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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

01-10-2011 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
GCG i read your post in EDF. that post sounds like what a lot of people go through. you're just remembering it better then it was.
This is certainly true, to an extent at least. For the last half, it was an awful relationship. But for the first half, I don't think I'm remembering it that inaccurately. I was going through a ton of **** at the time (very stressful time academically, financially, family stuff) and everyone was always trying to comfort me, thinking that anybody in this scenario would be miserable. It was the happiest point in my life ainec.

Also, I'm impressed you read all that.

Originally Posted by fishmeout
funny that i know two of those people -_-

doubt gcg is anywhere as hood...
I don't know any poker players since like 2006. So the comparisons are lost on me. Anyone care to explain?
01-10-2011 , 01:26 AM
Not liek you guys care, but the dude whos song I linked earlier released his first music video...It may not float your boat but at least the girl is hot!
01-10-2011 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo

I don't know any poker players since like 2006. So the comparisons are lost on me. Anyone care to explain?
The most talked about hand at the PokerStars NAPT Mohegan Sun Day 1 will probably turn out to be one of the most talked about hands of the whole year, as Faraz "the-toilet" Jaka made an astonishingly sick call on the river.

The hand started with Jaka opening for 2,000 utg and getting called in two places. Flop came As 6c 5s, Jaka continued with 5,200, one player called. Turn 3h, Jaka bet 5,200 again. His opponent thought for a while and made a sloppy call, dropping one of his chips on the floor. River was the Ts, so now there was a possible flush on board. Jaka asked how much his opponent had behind: 9,700, nearly half of Jaka's remaining chips. Jaka checked, and his opponent instantly went all-in.

Jaka looked like he wanted to fold, but eventually he made the call:

Jaka 9h 8d
His opponent... 8c 7s

Jaka collected the pot with his mighty 9-high while the players around him erupted with cries of "OMG!" and "You are the sickest man alive!"
01-10-2011 , 01:42 AM

Whatever happened to Vintage?
01-10-2011 , 01:45 AM
he bought a gas mask bong for 20 bucks yesterday....

confirmed depressed with the ball and chain
01-10-2011 , 02:19 AM
so the opponent shows a flush in the hh above.
01-10-2011 , 02:20 AM
01-10-2011 , 06:01 AM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo

Whatever happened to Vintage?
Last time someone asked this, he was simultaneously getting the **** kicked out of him.
01-10-2011 , 06:03 AM
Originally Posted by thebigeasy59
so the opponent shows a flush in the hh above.
we muck da flush, like ivey
01-10-2011 , 08:28 AM
Jaka collected the pot with his mighty 9-high while the players around him erupted with cries of "OMG!" and "You are the sickest man alive!"
Originally Posted by Christophersen
we muck da flush, like ivey
01-10-2011 , 08:48 AM
[ ] there is a flush in that hand history
[ ] this is bbv
[x] gtfo with your checkboxes
01-10-2011 , 09:10 AM
I don't know enough about poker players to even know if those are insults or compliments.

Originally Posted by il_martilo
Here, there are potentially two. Your strat is obviously more optimized for sex which is fine. The "new" crew is asserting that their strat is also better for the creation of a solid relationship which I think is very open for debate still.
Just to clarify. I don't think you use the same strategy when actually interacting with a girl that you see as potential GF material. With a girl that you see as GF material you'd use a different strategy that has some similarities but is clearly distinct and different from the strategy you use to get laid.

My position is that participating in the casual game improves your ability to succeed in the GF-seeking game. Basically the same way that weight training improves your ability at different sports. You can have no interest in weight training but you do it because it makes you better at a sport you actually care about. To keep the analogy going longer doing the weight training wrong (almost all marketed PUA is doing it wrong) can lead to injury that sets you back or even ends your ability to pursue either activity at any reasonable level.

Basically what it comes down to is that even if you just want a relationship it is a lot harder to set out and work on getting one without the distraction and confidence that doing well with women in the casual sphere generates. This doesn't mean you treat the girl you want a relationship with the same way you treat the girl you want to just have fun with.
01-10-2011 , 12:58 PM
ship it... gone for a month and return to find out im the PA of this thread. syck lyfe
01-10-2011 , 02:21 PM
full house? yeotajmu cannot beat that
01-10-2011 , 02:23 PM
01-10-2011 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Just to clarify. I don't think you use the same strategy when actually interacting with a girl that you see as potential GF material. With a girl that you see as GF material you'd use a different strategy that has some similarities but is clearly distinct and different from the strategy you use to get laid.

My position is that participating in the casual game improves your ability to succeed in the GF-seeking game. Basically the same way that weight training improves your ability at different sports. You can have no interest in weight training but you do it because it makes you better at a sport you actually care about. To keep the analogy going longer doing the weight training wrong (almost all marketed PUA is doing it wrong) can lead to injury that sets you back or even ends your ability to pursue either activity at any reasonable level.

Basically what it comes down to is that even if you just want a relationship it is a lot harder to set out and work on getting one without the distraction and confidence that doing well with women in the casual sphere generates. This doesn't mean you treat the girl you want a relationship with the same way you treat the girl you want to just have fun with.
This reflects my opinion 100%. Couldn't have said it better myself.
01-10-2011 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
you guys are the old live pros and we just click buttons.

Warning:Nothing Interesting Happens in this TR:Warning
last night was weird. at one point i sent vintage a text while i was in the bathroom peeing that said "lol i'm having one of those drunk epiphany moments right now where you reevaluate your life". he didn't respond because ever since he got a gf he's probably tucked in bed by midnight.

background on where i'm at in life:
couple days ago i went to lunch with my ex gf and saw her for the first time in over a year. she kept it hidden from her bf and told me not to tell anyone because me and her bf have mutual friends. i didn't post about it because it wasn't to try and hookup with her or anything. she looked pretty f'ing good. she got a job where she has to dress in heels and dress pants everyday. when we dated i don't think she even owned a pair of heels so i was impressed. new years eve i made out and did the true definition of "fooling around" with this girl i've always liked and looks pretty f'ing good as well. i never put much effort into it because she's older and def wouldn't date someone younger. so combine that with the fact around 8:30 before i went out my old "A" said she moved back to my city and will be going to the same school as me for at least a year. she's the only girl i've ever been really sprung off of. when i dated my ex i was attracted to her but we dated a week after meeting so i wasn't sprung.

anyways... so i'm there at the kickback. there's one 7-7.5 who i invited who def likes me but is weird about the whole having sex thing. she's looking for a relationship so will probably hold out a long time. there's no way i'm dating her. she has way too much baggage and she's not big on drinking. so at some point i hit a wall where i'm just like wow i can do so much better than these people that are here, while thinking about the 3 girls from above ^^^^^. i still half-ass tried to bang the girl. we heard noise coming from the bathroom so i said lets go see who it is. so we go down this dark hallway where i've initiated sex way too many times. i give a move where i like press up against her butt while she's leaning into the door and she doesn't reciprocate. then is like where's "jessica?" and goes down the hallway to see if she's with everyone in the living room. she sees i'm not following and comes back but either isn't understanding what's going on or just doesn't want to hookup.

so in my head i say this is stupid. not going to put effort into a girl i don't even care if i get. i down a beer. open and new one and lay on the couch with a pillow over my head. people kept trying to get me up and ask me what was wrong but i just said i'm fine just not in the mood tonight. i fell asleep pretty shortly. first time those emotions of frustration and whatever else went through me while out drinking so thought i'd post.
so that night i was on the front porch with people that were smoking. they started talking about ex's cuz two of them there used to date. so i brought up that i went to lunch with my ex earlier in the week. none of them know anyone she knows so it won't get back to the ex or her bf. the girl from the TR was to my left and made the most noticeable scoff at the comment. i called her out on it but she just ignored me. fast forward to today she texts me "let's get lunch today?".

lolll. i feel i don't owe her to tell her the truth and be like uhm that seems way to serious and we'll never date so no. i'm thinking either ignore it or just say i'm going to a relatives house to help her move stuff or something.


Last edited by GoodGame; 01-10-2011 at 04:17 PM. Reason: i'm bored. nothing interesting is going on. so gotta post something
01-10-2011 , 04:23 PM
lol girlaments

her text cracked me up

Last edited by LazyTops5; 01-10-2011 at 04:23 PM. Reason: also i enjoy blog type posts
01-10-2011 , 04:25 PM
I found my FW on POF last night. She's cute, has red hair, and I was like halfway through her profile thinking "she seems pretty cool" before the bomb dropped:


At that point I almost fainted. I sent her a message. Despite reading it she is yet to respond.
01-10-2011 , 04:30 PM
lol you live in the bay area don't the majority of the people LOVE THE SAN JOSE SHARKS
01-10-2011 , 04:41 PM

Post the message you sent!
01-10-2011 , 04:45 PM
goofy on suicide watch?
01-10-2011 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
lol you live in the bay area don't the majority of the people LOVE THE SAN JOSE SHARKS
lol, the number of people that care about hockey at all is pretty small compared to any other sport, especially among chicks where the best you can usually hope to do sport-wise is find someone to claims to like watching football on Sundays so she sounds like "one of the guys", or someone who curiously started rooting for the Giants around September. A chick liking the Sharks is a huge deal!

Originally Posted by El Diablo

Post the message you sent!
lol, no
01-10-2011 , 04:52 PM
So I haven't updated about the CG/CGR "triangle" in a while.

Basically, me and CG have only fooled around once since Christmas(when I had to call the cops for date rape thing), and didn't have sex(titty ****ed HER(lol) woot), but a large reason we didn't have sex, other than me being scared of STDs, is that she said she didn't want to.

She usually only says this when shes on the period, but usually still pushes to do it anyways(I usually lol and run away). This time was different and I found out a couple days later she was pretending to be on her period but she was really trying to show me shes a good person, or something on those lines..

Anyways, shes crazy, and now the CGR situation is basically she talks to me randomly quite a bit, and loves to voice chat on skype late at night(she's usually barely clothed, probs cause shes about to go to bed but whatever) and loves to drunk call me.

The last drunk call she said she'd be back in town Tuesday(tomorrow) and we are going to watch Inception and that she awkwardly/drunkenly asked to cuddle during it.

It was weird but whatever I guess, not sure what that means.

I get the awkward feeling they both kind of like me, but I don't even see myself dating either.

Life sighaments.
01-10-2011 , 04:56 PM
Protect your jugular.
