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0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? 0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line?

03-01-2010 , 05:36 PM
Yeah as i say in the title. I'm fairly confident in my own line. I have good equity to barrell this away and i think the river is a good card for me to shove into.

I'm mostly curious about what ppl think of his line. This is the first hand i've ever played vs him and he sat me. I have my own thoughts on it but i don't want to lay them out until i get some responses.

Does anyone else take a slower line readless from my position?


Full Tilt Poker $220 + $10 Heads Up No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t15/t30 Blinds - 2 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Hero (BB): t1500 M = 33.33
BTN/SB: t1500 M = 33.33

Pre Flop: (t45) Hero is BB with 2 5
BTN/SB raises to t60, Hero calls t30

Flop: (t120) J 5 K (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets t60, Hero raises to t210, BTN/SB calls t150

Turn: (t540) 7 (2 players)
Hero bets t240, BTN/SB calls t240

River: (t1020) Q (2 players)
Hero bets t990 all in

BTN/SB requests TIME, BTN/SB calls t990 all in

Final Pot: t3000
Hero shows 2 5 (a pair of Fives)
BTN/SB shows Q A (a pair of Queens)
BTN/SB wins t3000
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 05:40 PM
I strongly dislike his flop call but after that it seems super standard

And river is a SNAPPPPPP call from him because your turn sizing is pretty aweful, and not something you would do with a made hand that fits into your polarized range.

I think your line if fine as well, but you should probably make the turn a decent bit bigger if you're going to 3 barrel, because it's hard to rep a 2p type hand w/ a 1/2 pot bet on the turn on such a drawy board.
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 05:43 PM
why the turn bet size of 240?
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 05:44 PM
didnt look at results but like 95% sure he called river unless he had weaker flushdraw

i'm still wondering whether you're doing this for value against him (river) or are bluffing (serious question lol)
guy is the biggest station ever, he might call A9/44 on river for all i know so vs him your line is worth 0
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 05:44 PM
Its pretty fine as played. What about 4 bet shoving the flop instead of flatting and leading turn and river?
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 05:46 PM
Your turn sizing looks very weak on such a drawy board. I can see him discounting all {2pair, set} ranges and putting you on {Kx, draws}.

So when you shove the river when everything misses he can basically eliminates Kx (unless you have exactly KQ) from your range since it's very unlikely you're shoving these for value in this spot.

Now your perceived range is down to {missed draws, random river miracles}. For him, Kx, Qx, and Jx are all the same hand here. When he hits his Q he can call with these reads.

For the future, on the turn I'd bet large/call (we were actually ahead in the hand!) or check and make a decision based on his timing and sizing.
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
Its pretty fine as played. What about 4 bet shoving the flop instead of flatting and leading turn and river?
we c/r'd and got flat'd
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by spamz0r

i'm still wondering whether you're doing this for value against him (river) or are bluffing (serious question lol)
yeah i thought i was turning my hand into a bluff on river didn't realise he was capable of calling down Ax here. and there arent any other worse hands that could realistically call, so value shoving my hand here for value without reads is like insane no?

spamz what you make of turn sizing, i know it's on the small side but i don't think it's that big a problem as i he doesn't know anything about me or my sizing/ranges. so half pot could mean 2pair+ for all he knows?

saying things like half pot takes a lot of 2 pair outta my range is just dealing in defaults?
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 05:56 PM
yeah i dont think he's folding a hand like TT or anything really
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 06:04 PM
With your line, it seems like you are trying to get him off of a J. Which according to Spamz he is never folding. Even without this insight, I think getting him off a J is somewhat optimistic. Buuuut, the Q is a descent card to get him off the jack, but makes your value shoving range pretty small, hmmmm, tough spot.
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 06:21 PM
The problem is this is the first hand and our river bluff (I am assuming bluff) is not gonna get through as much as it might do with the same line later on in the game (perhaps).. Not saying it is always bad to take this line (maybe having prior knowledge of his game you may of been able to make a beter call on whether it is a profitable play, i dunno, probably is vs alot of villains).

Also I prob like to fire turn larger (320)

His line is pretty lagg, but if he thinks he has reasonable equity on flop and turn, and possibly feels like he can fire some s profitably if he misses.. yeah.. perhaps..
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 06:32 PM
if the turn/river is a heart, you're obv not c/c'ing EVER vs him
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 06:41 PM
check turn, or shove turn
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by plowking2010
check turn, or shove turn
why would you shove turn? can you explain that thought a bit more please plowking? are you shoving sets and two pair and TPGK here also?
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 07:49 PM
river shove should scare the **** out of him, his river call is lolbad in general. i dont really understand the turn sizing, we can set up a 3/4 pot river shove with a more standard sized bet. also wtf fold pre v a station
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 07:50 PM
TakeHerOnACruise. I rate your bluff a 10/10 with a cherry on top. That guy was such an idiot to call with 2nd pair after you fired thrice. Seriously, he should have folded instantly after you raised him even though he had an over, gs, and bd flush. Your hand probably dominated him on the flop 9 to 1 fav. Damn.. he is such a dumbass. Lets now beat him up with some more genius card game terminology.
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 08:01 PM
You're repping 55/KJ/K5 that decides to make a weirdly small turn bet, unless he feels you're capable of c/r bet bet with a meh top pair. Pretty damn narrow.
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 08:42 PM
Beohh, i'm very curious to see your timing on that ridiculous turn bet... i mean blakpackk call on flop is awful but your turn's bet has made it sooo obvious, do you think he could believe a sec your are firing with top pair (or 2 pairs either) with that bet?
You deserve what you got
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 09:32 PM
if it wasn't the first hand i like your line. dunno but people tend to play looser the first hand, i play at lower stakes though so that might be different
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 09:40 PM
dunno why people are hating on the turn bet size looks good to me, if he shoves you gotta call though right?
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by spamz0r
didnt look at results but like 95% sure he called river unless he had weaker flushdraw

i'm still wondering whether you're doing this for value against him (river) or are bluffing (serious question lol)
guy is the biggest station ever, he might call A9/44 on river for all i know so vs him your line is worth 0

this, he's never folding better really... besides a better 5x, and even then he might not fold
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by Barewire
river shove should scare the **** out of him, his river call is lolbad in general. i dont really understand the turn sizing, we can set up a 3/4 pot river shove with a more standard sized bet. also wtf fold pre v a station
I dont really agree with this, the board/runout/etc. and who he is playing
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by plowking2010
check turn
I'm probably taking this line readless too. Given that villain bet/called flop we're likely going to need to sink a good number of chips in to push them off their hand, and I'm reluctant to do that without more specific reads on their range and tendencies.

Originally Posted by mersenneary
You're repping 55/KJ/K5 that decides to make a weirdly small turn bet, unless he feels you're capable of c/r bet bet with a meh top pair. Pretty damn narrow.
As played, this.
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:32 PM
Lowstakes player here but does anyone else vaguely dislike the flop c/r? I just think that on a two-tone board we won't get too much credit (since everybody likes c/r'ing draws and everyone knows that). Plus since he's unknown we can't be sure how much air is in his cbetting range, or whether he checks back weak pairs.

I guess it's never terrible, I mean it needs to work, what, 20% of the time to show a profit? More maybe? But there's an awful lot of FDs in our range, and if we c/r all of them i just think we're gonna get owned a lot. and if we're ever going to c/c with a FD it might as well be one that has some showdown value + extra outs to make things easier on us, especially on the first hand where he might be more inclined to think you're FOS. so uh in conclusion that's why i prefer a c/c.
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
03-01-2010 , 10:50 PM
c/r is fine especially because the 2 and the 5 are our money cards against a player like blackpakkk, who will call us down when we "miss our draw", and naturally the flush isn't a bad deal either. c/c makes it more difficult for us to get money in the pot when we hit and it allows him to continue with holdings that can't call a c/r. There are players who I'd prefer a c/c here against, but against him I like c/r.

I also prefer folding pre but ldo nit central
0 vs Blackpakkk, Pair + FD c/r flop and barrell away. Line check and thoughts on his line? Quote
