Hi, I have some key hands from a 2NL session that I'd like feedback on and I think it can be helpful for other microstakes players too. Here are the hands.
(1) Overpair v River Raise
PF - Good
Flop - Could bet larger imo, closer to 2/3 pot
Turn - Same again, bet should be about .37
River - This is where it gets tricky. The T comes in. Improves JT (probs shouldn't be here on the river) and 89s (only diamonds could get here).
So I start off with a half pot bet. I did this because I think TPTK probably won't call too much larger. Villain then min-raises and I fold.
Don't know what the villain min-raises as a bluff, so 'hero' fold. I think this is very close, any opinions?
(2) 3 Bet Pot - 3 Way - TPTK (But with possible overpairs)
MP was 45/30 over 35 hands, rest unknown.
PF - With two players flatting, I think this is an OK situation to squeeze? Hmm maybe it's not since if we hit an ace, we're in a difficult situation. It's really a bluff, which would be better to do with a suited connector. Thoughts?
Flop - Flopped TPTK, so I c-bet 3 way small as I don't really want to bloat the pot, but want to protect my hand.
Turn - I bet again, hoping to get folds or call from BU, while protecting my hand against AK, Tx, draws.
In hindsight I hate squeezing with AT. But once I've done that is the line okay?
Preflop: Hero is BB with A T
UTG folds, MP raises to $0.05, CO calls $0.05, BTN calls $0.05, SB folds, Hero raises to $0.26, MP calls $0.21, CO folds, BTN calls $0.21
Turn: ($1.68) 2 (3 players)
Hero bets $0.47, MP folds, BTN calls $0.38 and is all-in
River: ($2.44) 2 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
Results: $2.44 pot ($0.09 rake)
Final Board: T 5 9 2 2
BTN showed 9 A and lost (-$0.92 net)
Hero showed A T and won $2.35 ($1.43 net)
MP mucked and lost (-$0.54 net)
I'd stick to one hand per thread, you'll get more/better responses. Still, I'll have a go:
Hand 1 - Seems ok to me until the river. I'd call that. You shouldn't be 'hero' folding when you have no reads. So call, and then make a note. Then next time you'll have a read! (he can show up here with JT or AJ enough to justify the call IMO).
Hand 2 - Don't squeeze with ATo against someone who plays 46/30. Indeed generally, don't squeeze ATo (unless you have incredible fold equity). As played, I bet a little bigger on flop/turn, but don't mind how you played it.
Hand 3 - I call the turn bet personally. Ace high still has showdown value, so I'm taking it there. Good game selection though, your villain is excellent
Oh, and don't show results, it will affect people's judgements.