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*******HU CASH Regs thread******* *******HU CASH Regs thread*******

03-01-2010 , 07:13 PM
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
03-01-2010 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by jongreenway

Now, anyone want $250 on party for $250 on Tilt? PM me or post here, will transfer first to established posters.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
03-01-2010 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by ICMoney
I think Fubster will enjoy it later
it kinda looks like her too, no jokes. without the facepaint obv
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03-01-2010 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by urubu111
advice to bumhunters: don't have auto-post blind ON.
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03-02-2010 , 01:27 AM
Prob b/c bumhunter plays the button and won't give urbu the same courtesy.

FT is working on making first hand random button in that thread.

Everyone go give your opinions in the sticky.
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03-02-2010 , 01:37 AM
Wait, it's not already the case ?
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03-02-2010 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by OMGLillianLee
Wait, it's not already the case ?
No, whoever is sitting first gets the button (so bumhunters w/ auto-post on grimm you and then leave )
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03-02-2010 , 03:21 AM
my bad urubu. closed stars on accident and you were gone when i reopened it.
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03-02-2010 , 04:35 AM
Say I am playing a reg. Scenario: I checkraise the flop and bet the turn. On the river, almost everytime I checked villain shoved (even huge overshoves). Almost everytime I bet villain folded (barring coolers etc). What do you assume he is doing? Is he shoving stuff like bottom pair thinking I don't have a c/c range?
And how should I counter this? On the river I am obviously checking my giveups, and value hands that had a bad board runout and are unlikely to get called by worse. Am I better just betting stuff like counterfeited 2pairs, top pairs on 4straight boards etc since he has shown he gives me a lot of credit when I bet; or should I check/call? Can I check stuff like sets on dry boards or is the risk of him checking back too great?
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
03-02-2010 , 05:19 AM
I decided to pull an allnighter and just stumbled across urubu 4 tabling some dude at 2/4 deep. there is soo much 4 and 5 betting and random 4x pot shoves and 1/6th pot bets that i swear they are just having a contest to see who can click buttons in the most ridiculous order.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
03-02-2010 , 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by Pasterbator
I decided to pull an allnighter and just stumbled across urubu 4 tabling some dude at 2/4 deep. there is soo much 4 and 5 betting and random 4x pot shoves and 1/6th pot bets that i swear they are just having a contest to see who can click buttons in the most ridiculous order.
hahaha it was a funny match. unfortunally, after losing two ~600bbs pot villain leaves LOL. and i still ended 1/2bi up. i will post both hands here;

***** Hand History for Game 18898072238 ***** (Full Tilt)
$400.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Tuesday, March 02, 05:11:26 ET 2010
Table Minor (heads up deep) (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Coragyps111 ( $1409.50 USD )
Seat 2: SMOTHERTHATHOE ( $1138.50 USD )
Coragyps111 posts small blind [$2.00 USD].
SMOTHERTHATHOE posts big blind [$4.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Coragyps111 [ Ks Kc ]
Coragyps111 raises [$10.00 USD]
SMOTHERTHATHOE raises [$40.00 USD]
Coragyps111 raises [$102.00 USD]
SMOTHERTHATHOE raises [$214.00 USD]
Coragyps111 calls [$144.00 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 3h, Qc, 9s ]
Coragyps111 bets [$150.00 USD]
SMOTHERTHATHOE raises [$880.50 USD]
Coragyps111 calls [$730.50 USD]
Coragyps111 shows [Ks, Kc ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Tc ]
** Dealing River ** [ 8s ]
SMOTHERTHATHOE wins $2276.50 USD from main pot

i misplayed this... imo i should min 3b this flop.

***** Hand History for Game 18898067589 ***** (Full Tilt)
$400.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Tuesday, March 02, 05:11:02 ET 2010
Table Chicken (heads up deep) (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Seat 1: SMOTHERTHATHOE ( $1210.50 USD )
Seat 2: Coragyps111 ( $1754.00 USD )
Coragyps111 posts small blind [$2.00 USD].
SMOTHERTHATHOE posts big blind [$4.00 USD].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Coragyps111 [ Jc 3c ]
Coragyps111 raises [$10.00 USD]
SMOTHERTHATHOE raises [$44.00 USD]
Coragyps111 raises [$120.00 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 7s, Ks, 9h ]
Coragyps111 bets [$144.00 USD]
SMOTHERTHATHOE raises [$388.00 USD]
Coragyps111 raises [$1478.00 USD]
SMOTHERTHATHOE calls [$690.50 USD]
Coragyps111 shows [Jc, 3c ]
SMOTHERTHATHOE shows [As, 2s ]
Coragyps111 wins $543.50 USD
** Dealing Turn ** [ Tc ]
** Dealing River ** [ 6d ]
SMOTHERTHATHOE wins $2420.50 USD from main pot

past, do you think i played bad? plz, say what you think about my plays. off course this hand w/ J3c is major spew. any other stupid hand? honeslty, i think i played the whole match very well. id like to hear what you think (i don't care about this 2 hands i posted, i am almost sure how its the best way to play both, but seems you saw a lot of hands...). id love discuss some hands w/ you if you want... also, if you want, i could post some big pots you saw but didn't get to showdown.

ps: cftw, its ok bro.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
03-02-2010 , 07:08 AM
SMOTHERTHATHOE is a girl, at least so i've been told.
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03-02-2010 , 07:14 AM

I only saw the beginning of the match when every single pot seemed to get 4bet. The one hand that was hilarious went like this:

You raise A9o. He 3bets, you call. Flop is A 9 8r. He c/c $45. Turn is a 5 (the 8 and 5 might have been reversed) he checks and you shove for ~700 into like 170. He calls with AT.

In the little bit i saw, it looked like you were beating him up pretty well in the nonshowdown pots. Then again, i remember you killing me in non showdown in our 8 tabling match a while ago so maybe thats your thing Just try to avoid 3bet shoving the flop in a 4bet pot 300bb deep with J high no draw.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
03-02-2010 , 08:33 AM
I played smotherthathoe on UB like 3 tables or w/e he called like prob 80% of 3b's, 100% of 4b's, was really stationy postflop, kinda felt like i was playing a fish.

We talked on aim for a bit and did a $3k xfer from Ub to FTP, i didn't get scammed but as soon as i told him money when thru he snap quit aim and has never been on since...

i dont think its a girl btw lol, but i am not 100% sure....
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
03-02-2010 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by DanJ.
I played smotherthathoe on UB like 3 tables or w/e he called like prob 80% of 3b's, 100% of 4b's, was really stationy postflop, kinda felt like i was playing a fish.

We talked on aim for a bit and did a $3k xfer from Ub to FTP, i didn't get scammed but as soon as i told him money when thru he snap quit aim and has never been on since...

i dont think its a girl btw lol, but i am not 100% sure....
he/she is bad. vs me, this person played as calling station, but not that stationy. he called ~60% of my 3bets pf and fold to 4bet rarely. also, cold called 2 5bets LOL.
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03-02-2010 , 08:47 AM
lol yea, any two cards can win i guess. lol.

I Played Xblink today on UB 4 tables, by the end of it i was so tired and tilted i had to quit...he played similiar to smother but crazy ****in aggro.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
03-02-2010 , 08:57 AM
lol i beat some shortstack donk heads up, now he wants that i ship him the money back hahahaha....

FillmeUp007: pokerdud, come on man, pleaseee
PokerDuddel: what do you want?
FillmeUp007: i dont know man, thats your call..i juss deposited, played for a bit then came on here with my 50
FillmeUp007: thats all i deposited cause i bought the card
PokerDuddel: and now?
FillmeUp007: and now im broke man
PokerDuddel: yes i know
FillmeUp007: whatever you send back is a blessing bro...i wont be on these tables again thats for sure
PokerDuddel: lol you think i give you free $$$?

FillmeUp007: so you wont send me back anything man? please bro

PokerDuddel: no sry
FillmeUp007: come on man...if u check my roll i play pretty well in tournaments. please man, ill send back, im not an ashole
PokerDuddel: go buy a paysafecard
PokerDuddel: and deposit

FillmeUp007: aww man..thats so hurtin...ur a pro wouldnt kill your br at all man

PokerDuddel: if i send the money to everyone i beat back
PokerDuddel: i wouldn't have money

FillmeUp007: just one time bro.. i can promise you ill write your name down and check you out in tournaments and send back when ive built up again
FillmeUp007: please man, i feel like an idiot like seriously

*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
03-02-2010 , 08:57 AM

what's etiquette on this: I sit villain, get stacked by villain, 10 hands later he sits out (50 hands total - i've ground half the stack back), says gg and would i please leave. My first instinct is "no, it wasn't actually a good game (not even half a game, tbh) , get stuffed, and if you want to run with my money, you're gonna have to get up". Am i wrong here?
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
03-02-2010 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Dr. Robotnik

what's etiquette on this: I sit villain, get stacked by villain, 10 hands later he sits out (50 hands total - i've ground half the stack back), says gg and would i please leave. My first instinct is "no, it wasn't actually a good game (not even half a game, tbh) , get stuffed, and if you want to run with my money, you're gonna have to get up". Am i wrong here?
I would say that its pretty scummy to run after 10 hands but thats one of the things that happens in HU so I have come a bit numb to it really.

Him asking you to leave is just LOL!!!!!! I wouldn't leave but different sites have different rules and you may risk being warned by the site (FTP) for table blocking.
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03-02-2010 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by Hornstar
I would say that its pretty scummy to run after 10 hands but thats one of the things that happens in HU so I have come a bit numb to it really.

Him asking you to leave is just LOL!!!!!! I wouldn't leave but different sites have different rules and you may risk being warned by the site (FTP) for table blocking.
nah, cake just kicks them off after a few mins of sitting out. still annoying to wait till that happens btw
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
03-02-2010 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Dr. Robotnik
if you want to run with my money
it's his money now, imo. unless you agreed to play a certain amount of hands/time i think what he's done is perfectly fine.

And if he was at the table first, it's "his" table, so if he doesn't wanna play you, you gotta get up and leave.

Not that i'd act the same, but there is nothing wrong with the way he handled it, he doesn't have to be uber polite with you just because he's up on you and doesn't feel like playing anymore.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
03-02-2010 , 11:33 AM
yo guys, stop searching for smoth. you guys made him most searched at tableratings lol.

btw, i played vs another reg... also bad. also flatting a ton of 4bets... ***, bad setup, bad flops on 4bet pots, ran bad in most ''small'' pots. bleh it sucks. 3bi down, its ok, but i get tilted for not beating someone bad in 1,5k hands.ya ya i know 1,5k hands its nothing, but w/e, i should destroy guys like this in 10, 100, 1k, 5k, 10k, 20k, 50k, 100k hands... even in 1 hands i am supposed to win!!!!!!
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03-02-2010 , 12:43 PM
You haven't heard everyone flats tiny 4bs now?
Jman told them to.
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03-02-2010 , 01:03 PM

Good to see you're back to poker and not gambling away your roll on flips.
*******HU CASH Regs thread******* Quote
03-02-2010 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Isura

Good to see you're back to poker and not yet gambling away your roll on flips.
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