn't be that hard, and that'd be on par with 200+g of protein. And yes the chicken breasts I buy are 5.99-6.99/lb, so it gets a bit expensive, but nowhere near steak etc so I don't mind paying that.

PC- What do you have against Hard Rock?\

Cashy- Post more food nomnomnom

Last edited by Asa Akira; 11-03-2011 at 08:37 PM.
11-03-2011 , 08:27 PM
damn PC that is really messed up Jesus how does $600MM go missing?!
11-03-2011 , 08:28 PM
Whenever someone does something funny at the tables or I win a big pot I can't stop saying "boom goes the dynamite" in my head in that deadpan voice.
11-03-2011 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by livegrinder
How do you afford (lol look where I am) 2.5 pounds of chicken breast at each time? Chicken breast is $6/pound usually.. (also what is up with chicken breast with rib meat? These are usually $2/pound.. what's the negative health risks to these?) So that's $15 a meal..

(although typing it out doesn't seem that bad..)
just so you know, when i was eating turkey for a week (and i think turkey is almost as cheap if not cheaper than chicken) i was going thru about 1kg or 2.2 lb per day and that cost 10 euro. Cheapest week of food i ever had.
11-03-2011 , 09:03 PM
I hate the hard rock because it's run by a bunch of complete ****ing morons. It's also an ice box in there, 5/10 has a 2k cap and most people buy in for 700-1k but all the ******ed regs convince the fish to make it 5-10-20 but keep the 500min 2k cap so it's short stacking fiesta.
11-03-2011 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by harangutang
damn PC that is really messed up Jesus how does $600MM go missing?!
I doubt it's actually missing as in it's gone completely but it seems like it was diverted and mis-allocated in order to keep the firm liquid while working on a sale. Just seems like such an incredibly stupid thing to do that I'm still shocked. I heard some stuff but I don't really want to speculate until I'm officially laid off.
11-03-2011 , 09:10 PM
I am broke for $20 a day meals .

Also, chicken breast w/rib meat, what's the deal there?

Also, how's the 2/5 game at the hard rock?
11-04-2011 , 12:31 AM
lol it's funny you mention hard rock being an icebox... when I originally posted that question I was going to say "unless you just really hate being cold, but you lived in Norway so I doubt that's the reason." I forgot a sweatshirt last time I went and was ****ing shivering out of control. It was a solid 5/10 table with 8 fish. I specifically told one of the floor guys there to come get me if I got off a waitlist bc I didn't want to play 5/10 all night and it was way too loud to hear them from the high stakes room, and of course they skipped over me when it was my turn to hop into the 10/25, so I feel you on the incompetence part.

Funny story from Hard Rock a few weeks ago:
I'm playing 5/10NL while on the waitlist for the 10/25 that's going as well as the 50/100NL mixed with 25/50PLO. I walk over to the big game for a really interesting hand. After a series of raises preflop, 2 players end up with 23k each in the middle in a PLO round. Their hands are:


Comes like Q66Jx and the idiot that gets in a pair of jacks for 460bb scoops an almost 50k pot. From 5th on the list it goes without saying that I never got into the game

Last edited by Asa Akira; 11-04-2011 at 12:39 AM.
