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2NL (6 MAX): Facing C-bet from BU on a bricked flop OOP in a 3-bet pot. 2NL (6 MAX): Facing C-bet from BU on a bricked flop OOP in a 3-bet pot.

12-04-2017 , 10:15 AM
PokerStars - $0.02 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4:

I don't have that much information on Villain, but can see that he hasn't 3-bet once in 65 hands and is running at 17/17 over that sample.

BTN: $2.87 (VPIP: 17.46, PFR: 17.46, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 65)
SB: $1.33 (VPIP: 19.35, PFR: 19.35, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 34)
BB: $1.00 (VPIP: 37.50, PFR: 18.75, 3Bet Preflop: 15.38, Hands: 32)
Hero (UTG): $2.23
MP: $2.07 (VPIP: 13.89, PFR: 9.72, 3Bet Preflop: 7.41, Hands: 73)
CO: $0.80 (VPIP: 66.67, PFR: 0.00, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 10)

SB posts SB $0.01, BB posts BB $0.02, CO posts penalty blind $0.03

Pre Flop: (pot: $0.06) Hero has Q Q
Hero raises to $0.08, fold, fold, BTN raises to $0.20, fold, BB calls $0.18, Hero calls $0.12

Flop : ($0.64, 3 players) 8 8 3
BB checks, Hero checks, BTN bets $0.32, fold, Hero raises to $0.95, BTN calls $0.63

Turn : ($2.54, 2 players) 6


Looking back, I'm unhappy about a few things that I did in this hand. Firstly, I had been opening to 3x UTG and the sizing here was not very disciplined on my part. Secondly, I'm not so sure about the check raise on the flop. If he has AK, then he only has 6 outs (unless diamonds) so not sure if I need to raise to protect here against overcards on future streets.

I feel like the only hands that I am ahead of in his continuing range are JJ and AdKd; I'm in bad shape against AA and KK. Based on his stats, I haven't assigned him any bluffs in his 3-betting range but it's hard to say.


1. Can we profitably 4-bet pre-flop and then fold to a 5-bet shove? (I prefer calling).
2. Was the check raise on the flop a bit spewy?
3. What are we doing on a brick turn?
4. Are we calling if he shoves on a brick turn? (effective stack size on turn is $1.08 with $2.54 in the middle).
5. Do we have to go all the way with this?

Thanks in advance for any replies.

Last edited by bet_out_of_turn; 12-04-2017 at 10:36 AM.
2NL (6 MAX): Facing C-bet from BU on a bricked flop OOP in a 3-bet pot. Quote
12-04-2017 , 10:37 AM
4-bet pre & don't fold
2NL (6 MAX): Facing C-bet from BU on a bricked flop OOP in a 3-bet pot. Quote
12-04-2017 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by bet_out_of_turn

1. Can we profitably 4-bet pre-flop and then fold to a 5-bet shove? (I prefer calling).
2. Was the check raise on the flop a bit spewy?
3. What are we doing on a brick turn?
4. Are we calling if he shoves on a brick turn? (effective stack size on turn is $1.08 with $2.54 in the middle).
5. Do we have to go all the way with this?

Thanks in advance for any replies.
1. IMO if you're 4betting here you have to call off, you shouldn't be bluffing with a hand as strong as QQ. I think it's really close between 4betting and flatting but with so few hands on him and his stats so far I think flatting is probably slightly better.
2. X/r was really bad. Consider the range that he has here and the hands he'll fold to a raise. If he flats JJ pre (which I believe is pretty likely) then he only continues with hands that have you beat.
3/4/5. Having got into this position the only option is to shove turn and hope you're good. You just can't x/f a hand this strong getting those pot odds.
2NL (6 MAX): Facing C-bet from BU on a bricked flop OOP in a 3-bet pot. Quote
12-04-2017 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Harry155
1. IMO if you're 4betting here you have to call off, you shouldn't be bluffing with a hand as strong as QQ. I think it's really close between 4betting and flatting but with so few hands on him and his stats so far I think flatting is probably slightly better.
2. X/r was really bad. Consider the range that he has here and the hands he'll fold to a raise. If he flats JJ pre (which I believe is pretty likely) then he only continues with hands that have you beat.
3/4/5. Having got into this position the only option is to shove turn and hope you're good. You just can't x/f a hand this strong getting those pot odds.
That's really helpful thanks.

Are we x/c flop to shove any turn? Or can we x turn and see what Villain does? SPR is obvs low so it's probs going to be a sigh shove or sigh call I imagine.

I know the X/r on the flop was bad, but it's setting up to be a pretty sticky spot in any case.
2NL (6 MAX): Facing C-bet from BU on a bricked flop OOP in a 3-bet pot. Quote
12-04-2017 , 11:25 AM
Against someone who has so far been relatively passive, especially with 3bets, who is now raising your utg open and considering you block both flush draws I would probably just x/f the turn. I don't think it's horrible to stack off with QQ against AA/KK on an 8863 board with 2 flush draws though and I wouldn't worry too much about how you would have played the river. The big thing is to cut out the obvious mistakes and the obvious mistake here was the flop x/r.
2NL (6 MAX): Facing C-bet from BU on a bricked flop OOP in a 3-bet pot. Quote
12-04-2017 , 11:33 AM
Preflop heads up could be a flat or a 4 bet depending on villain... IFit were heads up, because you have the B.B. calling in between I think a 4 bet is pretty mandatory.

Given pot size I think check raise on flip is fine.
2NL (6 MAX): Facing C-bet from BU on a bricked flop OOP in a 3-bet pot. Quote
12-04-2017 , 12:14 PM
I would 4-bet PF and don't think it's close multiway when the fish is to our right. 65 hands isn't enough of a sample to make me worry about villain's lack of 3-bets.

Check/calling flop. Villain's range shouldn't really have worse overpairs (personally, I call JJ-TT on the BTN vs. UTG open), so we have to ask what we're trying to accomplish with a c/r. Getting a 3-outer to fold isn't worth much. Getting AK to fold isn't so bad, but he should be checking back AK fairly often OTF. There are a couple of flush draws that we can get value out of, but we block some of them and it's worth noting that they don't always bet flop either.

So when we c/r we're up against a continuing range of AA, KK, maybe a couple of JJ combos if you want to add those, and draws, and we have really poor equity against that range. So we can't be c/r'aising for value.
2NL (6 MAX): Facing C-bet from BU on a bricked flop OOP in a 3-bet pot. Quote
12-04-2017 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by JamesBJames
I would 4-bet PF and don't think it's close multiway when the fish is to our right. 65 hands isn't enough of a sample to make me worry about villain's lack of 3-bets.

Check/calling flop. Villain's range shouldn't really have worse overpairs (personally, I call JJ-TT on the BTN vs. UTG open), so we have to ask what we're trying to accomplish with a c/r. Getting a 3-outer to fold isn't worth much. Getting AK to fold isn't so bad, but he should be checking back AK fairly often OTF. There are a couple of flush draws that we can get value out of, but we block some of them and it's worth noting that they don't always bet flop either.

So when we c/r we're up against a continuing range of AA, KK, maybe a couple of JJ combos if you want to add those, and draws, and we have really poor equity against that range. So we can't be c/r'aising for value.
Very helpful explanation/analysis that I agree with. Thanks
2NL (6 MAX): Facing C-bet from BU on a bricked flop OOP in a 3-bet pot. Quote
12-04-2017 , 12:36 PM
1. I prefer flatting here more because, 1st, you are closing the action. 2nd, 4bet here QQ is not very profitable because you might chase the fish out of the pot. and facing a 5bet shove from BU gonna put you in a tough spot. The best you can hope for is JJ or AK. the BU 3bet you from UTG so the range is not very wide so QQ gonna be in very bad shape facing a 5bet.

2. i think just flatting here is fine. When you raise and get call it's very hard to continue. it's either you are drawing to 2 out or they have a lot of equity vs you. i prefer calling to keep opponent range wider and keep bluffing later streets.

3. 4. 5. x/c reasonable size bet on brick turn (<pot size bet), if villain check behind then you can value bet river. or x/f the river if villain goes for 3 barrel. i'm gonna fold if he potted the turn, because you can not beat his value range (QQ+, 98s, T8s, 78s)
2NL (6 MAX): Facing C-bet from BU on a bricked flop OOP in a 3-bet pot. Quote
12-05-2017 , 10:09 AM
If we 4bet i think we should call his 5b AI.. Vs AK, KK+ we have almost 40% equity.. if we add QQ than we have a little more..
2NL (6 MAX): Facing C-bet from BU on a bricked flop OOP in a 3-bet pot. Quote
12-05-2017 , 02:34 PM
1. Think it would be -ev to call to 5bet. But got to 4 bet to isolate loose passive player in bb IMO and also the penalty blind is sat there. However, call is not so bad.

2. Yes extremely. You have a hand with good showdown value that you have just ruined and also lost any good equity for a turn shove (although I’m calling down all the way here)

3/4/5 unfortunate situation you’ve put yourself in that you will most likely not be in again. Get it in, unfortunately.
2NL (6 MAX): Facing C-bet from BU on a bricked flop OOP in a 3-bet pot. Quote
12-05-2017 , 02:49 PM
The answer entirely depends on the composition of the btn range and yours

At 2nl I assume btn range vs 4x open from utg 3bp to be very strong so I'd jus call pre and call otf
2NL (6 MAX): Facing C-bet from BU on a bricked flop OOP in a 3-bet pot. Quote
