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@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ @@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@

11-20-2013 , 06:29 PM
First time i agree with exo.

Luck does factor in where we were born and we should all be thankful for not being raised in some Syria like country or others facing with extreme poverty or hunger. Obv there are people there that made it, live better by hard work or circumstances that allowed them to move into a safer place.

Imo we should all strive to improve as individuals and help others that we have contact with because we are not granted to live the next day and what we leave behind us is all that remains when we are gone.

TLdr, not trying to find the meaning of life, but having the worst period of my life yet and trying to be grateful for what i have.

Also it's pointless to waste time on this forum bashing others when most of the people still active here have put effort into helping the community.

Nothing personal with YF, don't think that he is mean or miserable just has a big ego like most people playing poker but i think we all change at some point when we face difficult times in life.
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 06:30 PM
All I'm going to say is that you probably don't realise just how harmful your posts are in a forum that is supposed to be helpful.

And I'm being really serious here.
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 06:38 PM
Right, helpful sure, but you definitely can't say I haven't contributed to this forum.

All my **** posting goes on in the goals/progress threads (where i do encourage posters, you just choose to not take note of that as it's the "norm") or the stars reg thread which is LC.

edit: i guess im not done lol

Last edited by youfaiil2; 11-20-2013 at 06:45 PM.
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 06:47 PM
another +1 to everything ponty and njd said. i always skip through posts i anticipate to be annoying (usually some of YF's and some of exo's sorry guys), not only on this forum, so it doesn't bother me at all but still. overusing my mouse wheel scrolling down

@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 06:50 PM
The truth is that youfail is 20-21 years old(forgot which one), it is for sure abit of immaturity on his part + the fact this is all over the internet & inherently we are less sensitive considering we aren't face to face to see the reactions of the other person we are saying whatever to nor do we understand what problems each other on here may be going through irl. End of the day though YF is young, immature in some ways & if you put things into context you shouldn't take his commentary as hurtful & just move on.
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 06:52 PM
Can we draw a line under this now ?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and they have made their feelings clear but lets not turn it into a witch hunt against one poster.

Im sure YF will think about what has been said and deal with it accordingly.
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 06:56 PM
another +1 to everything ponty and njd said. i always skip through posts i anticipate to be annoying (usually some of YF's and some of exo's sorry guys),
no wonder you're +1'ing when you dont even ****ing read my posts, its like me saying a book is **** without ever reading it.

The truth is that youfail is 20-21 years old(forgot which one), it is for sure abit of immaturity on his part + the fact this is all over the internet & inherently we are less sensitive considering we aren't face to face to see the reactions of the other person we are saying whatever to nor do we understand what problems each other on here may be going through irl. End of the day though YF is young, immature in some ways & if you put things into context you shouldn't take his commentary as hurtful & just move on.
dont really disagree with this, especially the not being face to face part, i would never say the things i do on here in person lol.
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Hap_Hazard
Can we draw a line under this now ?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and they have made their feelings clear but lets not turn it into a witch hunt against one poster.

Im sure YF will think about what has been said and deal with it accordingly.
I tried to do that but it never happens, people are way too happy to just argue with me, even though it doesn't go anywhere.

I even tried to get ponty to pm me as im sure people are bored hell with the "youfaiils so bad, his posts are so mean and hurtful, why does he do that? i wonder what a psychologist would say" bull**** that comes up every so often.
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Exothermic
The truth is that youfail is 20-21 years old(forgot which one), it is for sure abit of immaturity on his part + the fact this is all over the internet & inherently we are less sensitive considering we aren't face to face to see the reactions of the other person we are saying whatever to nor do we understand what problems each other on here may be going through irl. End of the day though YF is young, immature in some ways & if you put things into context you shouldn't take his commentary as hurtful & just move on.
So he's 20 or 21...what's your point? He's an adult. It's not an age/maturity issue, it's a character issue.
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 07:40 PM
Improved my blind game a whole lot this month. Too small of a sample to say definitely but probably got from losing like 80-90bb/100 to 40-60bb/100.
Definitely need to fix ****loads of leaks in my C-beting game too.

Oh and carry on with the argument, didn't mean to interrupt.
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by MrSawyer
So he's 20 or 21...what's your point? He's an adult. It's not an age/maturity issue, it's a character issue.
lol how can you call it like that, you dont know me well enough, all youve read are a far posts on the internet by myself, its hardly representative of a persons personality. I doubt even a highly experienced psychologist could go over my posts and make such an astute conclusive statement like you did. Youre also implying that once people reach my age, immaturity is no longer an issue which is a very silly thing to say.

It's not a character issue at all, peoples in person persona's differentiate massively from their online persona.

Originally Posted by Knurt
Improved my blind game a whole lot this month. Too small of a sample to say definitely but probably got from losing like 80-90bb/100 to 40-60bb/100.
Definitely need to fix ****loads of leaks in my C-beting game too.

Oh and carry on with the argument, didn't mean to interrupt.
Nice graph, very impressive showdown line.

Ignore the argument, some people just love to do it, gl for the rest of the month! .
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 07:52 PM
you fail why u stopped playing hu nl50? u had ur best month w that
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by youfaiil2
lol how can you call it like that, you dont know me well enough, all youve read are a far posts on the internet by myself, its hardly representative of a persons personality. I doubt even a highly experienced psychologist could go over my posts and make such an astute conclusive statement like you did. Youre also implying that once people reach my age, immaturity is no longer an issue which is a very silly thing to say.

It's not a character issue at all, peoples in person persona's differentiate massively from their online persona.

Nice graph, very impressive showdown line.

Ignore the argument, some people just love to do it, gl for the rest of the month! .
Such an astute, conclusive statement? I didn't diagnose you with some sort of mental disorder. What I was trying to say was that your recently acquired negative reputation in these forums have nothing to do with age (as Exo suggested) and everything to do with your character. The way you act, the way you treat others. I don't know you or what you've been through or whatever, all I know is when you come into this place you act like an insufferable c*nt, and it's annoying as ****.

That's it for my rant. I don't want to keep giving you the attention you so desperately want.
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by WiththeBlues
you fail why u stopped playing hu nl50? u had ur best month w that
i tilted way too much, plus i wanted to make a run at SN but that looks really unlikely so ill probably return to HU soon.
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 08:10 PM
In before Youfaiil3.


Too much negativity now. A lot has been said and the points made are clear enough. It needs to be taken some where else if you're going to continue to argue.
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by youfaiil2
2) put me on ignore.
Your posts ITT make me wanna gouge my eyes out, so I'm gonna take your advice.
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by youfaiil2
no wonder you're +1'ing when you dont even ****ing read my posts, its like me saying a book is **** without ever reading it.
chill bro, only meant the parts where u start complaining about everything (and willingly/unwillingly insult others while doing so)

Originally Posted by $undance
haha solid
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 09:58 PM
solid grind and wut

@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 10:06 PM
Is that just this month? 8 tabling zoom?

Very impressive.
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by youfaiil2
Is that just this month? 8 tabling zoom?

Very impressive.
Yeah, I got a FT job too, but just got grind head on this month as I want to go Moscow in Jan.
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by youfaiil2
I even tried to get ponty to pm me as im sure people are bored hell with the "youfaiils so bad, his posts are so mean and hurtful, why does he do that? i wonder what a psychologist would say" bull**** that comes up every so often.
You want someone to show you the discretion that you choose not show to the people you criticise publicly here? My replies are purposefully public.

Originally Posted by youfaiil2

It's not a character issue at all, peoples in person persona's differentiate massively from their online persona.
not even sure what this sentence means (maybe saying you are different online to in rl?) This is 100% a character issue. also why be different irl to online? just don't act a dick in either and you will be fine.

Also if you want to continue this discussion i will gladly do it in a new thread in the mirco forum if you want too (I don't want to clutter this place up any more) and I won't do it by pm though.

now then... try to hold yourself back from replying....

And v nice work ployd!
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 10:17 PM

glad im facing standard variance
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 10:54 PM
^you would be down even more without variance ;-)
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-20-2013 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by ILUVTHRILL

glad im facing standard variance
6 buy ins tho, come back when your down 3k at 50nl like njd ehh.
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
11-21-2013 , 03:31 AM
Something to put a smile on YF's face.

This week running a bit meh. My wr at FR is barely above BE. I think its mainly due to me deviating from my usual game rather than me starting to run normal

After playing 10k hands at 25NL 6M, I think I have a good winning strategy there (lol sample size), so moved to 50NL 6M and proceed to dump 8bi over 2 sessions . I think its probably me running bad then me running normal

Yeah, pretty meh week....probably up around $3.50.
@@@*** November 2013 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
