You must fold rivet because your call down on this dry as **** board is just as if not stronger. Essentially if he checked to you otr then shoving would be a super valid play. But he beat you to it.
I don't play HU so this is probably dreadful but is KT a lol never not c-betting on this flop because it is still so strong? We aren't folding Aces, any pair, aren't really many draws and I suppose hands with draws are never folding but can we not just check and be happy?
I don't play HU so this is probably dreadful but is KT a lol never not c-betting on this flop because it is still so strong? We aren't folding Aces, any pair, aren't really many draws and I suppose hands with draws are never folding but can we not just check and be happy?
yeah i should of checked the flop in retrospect. Honestly I just got done viewing an upswing module on T52r board and how BTN should be cbetting almost all his range on these boards. I incorrectly assumed 952r=T52r but it doesn't because there are a ton more gutters that XR in the 952r example.
I think you can fold to the flop raise especially when you bet 1/2 pot instead of 1/3. Fold river obviously.
yeah i bet 1/2 pot because board favors me. I usually bet 1/3 pot when board is neutral or favors opponent and 3/4 when board really favors PFR (AKx etc). I'm sure you know all this just giving my reasoning.