Originally Posted by john_d864
I seriously think a passive fish preflop gonna be passive postflop so many times that if your few hands was based on 20-30 i would still be thinking he's a passive postflop guy catching boards. On 50 hands it's more suspicious but still not enough to qualify him as "very aggro" with conviction and based your line almost only on it.
Even if he's just a passive fish hitting flops, we have top 2 and the fish surely consider he hit the flop if he holds QT ?
Originally Posted by john_d864
When i say "Next time bet 50$ so you'll be sure you can call." i still try to make you understand how stupid it is to ask if it would ve been better to bet more and take out your fold option so your decision would be easier.
Where did you read that I proposed to bet more to take out my fold option ? I just think my bet size was bad (for value and protection against draws) on the turn, and I asked if a call becomes possible would I have bet a proper amount. It seems to me that you're reading whatever allows you to post sarcastic comments.
Maybe I should have done this work before :
Board: 6h 8d Th Jd
Wins Ties Equity
46.12% 3.80% 49.92% ( 8sTc )
46.28% 3.80% 50.08% ( 66,88,TT,79,JJ+,T8,T6,68 )
How would you modify this range ?