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11-17-2010 , 11:10 AM
Ew depositing on UB sucks
11-17-2010 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by gateswi
thx for the help skraper, you the man!
I try
11-17-2010 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by skraper
he most definitely had a folding range
which would't be that terrible an outcome. He needs 26,5% equity to
call. Granted the hands he would (?) fold don't have that much against AA, but still we don't lose that much EV when he folds because even 72o has 11,5% equity share which he gives up when he folds.

It's just super disastrous if he c/f KcJc on 8s4s3d but would have called a shove with pre.
11-17-2010 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by lumileijona
which would't be that terrible an outcome. He needs 26,5% equity to
call. Granted the hands he would (?) fold don't have that much against AA, but still we don't lose that much EV when he folds because even 72o has 11,5% equity share which he gives up when he folds.

It's just super disastrous if he c/f KcJc on 8s4s3d but would have called a shove with pre.

He was more likely to shove the flop with total air than to call my shove pre with junk. And he still had things like 45o in his range for doing this, which I think he would fold pre, but jam every flop. I got reads yo.
11-17-2010 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by kp1022
i just found out about these crazy NL cash games that are going on in macau right now. holy ****.

seems to be the biggest (NL) cash game ever. ever.
i've always thought that things like this and Bobbie's room would make for one hell of a reality show
11-17-2010 , 11:50 AM
I like to club wit you!
11-17-2010 , 11:51 AM
On a non-random note I am finally going to start playing again after a 6 month hiatus!!! 25NL here I come, watch out!

New HH's by me soon guys
11-17-2010 , 11:58 AM
11-17-2010 , 12:24 PM
11-17-2010 , 12:37 PM
Not too bad first shot at NL30. Biggest winning day in $'s and biggest won(over 100$) pot. 3 badly played hands(plus the biggest pot made pf raise too small) though so not everything went perfect.

Bankroll now over 950$. Not too bad since august started with 10$ deposit

11-17-2010 , 12:39 PM
you play on ongame tneva?
11-17-2010 , 12:44 PM
AHHHHHH this month was going so well

11-17-2010 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by fsn
you play on ongame tneva?
Nowadays yes. Since I got into coaching project was required to play there anyway as coaching was there(and since ongame site gave 200$ cash it's kinda hard to say "I won't play there") and then realised just how FISHY tables are there. Plus I'm getting more bonuses at ongame due to first depo bonus. Not sure how it works out once that is over but atleast for now...Well compared to ages for stellar bonus(never figured what good FPP's were for microgrinder. Bonuses took ages to get) I get LOT faster.

Also for finnish grinder the fact ongame is tax free while pokerstars is taxed is something of a bonus

If you play at NL20(or now NL30 I guess...Prolly now can play at NL30 pretty comfortably. Maybe NL20 tables if there's not enough good NL30 tables available. Bloody no waiting lists...) you should spot me pretty fast allright I have virtually same nick there. Never bothered to hide my nick :P
11-17-2010 , 12:49 PM
JEC, thats HU right?
11-17-2010 , 12:50 PM
Dint, what did you play till u got your 10k br? Did u just play 50NL till then, or mixed it with 100 and 200NL?
11-17-2010 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Dint
JEC, thats HU right?
nope 6-max
11-17-2010 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Swiiftx
Dint, what did you play till u got your 10k br? Did u just play 50NL till then, or mixed it with 100 and 200NL?
50nl until ~5k then mainly 100nl with a bit of 200nl
11-17-2010 , 12:56 PM
@tneva (too lazy to quote): nah don't play on ongame, just asking bc it's the only room offering nl30 that i know of. Follow up question would've been 'why', but you already answered. Actually played a few hands on friends paf account last week. Didn't rly try but seemed hard to find tables with over 50bb avg stacks. And holy **** the software is bad
You should check out ipoker when you get a chance. Nice rb deals and it's also tax free. didn't like it myself but maybe it suits you if you can stand ongame
11-17-2010 , 12:56 PM
how long did it take to get to 5k playing 50NL?
11-17-2010 , 01:00 PM
i've had some really interesting days playing some of my highest volume ever in NL100 Rush. Doubled my FTP to 139,000 in just a few days lol. The sessions have been really weird and tilting though with me starting each session super aggressive and running into the nuts or having villains make ridiculously impossible calls. I'm usually like 6-8 bi down in the first two hours and tilting like a mad man. Then I go on this sick run and have multiple tables +600BB deep. Yesterday I went from -$864 to +$1270.
11-17-2010 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Swiiftx
how long did it take to get to 5k playing 50NL?
about a month including rakeback
11-17-2010 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by Dint
about a month including rakeback
ppffff you are leaving out the months of sucking
11-17-2010 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by fsn
@tneva (too lazy to quote): nah don't play on ongame, just asking bc it's the only room offering nl30 that i know of. Follow up question would've been 'why', but you already answered. Actually played a few hands on friends paf account last week. Didn't rly try but seemed hard to find tables with over 50bb avg stacks. And holy **** the software is bad
Yeah client isn't that great but juicy tables. Shorties yes but then again they are very bad shoving with random junk so relatively easy 30-40bb's. They aren't pro shortstackers. Just bad fish. And generally only few guys are shorties. Might be stake difference though. What stake you tried?

Also there's advantage for me that I have loooots of hands from guys here already. Helps to spot fishesh and how to exploit them better if I have like 1k+ hands from regs and even from bad players 500+
11-17-2010 , 01:12 PM
i sucked at 25nl, when i played 50nl rush my heater started immediately

if u want to know how long i've been playing for in total its like 4 months

i also played a month of 2nl/5nl back at the beginning of last year
11-17-2010 , 01:22 PM
if u deposit with a credit card do u have to pay cash advance fees
