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03-19-2023 , 12:20 AM
Quick background on myself:

I play online almost exclusively in private apps like ClubGg and unraked private games. I’m 20 years old living in the US. I am fully backed.

Okay now onto the session, I’m going to post my HH in the replies. Apologies in advance that they may not be the prettiest to look at as I did not screenshot them, at the time I had to use my phone.

The stakes are 100/200 TWD and 200/400 TWD, this is about 3/6 USD and 6/12 USD, VPIP requirement is 25%, 7max

The session started off relatively slow, about 45 minutes in I lose AK vs QQ for 170BB pre in 100/200, standard hand, rolled low and jammed, nothing to see here although not a great start to things results wise. As the session continues I’m rather card dead and get a few decent hands / hr, struggling to keep my vpip above 25. I stay around -40k TWD (1.2k USD) for this time period. From this point on I got seriously destroyed. I ended my session about 10 hours in, mentally defeated, -215k TWD. This isn’t about a crazy loss in terms of BI or else I wouldn’t be posting this. I am not looking for your sympathy about my unfortunate session, I just want to know your thoughts on a few spots.
03-19-2023 , 12:25 AM

Again, really sorry for this quality. I already ran this hand with some adjusted ranges, but am curious what others have to say. Something to mind is Nirbanana was quite literally spewing, as in if you made a pair vs him you were making over 100bb on AVG, so LJ should be opening wider than normal here and I’m going to be flatting wider. While writing this I’m realizing how ****ing bad overbet turn + river and call jam is. Don’t even reply to this lmao

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03-19-2023 , 12:27 AM

This is a fun hand, thoughts on what better hero calls we have here?

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03-19-2023 , 12:28 AM

Is raise or fold better than hero? Do we get called by worse when we jam but also fold better? Maybe. 4 way pot, I really don’t know.

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03-19-2023 , 12:31 AM
I was thinking we can never fold this since A highs could bet here? Maybe population just isn’t finding the bet, and maybe not for this size. I think this is a clear call but would be open to other opinions

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03-19-2023 , 12:33 AM

This is a clear call to me since Ak with a spade can likely jam here but again maybe population just isn’t finding that.

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03-19-2023 , 12:37 AM

And I was questioning whether I was beating this player heads up with the rake structure but after seeing this I was pretty sure I was beating him. This was the last hand of the night, I didn’t include a bunch of hands because im honestly too tired to write about them. Sad session, if you have any insight into the hands I posted earlier I would love to hear it. Also if you think we can fold here exploitatively for 120bb with AQo lmk(obv in hindsight not).

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03-19-2023 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by DonCue

Is raise or fold better than hero? Do we get called by worse when we jam but also fold better? Maybe. 4 way pot, I really don’t know.

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I generally wouldn't consider raising the river here after check-calling the turn. I'd be suspicious of his line too since it's weird that he wouldn't raise the flop with the value hands he's representing, but it's also hard for him to have many natural bluffs after calling the flop. He'd have to be bluffing with something like JT or TT, right? Is that more likely than him calling the flop with a nutted hand? It's hard to say, and this would definitely be a situation where previous history and notes would be extremely valuable. Definitely take a note that he's capable of slowplaying the nuts in-position.
03-19-2023 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by Wumpy
I generally wouldn't consider raising the river here after check-calling the turn. I'd be suspicious of his line too since it's weird that he wouldn't raise the flop with the value hands he's representing, but it's also hard for him to have many natural bluffs after calling the flop. He'd have to be bluffing with something like JT or TT, right? Is that more likely than him calling the flop with a nutted hand? It's hard to say, and this would definitely be a situation where previous history and notes would be extremely valuable. Definitely take a note that he's capable of slowplaying the nuts in-position.

I think this is a really nice spot to check AT specifically. We unblock all two pairs which almost certainly bet turn so we aren’t losing value to those and that’s a huge part of his range. He’s flatting a load of these Broadway combos pre. So then the question becomes what hands do we jam river with to balance our AT? I’m not sure AK is the answer but it could be. We block Kx two pair which are the exact hands we want to fold, but we also block AT. Arguably AK is better than AQ or AJ though since more Kx should 3! Pre, so his two pairs are more weighted towards J and Qx. Or maybe we just take our bluffs from TT, JT, and QT since we already don’t have many combos of these on the river, it seems like a good set of hands to use as bluffs. So yeah I think we just call most of our AK and jam some TT JT QT as bluffs to balance our 9T AT.

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03-19-2023 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by DonCue

This is a fun hand, thoughts on what better hero calls we have here?

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It's important to consider that your 3/4 pot cbet makes it a lot harder for BB to have air compared to a small cbet. Q2 is probably the best Q-high bluffcatcher you can have in theory so it's probably fine, but if BB is just clicking buttons and ever bluffs with a better hand, then Q2 can become pretty bad.
03-19-2023 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by DonCue
I think this is a really nice spot to check AT specifically. We unblock all two pairs which almost certainly bet turn so we aren’t losing value to those and that’s a huge part of his range. He’s flatting a load of these Broadway combos pre. So then the question becomes what hands do we jam river with to balance our AT? I’m not sure AK is the answer but it could be. We block Kx two pair which are the exact hands we want to fold, but we also block AT. Arguably AK is better than AQ or AJ though since more Kx should 3! Pre, so his two pairs are more weighted towards J and Qx. Or maybe we just take our bluffs from TT, JT, and QT since we already don’t have many combos of these on the river, it seems like a good set of hands to use as bluffs. So yeah I think we just call most of our AK and jam some TT JT QT as bluffs to balance our 9T AT.

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Ok you check AT on the turn, but then you don't check-raise? I would never do that unless it's with maybe exactly AhTh, and even then I'd probably just make that one of the few combos of AT I choose to check-raise instead of barrel. AT seems like a great combo to fastplay specifically because it unblocks strong hands and blocks bluffs.
03-19-2023 , 02:29 AM
can u make one thread per hand? its already brutal to try to read the app hhs and its going to get insanely cluttered with 6 different conversations going on. also man, if you're going to post 10 hands looking for feedback, please no bad beats (Should i fold AQo pre vs guy who jammed ATo!?!) or zomg look how great i am calls in 8 bb pots. all the hands mostly seem whatever though, idk what u want to talk about. q8 is likely a river fold, ak is decently unlikely u win in practice but sure esp in min vpip game when he overcalls button, dont fold TT, q2 seems whatever. it just feels like a vent / validatioin thread as opposed to any real strategy discussion

Last edited by submersible; 03-19-2023 at 02:41 AM.
03-19-2023 , 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by Wumpy
Ok you check AT on the turn, but then you don't check-raise? I would never do that unless it's with maybe exactly AhTh, and even then I'd probably just make that one of the few combos of AT I choose to check-raise instead of barrel. AT seems like a great combo to fastplay specifically because it unblocks strong hands and blocks bluffs.

Yea I see your point. Thanks for the insight

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03-19-2023 , 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by submersible
can u make one thread per hand? its already brutal to try to read the app hhs and its going to get insanely cluttered with 6 different conversations going on. also man, if you're going to post 10 hands looking for feedback, please no bad beats (Should i fold AQo pre vs guy who jammed ATo!?!) or zomg look how great i am calls in 8 bb pots. all the hands mostly seem whatever though, idk what u want to talk about. q8 is likely a river fold, ak is decently unlikely u win in practice but sure esp in min vpip game when he overcalls button, dont fold TT, q2 seems whatever. it just feels like a vent / validatioin thread as opposed to any real strategy discussion

This is one of my first posts ever, apologies for that. But I mean cmon, 8 hands = 10 hands? Just because they are bad beats doesn’t mean we can’t make better decisions? Did you even read the caption to the AQ hand? I quite literally asked if we’d ever fold here for 120bb but obviously not in hindsight. Also how is me asking what other/better hero call see have in a spot showing off? Yes I won the hand, yes it was a fun one bc I have q high, but I’m asking a genuine question because I thought this was one of our best calls, but there could def be better. Thanks for your “this is what I would do but I won’t say why” answers that really helped me out man. Next time before deciding to comment some snarky answers with no explanations, read the ****ing post.

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03-19-2023 , 05:02 AM
This is one of my first posts ever, apologies for that. But I mean cmon, 8 hands = 10 hands? Just because they are bad beats doesn’t mean we can’t make better decisions? Did you even read the caption to the AQ hand? I quite literally asked if we’d ever fold here for 120bb but obviously not in hindsight. Also how is me asking what other/better hero call see have in a spot showing off? Yes I won the hand, yes it was a fun one bc I have q high, but I’m asking a genuine question because I thought this was one of our best calls, but there could def be better. Thanks for your “this is what I would do but I won’t say why” answers that really helped me out man. Next time before deciding to comment some snarky answers with no explanations, read the ****ing post.

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You're really not going to get a lot of constructive feedback if this is your response. I understand people don't look at stickied threads anymore these days, but:

1. Convert your hand. No one wants to read a raw hand history, it's hard to follow and it only takes a few seconds to convert hands with the built-in hand history converter.

Click on the Hand History Converter link to convert. Paste your raw hand history in the box and click the "Convert Hand History" button. It will automatically be inserted into your post. More detailed instructions

2. Post anything relevant to the hand. If you have stats on your opponent, post it. If you have any history/notes about your opponent, write it down. Post about your style and your table image. If you took a non-conventional line, explain why. Be as detailed as you can be, the more information we have, the better our replies will be. Do not post results. It skews advice and is not information you had available when you made the decision.

3. Don't be results oriented. If you had aces on a J84 board and lost to a set, it doesn't mean it was a mistake to get allin. Ask yourself before you post, "If I won this hand, would I ask if it was okay?" If the answer is no, why would you post it if you lost?

4. "I have KK and he shoved preflop, what do I do?" Boring hands like this, and threads about folding sets on non-scary boards, or folding low flushes will be locked. If you lose with a set, KK preflop, or a flush against a higher flush, it's almost always a cooler that you can't avoid. Post it in the monthly uNL Low Content Thread and shrug it off.

5. Post two threads per day, one hand per post. uNL is a big forum, and if we allow anyone to post as many threads as they want, no thread will get good answers. Because of this, we have enacted a "two threads per day" rule. On the same note, making a thread where you post 5 unrelated hands and asking about how to improve. We're all volunteers here, and we're not going to answer 5 hands with the same quality as we would answer a thread with 1 hand. Posting in moderation is crucial.
Also, if you can't get a good hand history converter or a gif of the hand history in a replayer, then at least learn how to take pictures and post the images with something like the snipping tool or any other image capturing software that isn't you taking a picture on your phone. These are very reasonable requests and it should be readily apparent why these are the case. Simply take a couple of the hands you've posted above that you primarily want to receive feedback on and then create new thread(s) where you follow the instructions from (1) through (5).
03-19-2023 , 06:03 AM
Posting Q2 hand is annoying

AK don't cbet 4way, ap fold river maybe even folding turn is best. Don't over complicate with blockeds and balance, it's 4way pot nobody knows how to play.
03-19-2023 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by DonCue
This is one of my first posts ever, apologies for that. But I mean cmon, 8 hands = 10 hands? Just because they are bad beats doesn’t mean we can’t make better decisions? Did you even read the caption to the AQ hand? I quite literally asked if we’d ever fold here for 120bb but obviously not in hindsight. Also how is me asking what other/better hero call see have in a spot showing off? Yes I won the hand, yes it was a fun one bc I have q high, but I’m asking a genuine question because I thought this was one of our best calls, but there could def be better. Thanks for your “this is what I would do but I won’t say why” answers that really helped me out man. Next time before deciding to comment some snarky answers with no explanations, read the ****ing post.

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im not trying to be mean or snarky. if you want people (me) to reply to hands put them in their own individual threads, skip the biography in the first post, literally no one cares (the only relevant part is you're playing on apps that will be a different pool than most of the forum is used to playing with), and avoid telling bad beat hands about how you got it in with AK vs QQ and AQ vs AT. come up with actual strategy questions that cant be solved by simply plugging the hands into gto wizard and arent thinly veiled validation seeking answers and ill be happy to talk about anything you want with you. tbh if you just convert the hand histories and put them in a readable / respondable manner / arent completely ridiculous ill even put them into gtowizard on your behalf.

dumping a ton of hands at once and getting upset that i replied what i would do without reasoning is silly, the thread isn't conducive to detailed discussion. are you really trying to draw a distinction between you spamming 8 and 10 hands in a thread lol?

if you're playing for reasonable stakes i think you should try to find some kind of mental coaching / outlet bc you're all over the place in here and i think that would probably help you more than deep diving into incredibly specific minituaie of hands like you're linus or something (this is re the should i turn my hand into some super convoluted value bluff on kqj with AK hoping he bf better and decides to float the flop to bluff the turn and then overbet the river and hero bluff catch w it). this isn't meant to be snarky or sarcastic or aggressive, i genuinely think that if you aren't playing actual nose bleeds / hsnl, worrying about things like that is a waste of time at best and a good way to misapply and spew at worst. if you feel compelled to tell an internet forum of strangers that you don't regularly post on the extent of your loss in a session (while staked), you can probably find more value concentrating focus elsewhere.

Last edited by submersible; 03-19-2023 at 08:21 PM.
