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50NL - I hate limped pots 50NL - I hate limped pots

10-06-2010 , 02:20 AM
I have only a few hands on villain, he seems to be loose passive preflop : 49/7 and very aggro postflop : 2,5 AF

On the flop I overbet for value and 3bet his raise for value. What is the plan on the turn ? My 2 pairs don't look awesome on this board. Bet/call or bet/fold ? Note that we are 175 bbs deep.

€0.25/€0.50 No Limit Holdem
5 Players

UTG (€75.63)
CO (€50)
BTN (€84.17)
SB (€50)
Hero (€112.53)

Pre-Flop: (€0.75, 5 players) Hero is BB 8 10
UTG checks, 1 fold, BTN calls €0.50, SB calls €0.25, Hero checks

Flop: 6 8 10 (€1.50, 4 players)
SB checks, Hero bets €2.50, UTG raises to €5, 1 fold, SB folds, Hero raises to €13, UTG calls €8

Turn: J (€27.50, 2 players)
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 02:22 AM
not really much choice than b/c
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 02:24 AM
can't imagine he shoves anything worse over our bet
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 02:34 AM
dont see the J as a real bad card here. he has prolly no set and prolly no better two pair... he must have have some strange gutshot, that the J improves him.

bet close to pot and call a shove. there are arguments for a fold, but i would call against a fish-limp0r

btw. i would 3bet on flop a little bit more, like 16
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by Bigheadarch1
not really much choice than b/c
yea, and I'd rather flat the flop min raise from utg instead of 3 betting flop
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 03:22 AM
why are u overbetting?
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by Bigheadarch1
not really much choice than b/c
Do you exclude 66, 88, TT and 79 of his range because he should have shipped on the flop ? If we're getting stacked by JT it's a cooler in your opinion ?

Originally Posted by Mark89er
why are u overbetting?
1st post : "I overbet for value". Board is drawy and I have top 2, I expect to be called by worse.
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 03:41 AM
B/f vs this loose passive villain imo

He will probably have a small raising range
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by turn & fall
B/f vs this loose passive villain imo
1st post : "he seems to be loose passive preflop : 49/7 and very aggro postflop : 2,5 AF"
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 03:47 AM
lol, ive misread most things this morning, tiredness kicking in

meh, its actually a **** spot, given board +150bb, meh, bet fold, if he calls and river is a brick, i probably check fold as i dont think he goes raise/call then calls big bet, to bluff rivers!

edit, this aggro thing, have you saw show downs, is he aggro with air/made hands/semi bluffing??

Last edited by Mark89er; 10-06-2010 at 03:53 AM.
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 03:58 AM
Few hands - Passive preflop - 150bb
Very aggro postflop

Did you see his cards or do you suppose he was aggro postflop ?
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 04:00 AM
[QUOTE=boulgakov;22021858]Do you exclude 66, 88, TT and 79 of his range because he should have shipped on the flop ? If we're getting stacked by JT it's a cooler in your opinion ?]

Don't think anyone ever has JT here. JJ is likely
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by Mark89er
edit, this aggro thing, have you saw show downs, is he aggro with air/made hands/semi bluffing??
Nope, he didn't get to showdown except with AA where he won a midsize pot. He just was splashy, playing half the hands and donkbetting and minraising left and right. During the hand in the OP I already had a mental note "aggrodonk", somewhat confirmed by his AF even if the sample is small.
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 04:03 AM
Hes a fish, who seems somewhat passive pre wudnt surprise me to see him show up with JJ+. Given that hes aggro post hes shipping all sets imo, he can easily have a f draw or Tx as well.

Guess looking at it we can b/f but given wat I said above id be inclined to snap it off
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by Bigheadarch1
Hes a fish, who seems somewhat passive pre wudnt surprise me to see him show up with JJ+. Given that hes aggro post hes shipping all sets imo, he can easily have a f draw or Tx as well.

Guess looking at it we can b/f but given wat I said above id be inclined to snap it off
Nice, at least 1 good poster takes my line ! I think my bet size on the turn is bad, as always, something to work on.

UTG (€75.63)
CO (€50)
BTN (€84.17)
SB (€50)
Hero (€112.53)

Pre-Flop: (€0.75, 5 players) Hero is BB 8 10
UTG checks, 1 fold, BTN calls €0.50, SB calls €0.25, Hero checks

Flop: 6 8 10 (€1.50, 4 players)
SB checks, Hero bets €2.50, UTG raises to €5, 1 fold, SB folds, Hero raises to €13, UTG calls €8

Turn: J (€27.50, 2 players)
Hero bets €16, UTG goes all-in €61.88, Hero calls €45.88
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 04:31 AM
Rofl at this thread.

And what did he had your very aggro guy who play passive preflop on FEW? hands ?

I see those fish every day... so common, it's not like he could ve a rush of flop on FEW hands.
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by john_d864
Rofl at this thread.

And what did he had your very aggro guy who play passive preflop on FEW? hands ?

I see those fish every day... so common, it's not like he could ve a rush of flop on FEW hands.
k thanks
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 04:48 AM
i don't hate the overbet on the flop, but i hate the sizing on the 3bet. he's not gonna fold after raising you with 2 others also still in the hand on that board, so you might as well make it big. as played calling turn shove was kind of spewy. you're mostly crushed at that point.
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by DaycareInferno
i don't hate the overbet on the flop, but i hate the sizing on the 3bet. he's not gonna fold after raising you with 2 others also still in the hand on that board, so you might as well make it big.
Good point, I have to work on my bet sizes I'm always on the lower side...

Originally Posted by DaycareInferno
as played calling turn shove was kind of spewy. you're mostly crushed at that point.
Do you think it's a call if I bet a larger amount, like $21, and he shoves ? We're getting better odds then.
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 04:57 AM
Next time bet 50$ so you'll be sure you can call.
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by john_d864
Next time bet 50$ so you'll be sure you can call.
k thanks
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by john_d864
Next time bet 50$ so you'll be sure you can call.
you're very unhelpful, wat range of hands do u put this villain on after minraise/calling the flop?
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by Bigheadarch1
you're very unhelpful
Originally Posted by boulgakov
Nice, at least 1 good poster takes my line !
I already told what i though about his passive fish being aggro postflop assumption on few hands (still waiting the count). He's probably a standard passive fish who had been lucky postflop, but he didn't want to explain more about it since it was again his perfect line which he want us to confirm is good.

If you want a real answer (agreed with every word) :
Originally Posted by DaycareInferno
i don't hate the overbet on the flop, but i hate the sizing on the 3bet. he's not gonna fold after raising you with 2 others also still in the hand on that board, so you might as well make it big. as played calling turn shove was kind of spewy. you're mostly crushed at that point.
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 05:17 AM
Originally Posted by john_d864
I already told what i though about his passive fish being aggro postflop assumption on few hands (still waiting the count).
Don't have access to HEM now, ~ 50 hands. Are you seriously thinking that a ppl limping/calling half of his hands pf and getting aggro post just "hit flops" ?

Originally Posted by john_d864
he didn't want to explain more about it since it was again his perfect line which he want us to confirm is good.
wat ?

When DCI says I'm spewy I tend to agree because he's a good poster and when Bigh says bet/call I tend to be comforted because he's a good poster. When you say "Rofl at this thread" I tend to nothing.
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
10-06-2010 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by boulgakov
Don't have access to HEM now, ~ 50 hands. Are you seriously thinking that a ppl limping/calling half of his hands pf and getting aggro post just "hit flops" ?
I seriously think a passive fish preflop gonna be passive postflop so many times that if your few hands was based on 20-30 i would still be thinking he's a passive postflop guy catching boards. On 50 hands it's more suspicious but still not enough to qualify him as "very aggro" with conviction and based your line almost only on it.

Originally Posted by boulgakov
When DCI says I'm spewy I tend to agree because he's a good poster and when Bigh says bet/call I tend to be comforted because he's a good poster. When you say "Rofl at this thread" I tend to nothing.
You post your hand in a forum and after 10 people tried to help you, you're not ashame to say : "Nice, at least 1 good poster takes my line !"
My "Rofl at this thread" was only based on that fact that if you post here, don't be pissed because people don't tell you how great you're and unlucky you've been.

When i say "Next time bet 50$ so you'll be sure you can call." i still try to make you understand how stupid it is to ask if it would ve been better to bet more and take out your fold option so your decision would be easier.
50NL - I hate limped pots Quote
