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04-03-2012 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by LT22
I think the general consensus on button downs is to just wear long-sleeve ones, but rolled up.

I like polos, but I don't own a pair of boat shoes. I'm starting to realize I should never wear shorts as I'm super skinny, but in the TX heat/humidity I'd prob resort to wearing shorts. Being comfortable is important.
drink a gallon of milk a day and squat 3 times a week and you'll have decent legs in 2 months.
04-03-2012 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by Fear Itself
drink a gallon of milk a day and squat one plate 3 times a week and you'll have decent legs in 2 months.
04-03-2012 , 06:59 PM
I don't feel shorts are ever appropriate regardless of what you look like unless you are actually near water in which case they are ok for patio wear.
04-03-2012 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by TCDynasty
summer suggestions for going to class and during the day? I live in 90/100 degree weather. everyone hear reps ralph lauren polos and i'm not the biggest fan.

frat look is something like tan polo shirts. polo t. sperries. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

are short sleeve button downs nice? nice t shirts?

linen and madras fabrics are good when it's hot. lots of people itt will hate on short sleeve button downs but fk them, i think ssbd's are fine and way better than a polo. shorts are fine too, just don't wear them all baggy and stick to basic colors. ss or ls madras bd with chino shorts and supergas or any other slim, clean, canvas shoe is a good look for a college student
04-03-2012 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
I don't feel shorts are ever appropriate regardless of what you look like unless you are actually near water in which case they are ok for patio wear.
Totally disagree, especially if you live in a really warm climate. Shorts are perfectly acceptable in many situations.

Originally Posted by CBorders
i think ssbd's are fine and way better than a polo.
04-03-2012 , 10:32 PM
ssbd's are a good choice

if you work at tha macdonalds
04-03-2012 , 11:02 PM
I think shorts are something that get generally less acceptable as you get older, unless its accompanies with boating or something of the sort, but young kids wearing shorts is fine.
04-03-2012 , 11:25 PM
Shorts are acceptable for whenever its too hot for trousers/jeans regardless of age imo
04-03-2012 , 11:35 PM
Meh I think once you are in a professional setting, even on weekends, out and a bout shorts are underdressing a lot.
04-04-2012 , 01:21 AM
oh yeah, but just for chilling/socialising or w/e...

shorts and tank tops all summer..
04-04-2012 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Meh I think once you are in a professional setting, even on weekends, out and a bout shorts are underdressing a lot.
I disagree with this, I dont think anyone in your office or place of work is going to care if you run to the grocery store in bball shorts
04-04-2012 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
I don't feel shorts are ever appropriate regardless of what you look like unless you are actually near water in which case they are ok for patio wear.

Originally Posted by GusJohnsonGOAT
Totally disagree, especially if you live in a really warm climate. Shorts are perfectly acceptable in many situations.
Why do people assume that shorts are automatically better for hot weather? The opposite is true, if you wear linen, etc. There is a reason why people in the desert wear what they are wearing and not shorts.

Originally Posted by CBorders
linen and madras fabrics are good when it's hot.

But short sleeve button downs are worse than wearing a RL polo with the logo bigger than the shirt.

Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Meh I think once you are in a professional setting, even on weekends, out and a bout shorts are underdressing a lot.

Originally Posted by LazyTops5
I disagree with this, I dont think anyone in your office or place of work is going to care if you run to the grocery store in bball shorts
lol, bball shorts are basically never accepted. You can get away with it once, but this will stick to you.
04-04-2012 , 02:16 AM
brb dressing up to run to the grocery store on a saturday morning, blazer and all
04-04-2012 , 05:59 AM
People ITT haven't seen good short sleeved button ups.
04-04-2012 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by Spurious
lol, bball shorts are basically never accepted. You can get away with it once, but this will stick to you.
do you have people who follow you around and announce to the world what you wear to go to the store?
04-04-2012 , 09:53 AM
It depends on the image you are trying to project but I am working on the assumption that most people seeking opinions here are doing so with the intention of maximizing their appeal to society and specifically to girls.
04-04-2012 , 10:45 AM
i wear bball shorts and a tshirt everywhere during summer days.

at night, i never wear shorts.
04-04-2012 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
It depends on the image you are trying to project but I am working on the assumption that most people seeking opinions here are doing so with the intention of maximizing their appeal to society and specifically to girls.
one thing ive noticed over the years is that clothes really only a good way to stand out when youre surrounded by "peers" but not when you're clearly a step up/down in the social ladder.

for example, i always tell the college kids to get dressed up, even if they look "ridiculous" by their campus' standards because looking better than your equals is always a good thing. same goes for looking good at the office.

if girls already know you or can tell youre successful in life in some other way, i think clothes are pretty unimportant. if girls know you're a deadbeat then looking like a million bucks won't do much to help. similarly, if girls know you're making money and generally successful, you could wear a dildo strapped to your forehead and still get laid.

for example:

let's say i go to a party/BBQ at a friends where the guests are my close friends and some outer-circle acquaintances. even if a girl doesn't know me well, it wouldn't take long for her to figure out that i'm a lawyer, make good money, drive a nice car, etc. regardless of what i look like. i usually go to these things in basketball shorts and a white vneck undershirt with a baseball hat while other guys have their hair done and nice shirts/jeans etc. but they don't stand a chance.

if i go to a party filled with "peers" watch how quickly the girls flock to the guy in the sharp suit/looking the best. i can never get away with looking like a slob here.
04-04-2012 , 11:34 AM
Three flaws in your reasoning

1) Using clothing to signal success is only a small part of it with girls. Putting effort into your appearance signals a lot of other things about your personality as does not putting effort.

2) You are ignoring the much more common interactions with people you don't interact enough with to communicate anything but a first impression.

3) Being a well paid professional is an advantage but hardly uncommon. At nicer venues at least half-- if not more-- will have this same advantage making it a wash. With your friends again people tend to be friends with people in the same socioeconomic status as themselves so again it is pretty much a wash.
04-04-2012 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Three flaws in your reasoning

1) Using clothing to signal success is only a small part of it with girls. Putting effort into your appearance signals a lot of other things about your personality as does not putting effort.

2) You are ignoring the much more common interactions with people you don't interact enough with to communicate anything but a first impression.

3) Being a well paid professional is an advantage but hardly uncommon. At nicer venues at least half-- if not more-- will have this same advantage making it a wash. With your friends again people tend to be friends with people in the same socioeconomic status as themselves so again it is pretty much a wash.
1) i don't think many women would put too much stock into my hair being done or my clothes being perfectly ironed. even if i look like a complete slob and her initial reaction is "lowlife drug addict", that all goes out the window once she learns you're successful. i don't think anyone looks at mark zuckerberg (who is always wearing a t-shirt and jeans) and says "that guy's lazy and not going anywhere"

2) well yeah, i obviously wouldnt recommend going to a bar/club/lounge in ratty clothes. anytime you're going to meet complete randoms its important to look your best.

3) thats pretty much what im saying, isnt it? if you're at someplace with "peers" you need to look better. if you're not , you probably don't.
04-04-2012 , 12:31 PM
Summer lends itself to more outdoor activities during the day, making anything else besides shorts inappropriate. any non-shorts bottom garment you have 1) higher likelihood that you will sweat 2) People commenting "why aren't you wearing shorts?" 3) less comfortable.

Further, you can still show that you put effort into your appearance by simply wearing nicer shorts. You will get different reactions by wearing this(gasp) and this

edit: are you mark zuckerberg? or anywhere close?
04-04-2012 , 12:58 PM
cargo shorts are in the never category
04-04-2012 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by DerrtySlime
Summer lends itself to more outdoor activities during the day, making anything else besides shorts inappropriate. any non-shorts bottom garment you have 1) higher likelihood that you will sweat 2) People commenting "why aren't you wearing shorts?" 3) less comfortable.

Further, you can still show that you put effort into your appearance by simply wearing nicer shorts. You will get different reactions by wearing this(gasp) and this

edit: are you mark zuckerberg? or anywhere close?
cargo shorts are unacceptable
04-04-2012 , 01:21 PM
if im wearing "nice" shorts i wear something like this: (i own these stussy seersucker shorts, for example)

04-04-2012 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
1) i don't think many women would put too much stock into my hair being done or my clothes being perfectly ironed. even if i look like a complete slob and her initial reaction is "lowlife drug addict", that all goes out the window once she learns you're successful. i don't think anyone looks at mark zuckerberg (who is always wearing a t-shirt and jeans) and says "that guy's lazy and not going anywhere"
That isn't what I was thinking. That you are a professional on a good path addresses the going somewhere but there are still other items. Look at it from the girl's perspective -- she is judging what spending time with you will be like and you are signalling that you put the minimal effort required to get dressed meanwhile she put in effort. I'm having a difficult time articulating this but someone can be very successful and driven and still not a desirable. In your posts it is clear that you think money is very important when it comes to attracting women and it is but it is more about how you use money than how much you have. There are a lot of guys with $5-10M+ in net worth who don't do all that well.

2) well yeah, i obviously wouldnt recommend going to a bar/club/lounge in ratty clothes. anytime you're going to meet complete randoms its important to look your best.
That wasn't what I was thinking but you interact with people all day -- bank tellers, waitstaff, store clerks, etc. Whatever you are doing you'll be interacting with someone and there will be people around you that you might meet. People will just treat you differently and the cumulative effect of people constantly treating you better is that it impacts how your perceive yourself and as such how you act.

3) thats pretty much what im saying, isnt it? if you're at someplace with "peers" you need to look better. if you're not , you probably don't.
I actually thought you were saying the opposite -- that even if she judged you as a nothing she would in a short while learn that you were actually a lawyer so that would correct for the attire. My position is that while I do agree the lawyer part would be communicated I don't think it matters because you are competing against other guys who are also professionals with impressive jobs. Lacking the job you'd be at a huge disadvantage but having it only brings you to parity. Basically if you have two professionals of relatively similar physical appearance competing for the attention of a girl who is going to have the advantage comes down to presentation.

Originally Posted by DerrtySlime
1) higher likelihood that you will sweat ... 3) less comfortable.
I have never had an issue with this. You can buy very light weight dress pants that are very comfortable in the summer.

2) People commenting "why aren't you wearing shorts?"
I have never had anyone ask me this. We did have one guy who always wore shorts in our outer group years back and people made fun of him for always wearing shorts. On a road trip we had to make an emergency trip to the store to get him pants because none of the quality strip clubs allow you to wear shorts.

Further, you can still show that you put effort into your appearance by simply wearing nicer shorts.
I do have one very stylish friend who does wear shorts but that is a pretty advanced level of dressing that most people can't pull off. He gets away with it because his clothing is expensive and he also has a very natural charming personality. He can pull it off but I never could nor could the vast majority.
