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0nl raise turn?!?!? 0nl raise turn?!?!?

04-12-2018 , 11:28 PM
I won't argue that 93s is a profitable 3-bet. This is especially true as I've posted this topic where I hit one of the best results and question it. However, isn't it good to have some -ev hands in a 3b range to get some image?
0nl raise turn?!?!? Quote
04-12-2018 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
I won't argue that 93s is not a profitable 3-bet. This is especially true as I've posted this topic where I hit one of the best results and question it. However, isn't it good to have some -ev hands in a 3b range to get some image?
This would only be true in the situation in which the EV lost is exceeded with EV gains by whatever "poor" adjustments a villain might make. I think it's difficult to make that case because you're likely losing a considerable amount by 3bing this hand (unless he is overfolding).

I honestly don't know why your coach would tell you to do this on PM.
0nl raise turn?!?!? Quote
04-12-2018 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
I won't argue that 93s is a profitable 3-bet. This is especially true as I've posted this topic where I hit one of the best results and question it. However, isn't it good to have some -ev hands in a 3b range to get some image?
It's only good if other players can see the hand. This is why you must play aggro with these hands. It ensures that the other players see your hand when you get to SD.
0nl raise turn?!?!? Quote
04-13-2018 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by .isolated
However, isn't it good to have some -ev hands in a 3b range to get some image?
no, as someone that did that for a long time, not worth it. If you play like a nit people will still keep calling you down just because you made the most std triple barrel bluff with a hand that you should have in your range. no need to play 93s to do that
0nl raise turn?!?!? Quote
04-13-2018 , 12:06 AM
you need to fire your coach dude, the 3bet is abysmal
0nl raise turn?!?!? Quote
04-13-2018 , 04:46 AM
you got 9 high, bet, dw about ranges nobody is good enough to 'exploit' you here, also its impossible because how many times you run into this spot against this guy? Maybe one more time if you are very lucky, and even then you could easily balance if you so desired. Turn is easy call vs nitty tag as you describe him, he not going to use that size with AK here at least 80% of the time, your call makes so much money that unless this is a spot he is betting random hands you are not going to make more money raising.
0nl raise turn?!?!? Quote
04-13-2018 , 05:10 AM
Did his acc get hacked

He’s just really bored?

Doesn’t sound like the typical post from OP.

Fold pre
0nl raise turn?!?!? Quote
04-13-2018 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by .isolated

edit: should I have made my 3-bet bigger preflop? I'm not too used to these deep situations.
Sometimes I can't tell if you're joking around or if you're genuinely asking a question. 0nl raise turn?!?!? in case the latter:

When playing tournaments where chips are precious versus min opens it was usually 5bb, 2.5x is 6bb and 3x is 8bb - I kinda like these values if our 3b percent is 7> or if you're leveling (aka "pop " if you're a greasy Jersey shore native ) another reg. Otherwise I like your generic 3x maybe make it 10bb ...
0nl raise turn?!?!? Quote
04-13-2018 , 06:01 AM
Originally Posted by .isolated
I won't argue that 93s is a profitable 3-bet. This is especially true as I've posted this topic where I hit one of the best results and question it. However, isn't it good to have some -ev hands in a 3b range to get some image?
Janda talks a lot about your strat but his bluffing hands are 78s maybe 56s and A2s maybe like K9s ... but nowadays those hands can be seen as value hands much the same way ATs or AJ was back in the day. It sounds like your coach is really getting you to take the training wheels off and work on a versatile gto game. Nothing wrong with that people if you're going to be playing the same tough people often. The goal is to increase your edge versus the other regs in addition to catching fish.
0nl raise turn?!?!? Quote
04-13-2018 , 09:03 AM
At some point, having bad combos in your 3-bet range for image is indistinguishable from just having a bad range.
0nl raise turn?!?!? Quote
