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I think this KK is a fold I think this KK is a fold

10-27-2015 , 11:27 PM
I had a horrible session with so many coolers coming down from 4buy in upswing to -3BI. All in one freakin thousand hand.
and I run into this spot at the end of it and it's sooooo tilting

888 Poker - $0.50 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 3 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

Hero (SB): 144.26 BB
BB: 256.14 BB (VPIP: 34.95, PFR: 13.48, 3Bet Preflop: 2.41, Hands: 1,513)
BTN: 90.22 BB (VPIP: 34.19, PFR: 23.32, 3Bet Preflop: 11.00, Hands: 4,047)

Hero posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has K K

BTN raises to 5 BB, Hero raises to 14.12 BB, BB raises to 47.36 BB

Button folded
BB: 3bet pre: 2.41
Poker tracker: 4bet+ range = {KK+}

Last edited by yjs1210; 10-27-2015 at 11:31 PM. Reason: Button folded
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-27-2015 , 11:34 PM
soo did you fold?
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 03:50 AM
Quit your session earlier if you're considering folding here.
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 04:09 AM
Please don't fold this ever.
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by yjs1210
Poker tracker: 4bet+ range = {KK+}
How big is this sample?
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 04:36 AM
3 handed widens his range here. I'd call.
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by bhcs2014
3 handed widens his range here. I'd call.
So you fold if it was 6-handed?

Don't be results oriented, if he had AA then you just got coolered, happens to everybody. Never folding KK pre... whether it is 3 or 6 handed....
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 07:59 AM
I mean what do you guys think he has when we are this deep and nitdonk punts a third of my stack in the middle with his stats. We block all but one KK

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I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 08:05 AM
You should shove otherwise you're massively exploitable, but I'm sure you know that already.

140BB deep it's not exactly a fistpump against this guy, more a case of OK, OK, show me the damned aces then...while sigh shoving.
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 08:25 AM
Why is your 3bet so tiny?

Yep shove obviously.
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 09:01 AM
Shouldn't we 3bet a bit smaller than normal here as BTN made it 5BB pre and he's not fullstacked? We don't need to make it so big to allow us to bet/bet/jam here.
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 09:04 AM
4-bet range 1% total ?
Or only saw only KK+ until now because he 4-bet/folded.
Less then 150 bb and 3-way is an argument to broke here but BTN opened 5 bb you 3-betted to 15 bb, so im not sure if he 4-bets QQ,AK here.
Not a nice spot of course, now look for his 4-bets until now, was there a fold to 5-bet ?
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by grinder4all
Shouldn't we 3bet a bit smaller than normal here as BTN made it 5BB pre and he's not fullstacked? We don't need to make it so big to allow us to bet/bet/jam here.
Oh yeah maybe. I misread the hand.
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 09:19 AM
WARNING: this is going to sound unproductive and immature but there is a point behind this nonsense:

I'm going broke blind vs blind with KK. Im going broke blind vs button. Im going broke blind vs CO .... etc. until maybe, just maybe ill fold vs UTG against like 11/7 (but maybe im still going broke).

(seriously) Because you are so deep AND you have position, why not call (and then go broke on later streets) you might even be trapping QQ and AK which I wouldnt be surprised for villain to have that holding.

If you are like 300bb deep effective, then yes it would be an awful mistake to GII with KK pre. I've seen so many regs for some reason think that their kings are good and jam over my 5th or 6th bet (secret: my 5 bet and 6 bet are unbalanced AF).
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 09:33 AM
Right... So here's another clue that this BB is super strong. Button ticks it up to 5BB and that's not his standard sizing he's probably strong here. I don't care and raise it to ~15. I'm clearly showing so much strength. Will this nit BB ever be 4betting QQ AK in this spot? He's definitely just calling. Especially with this sizing of 47BB. 47!!!??

We have 4 hand samples of his 4bets going to showdown and they were KK+
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 09:38 AM
I can see where you're coming from, though I've also seen what I previously thought were the biggest nits show up inexplicably with AQ here.

Tbh if in all 4 samples it was KK or AA, then meh, not gonna hate on the fold considering the action and stack depth. I'm still gonna rip in it in game, but we're probably not making bundles of money here.
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 11:45 AM
Your just tilted seeing spooks
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 12:32 PM
Yeah I was def tilting. Which is why I shoved without even thinking cus I wanted all the $$. This bad session would've been breakeven had I won!

But really tho all the stars just line up and it tells a perfect story. Can we ignore it just cus KK?
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 01:48 PM
I had a guy with a 0% 3b over 900 hands 3b me BB vs SB with 89hh and I had AKs. Flop comes down A7K(hhx). I called him down and he won with a turned flush. I was amazed.

Kings are just too strong to fold. Personally I call 3bets with them if we have more than 150bb but with anything less than that I'm getting it in against any opponent. Nowadays I'm leaving the table and rejoining when I hit about 160bb to avoid spots like these and reduce variance. That's at zoom though where I don't get to choose who I sit with.
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 01:55 PM
calling a 3-bet with a facing very stong range isnt a good idea, if he didnt 4-bet in 900 hands, i called spots like this and on every K or A high it was like i was behind Trips or Overpairs, so why you call against a 3-bet oop against a like 1% range ?
Really seldom he has 98s and just varinacnce didnt 3-bet on this high sample, its like a 0.1 % chance he has less then you here.
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 02:02 PM
Never folding. Also whats with stats? 35/13 nit? How does that add up, I have never seen someone like that over 1500 hands I m really amazed and kinda want to open an 888 account if just stars didn't have this amazing software
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 02:07 PM
To be honest, I don't hate a fold here vs. a guy who appears to only get aggressive preflop with a nutted range (but is otherwise loose-passive).

While our sample size for his 4bets is probably unreliable, the 1% 4bet range is reinforced by his 2.4% preflop 3bet over 1,513 hands. This is pretty indicative that he only 3bets AK,KK+ and that the 1% 4bet range is reliable. And here, we have a cold 4bet to a massive amount from a somewhat passive guy who has position on us and is semi-deep (i.e., his natural inclination is going to be to flat AK and QQ).

Originally Posted by grinder4all
You should shove otherwise you're massively exploitable, but I'm sure you know that already.
Yeah, but I'm not really concerned about getting exploited by a nut-peddler who 3bets 2.4% and 4bets a 1% range.
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by philkill
calling a 3-bet with a facing very stong range isnt a good idea, if he didnt 4-bet in 900 hands, i called spots like this and on every K or A high it was like i was behind Trips or Overpairs, so why you call against a 3-bet oop against a like 1% range ?
Really seldom he has 98s and just varinacnce didnt 3-bet on this high sample, its like a 0.1 % chance he has less then you here.
I meant against any opponent, not just this one. If I'm IP I'd just call KK >150bb deep and OOP I'd call the 3bet. Against this villain, if his range really is KK+ you're not going to win anymore by getting it in than you would by calling. If he was 200bb deep here would you be comfortable getting kings in against a KK+ range? Even QQ+/AK isn't exactly a fistpump that deep.

I know it's variance, but what I'm saying is that with a hand this strong you can't fold for 150bb. In this hand, if we were deeper, I'd just call the steal.
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Rebuild
Never folding. Also whats with stats? 35/13 nit? How does that add up, I have never seen someone like that over 1500 hands I m really amazed and kinda want to open an 888 account if just stars didn't have this amazing software
You're ignoring the most important stats which are his 3bet% and 4bet range.

Originally Posted by Holyherb
I had a guy with a 0% 3b over 900 hands 3b me BB vs SB with 89hh and I had AKs. Flop comes down A7K(hhx). I called him down and he won with a turned flush. I was amazed.

Kings are just too strong to fold. Personally I call 3bets with them if we have more than 150bb but with anything less than that I'm getting it in against any opponent. Nowadays I'm leaving the table and rejoining when I hit about 160bb to avoid spots like these and reduce variance. That's at zoom though where I don't get to choose who I sit with.
Not the same spot. 3 Players showing tremendous strength vs people never trusting anyone and doing weird things Blind vs Blind
I think this KK is a fold Quote
10-28-2015 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Holyherb
I meant against any opponent, not just this one. If I'm IP I'd just call KK >150bb deep and OOP I'd call the 3bet. Against this villain, if his range really is KK+ you're not going to win anymore by getting it in than you would by calling. If he was 200bb deep here would you be comfortable getting kings in against a KK+ range? Even QQ+/AK isn't exactly a fistpump that deep.

I know it's variance, but what I'm saying is that with a hand this strong you can't fold for 150bb. In this hand, if we were deeper, I'd just call the steal.
Even if we're just 50bb deep, this is a trivial fold vs a KK+ range. The debate is not whether this is a fold with KK vs. {KK+}, the debate is whether villain's range is really {KK+}.

Also, calling the BTN's open would be terrible, as BB is probably calling our 3bet roughly 10 times more often than we face a cold 4bet.
I think this KK is a fold Quote
