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0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? 0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line?

03-02-2010 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by TakeHerOnACruise
also, the pre-flop call. i know it's not great but i mean at 50bbs deep is it really that bad?
well if we're ever going to fold to his raise then 5-hi is probably a good place to start, suited or not.
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-02-2010 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
we do have super equity on the flop... we're 50%+ vs AK here, like... I dunno, im pretty happy with our hand here, not to mention we have a ton of fold equity, and they almost ALWAYS flat first hand with like all of their value range, I dont think we get reshoved on the flop very often really
well we're not a favorite v. his range is what i was saying, but that's not really important, obviously it's +ev to c/r and get it in if need be, but given our description of villain we don't really like having initiative here with bottom pair so i still think it's better for our game if we have this hand in our c/c range.
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-02-2010 , 05:39 PM
+ for everything spam said
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-02-2010 , 09:21 PM
i would imagine that regularly putting yourself into such a thin spot preflop with a hand that plays better when stacks are way deeper than 50bbs and no reads oop is gonna be a long term leak. i dont know that my preflop play is correct or anything but 25s a good bit below the bottom of my defending range with these stack sizes, and you might be losing a lot if you aggregate all the similar spots that are barely -ev.
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-03-2010 , 01:31 AM
Obv depends on your postflop abillities, but I myself am very comfortable defending this
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-03-2010 , 10:24 PM
sick hand. learned alot. Barewire droppin some solid knowledge +2 to that
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
