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06-23-2014 , 03:35 PM
I currently work at home and given that I work in technology I doubt I'll ever be in a very formal office environment if I did return to an office. So most of my dress clothes are worn at weddings, funerals, and the rare social event other than those where formal attire is required. I just wanted to put that out there in case it impacts your responses.
06-23-2014 , 05:50 PM
Ya strands are prob your best bet then. You can also look into AE players which are cheaper and I have and love them. They are on the casual side.
06-23-2014 , 07:20 PM
I cut my hair every 3weeks and it costs mr like 30$ everytime. I was considering just getting a hair shaver and doing it myself but not sure if ill b able to get a good cut if i do it myself. Issue is having to book appointments to get my haircut, not being able to get my haircut on weekends etc and just overall hate looking bad since once my hair gets 3weeks uncut i start to look like a slob. Anyone have any suggestions for me?
06-23-2014 , 08:11 PM
Are you asking because $10/week is too much for a haircut?

If so, may want to look to other options. I don't know what to recommend.

I used to go monthly. Was about $25. Then I found this fancier salon, it's about $50, but after 2 weeks you can go back for a touch up and the redo the sides and back. This basically let's me get a haircut every 6 weeks for $50. Still more than what I paid before on average but the quality of cut is better.
06-23-2014 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Ya strands are prob your best bet then. You can also look into AE players which are cheaper and I have and love them. They are on the casual side.
My go-to suit is a darker navy. I assume the Strands in walnut would be too loud with that suit, especially at weddings or wakes where I should take care not to draw attention away from the bride or deceased? If so, would bourbon or brown burnished be a better option?
06-23-2014 , 08:46 PM
I think 5th avenues in Brown or Bourbon are the best compromise. Walnut strands are a little too stylish for some occasions and the black park aves are too formal for most
06-23-2014 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by cannabusto
My go-to suit is a darker navy. I assume the Strands in walnut would be too loud with that suit, especially at weddings or wakes where I should take care not to draw attention away from the bride or deceased? If so, would bourbon or brown burnished be a better option?
Would be fine for a wedding, not for a wake. It does stand out, which may not make it appropriate in formal workplaces but thats not really something you have to worry about.
06-23-2014 , 08:49 PM
Heres a good picture of bourbon(the color) with blue:

A good comparison of all AE colors(under camera flash):

06-23-2014 , 08:59 PM
Thanks guys, good stuff.
06-23-2014 , 09:25 PM
I wouldnt go in for a free touchup ever. Im not asking because of costs . i dont want to waste an hour getting my haircut and appointments are a hassle to keep. I also would prefer a haircut every 2weeks instead of 3-4weeks
06-23-2014 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by gatorade6969
I wouldnt go in for a free touchup ever. Im not asking because of costs . i dont want to waste an hour getting my haircut and appointments are a hassle to keep. I also would prefer a haircut every 2weeks instead of 3-4weeks
You get a haircut every 3 weeks and it takes an hour? Seems impossible. I go once a month and it takes 30 min tops including hair wash and shampoo.

If you like the place you currently go and cost is no issue why not just book your appointments when paying? Surely you can book an appointment sometime for two weeks or so in the future.
06-23-2014 , 10:38 PM
Beggars cant be choosers.
06-23-2014 , 11:48 PM
The place i go is almost never busy so often i can just give a quick call and they do it. It doesnt take an hour, maybe like 40-45minutes though.

The issue is i would like my haircut more frequently but dont really want to go into the shop every 2weeks when my hair is already short. I dont like putting tons of product in my hair but after 2 weeks its a must for me. I have a basic hairstyle so it probably wont look horrible if i cut it myself but wanted other ppls opinions.

Cost is not really an issue but im sure if my stylist tried hard enough he/she could do it in under 10mins and probably under 7.
06-24-2014 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by housenuts
What does face wash really do?
based on this thread I've started paying attention to my face and actually washing it and there is a noticeable difference. I assumed I had good skin before, not too dry, not too oily, no acne or razor burn. But since I've started paying attention to it my skin looks a lot more vibrant and it feels better.

For about 2 weeks I have been using:

Men-U facial wash(morning/night)
Still shave with regular Gillette gel and a mach3 turbo
Lab Series Razor Burn Relief Ultra
Lab Series Daily Moisture Defense Lotion spf 15
Lab Series Rescue Eye Therapy (morning/night)
Baxter of California Enriched Night Cream AHA (night)

thanks to posters itt
06-24-2014 , 07:13 PM
I want to talk about sweatrs in a business casual workplace. Obv they are fine in almost every business casual setting(althoygh in some might require a collared shirt underneath), but i was wondering about couple that are more polarizing looks(from thing I have read online).

Firs is the tie underneath:

Second is blazer over top(tie or without)

(ignore the untucked shirt and bottom half of outfit ldo)

(ignore jeans)

I have seen some people be really against these looks, but those people are also generally meh towards sweaters over button downs/dress shirts in general.

Obviously the more layers that trickier the color matching/coordinating becomes.
06-24-2014 , 07:56 PM
I like sweater over button down with tie. It also gives you more style options in the colder months while allowing you to leave the coat at home a lot of the time. I think the blazer with it can look good also, but it seems like mega overkill in the biz cas workplaces I've been exposed to.
06-24-2014 , 08:06 PM
I actually really like 2 as a complete look.

I often find when I do it it looks like 3, where the collar is all saggy and doesn't look good. Recomendations?
06-24-2014 , 08:20 PM
The collar is going to look like that with v necks a lot, especially if you dont put starch in it.
06-25-2014 , 12:48 AM
I've worn a v-neck with a tie and also those half-zip pulls with ties. Seems fine. Is that supposed to be polarizing? Haven't in the work place but seems pretty standard attire.
06-25-2014 , 10:51 PM
Well I've read in the last few pages the daily face regiment. What about with your teeth? Toothbrush, toothpaste, best teeth whitener, etc. Apologies if people have discussed this in the past.
06-26-2014 , 04:22 AM
Any nice hairstyle recommendations for an oval face?

I am quite skinny but started going to the gym to do the machines.

Height is around 177cm.

Acne is killing my confidence but it is healing hence to counter that I got some nice jeans and shoes to bring back my confidence.

It is my last few weeks in college hence I decided to come out with a new look at try to meet new people(I am straight).
06-26-2014 , 10:38 AM

Tie under sweater I've always thought looks too preppy to me (might sound stupid). It's a solid look though, never dislike it on others. I do dress shirts under sweaters a lot and don't mind sweater under blazer.


That's a really broad question. I recommend browsing this thread, lots of people in there that know their stuff.
06-26-2014 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Sour Shoes
Well I've read in the last few pages the daily face regiment. What about with your teeth? Toothbrush, toothpaste, best teeth whitener, etc. Apologies if people have discussed this in the past.
I use this tooth paste and brush 2-4x a day and floss 1x a day usually at night then use a mouthwash, doesnt matter as much what kind imo

I've only used this 5 minute whitening gel stuff before and it did work a bit but not as good as going to a dentist and getting it professionally done
06-26-2014 , 02:32 PM

Just find a really good/upscale hair salon and go. Tell them what image you are going for and let them do the rest, you aren't going to do a better job finding a hairstyle by yourself.
06-26-2014 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by DoubleD

Just find a really good/upscale hair salon and go. Tell them what image you are going for and let them do the rest, you aren't going to do a better job finding a hairstyle by yourself.
telling them the image you are going for is the hard part.
