H1: consider folding turn but def fold river. readless, i'm assuming UTG opens a standard range of good aces (AT+, broadway, most PP, and some high suited connectors like 87+)....what does a UTG open and fire 2x with???...I think UTG opens and fires two bullets: sets, 2pr, AK, KJ bluff on flop (turning nuts)...By the turn you only beat A8- which just isn't a large part of villains range (if in it at all). so fold turn.
H2: consider 3betting pre. AP: bet flop. call min raise turn...probably folding this river absent a read. AJ, AK, A6, QJ you can beat that could PSB river but the min raise on turn followed by PSB on river screams I have at least 2pr and lots of times more (feels KTish or set of 6's, J's). I would call the PSB on river absent a turn min raise....At the micro's - beware the min raise - usually is fish trying to build a pot without scaring anyone away - vs. min raises I may be too conservative, but i tend to only proceed on future streets with very strong hands.
Hand 1 is kind of sucky to play. If it was AJo I would just fold pre but it's sooted so you kind of have to call, then you have to call flop, turn is meh, I think folding is best because his range is ahead of you now and we only have 4 clean outs (K). River I think we have to call because the bet is sooo small. All of these comments are v. an unknown, this hand is very villain dependant.