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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

08-02-2010 , 05:15 AM
Yeah, I really just wasn't ready for it, this girl was such a huge slut that it caught me way off guard that she would say something like that. Always be on your toes. Always.
08-02-2010 , 05:28 AM
Os, solid TR, would read again.

So lots to talk about my SL brothers. It’s been a busy weekend. Sorry about the EDF derail…now for something everyone can enjoy (Cliffs at bottom):

I met up with an old guy friend yesterday, and things picked up where they left off, we got along well, and more important for this TR, he got pretty good at game since I last saw him (but also has low standards). I mentioned my predicament about going on the date with that pof girl and he offered to pick us up and take us to the afterparty. I accept, makes logistics much easier.

So I head down to meet pof girl, we’ll call her F. I’m meeting her at an intersection. From pics, she was like a 0. Cuteish face, decent body, but nothing too special. I really just wanted to do the outdoor thing, and she was down for the ride.

I see the girl wearing the blue dress that I’m looking for, and my heart sinks. She’s fat. Like as fat as the girl’s image in the mirror:


Sometimes a fat girl can be kind of sexy, in the same way that a teeny bopper pop song can be kind of good. But she simply wasn’t. I felt no attraction to her. I’d put her somewhere around -3. We’re chatting and it’s kind of sad. In the back of my head it occurs to me that this girl is pretty sane and normal, but I could never like her. I don’t like the way she speaks, the way she moves, the phrases she uses, nothing. When she mentions that she left her job because it didn’t have enough “team morale,” I start drinking.

Worse, I mention the party after and she wants to go. As we do the outdoor activity, we’re clicking well, like when you talk to a friend of a friend because he is standing there all alone in the corner, and then it turns out that he really is enjoying your fluff conversation. She was laughing and really into it. Sigh.

My friend comes to get us after and we hop in the car. He brought more alcohol, and I start drinking at a faster rate then before during the activity. At least I can get drunk and make this whole thing easier, regardless of the outcome. The car ride was super ****ing fun, my friend was being high energy and we were singing along to stupid songs and all three of us are laughing. I have an idea…

Once we arrive at the party, I am waltzing around high fiving and patting my friends on the back, introducing her to people. I'm wasted. If only she was hot, this would have been a great DHV spot. She starts talking to a friend and I slip away. I talk to my guy friend that drove us, D. I tell D that if he wants her, he is more than welcome to go for it. I’m not surprised that he is interested.

Throughout the night, I keep getting insane eye contact from like 2 or 3 different girls (this is pretty rare), but I had a fat chick anchor preventing me from doing anything. Even though I’m not interested in her, I’d feel like a complete ass hole going and talking to some other girl. That’d just kill her self esteem.

At some point I was free and I lock eyes with this girl as I’m walking in her direction. I am very attracted to S, she is probably like a 6. I’ve seen this girl twice already this week, both times she was working, but at different places. It's quite a coincidence that I see her a third time. She definitely had to see me one of the times, the other time I was in a crowd of like 7 so she maybe didn’t notice me. Before I can do anything, she reaches out her hand and matter-of-factly says her name: “S.” I’m interested in SL’s interpretation of her greeting.

Anyway, several times D and F are talking and seem to be enjoying each other’s company. Such a weird feeling to be rooting for my date to get with another dude. Also, D started dancing with a really hot chick in the middle of a big circle and he looked money, so I was hoping that F would eat that **** up. But for most of the party, she hung around me and kept isolating me to go sit down and talk together. She's a nice girl and thinks everything I say is fascinating or hilarious, and I feel like it's such a waste of good game I'm running.

On the way home, I assumed that she will go to my place, and she confirms my assumption. D tries a not very well thought-out pull, due to being drunk. She balks and, despite my wish that she would stay at his place, that will not be happening.

F and I get home and my roommates are up, which was sort of embarrassing but funny at the same time. We get into bed together and turn the lights out. We made out a little bit. I guess cause I was really drunk and maybe I felt like it would make it less awkward that we were sleeping in the same bed? I don’t really know why. I felt nothing and it was kind of strange kissing someone and feeling so bored. Then I fell asleep and she left this morning, saying she had a great time and she’ll text me. I feel pretty bad because I think she likes me and I definitely don’t feel that way about her, but I kind of led her on. I didn’t mean to, but it would have been awkward to make it clear that I wasn’t interested.

Today was another interesting day, but I’m too exhausted to type it all out. Maybe tomorrow. I forgot how ****ing fun it is to pick up women when it’s going well. I think my absolute favorite moment is when you talk to somebody else in her group, and she interrupts, thinking you’ll just whip your head in her direction, and then you shush her. Then she just doesn’t know what to do and she is in the palm of your hand.

Cliffs: My pof date was fat, I tried to pimp her out to my friend, it almost worked, but instead she came home with me, we made out, and she probably has a crush on me now. I dunno what is the best way to get out.
08-02-2010 , 10:26 AM
Girl in the mirror might be "OOT-fat," but she's not actually.
08-02-2010 , 12:04 PM
good TR, but please stop using the -10 to 10 scale (if thats what you are using, I think you are)

its really confusing and dumb

also, that spot at the end of the night is hilarious. I would probably have been a lot meaner and not ended up in your position, but you at least were nice about it.

and agree with vintage about that picture
08-02-2010 , 12:11 PM
girl in the mirror is like 155. duno where your fat cutoff is but thats definitely above mine.

Last edited by zzthe3rd; 08-02-2010 at 12:13 PM. Reason: for that height obv
08-02-2010 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
When she mentions that she left her job because it didn’t have enough “team morale,” I start drinking.
Haha, I loved this line.

Love reading your TRs dude, keep it up.

Originally Posted by Vintage00
Girl in the mirror might be "OOT-fat," but she's not actually.
No, she isn't, but since he acknowledged that girls with that kind of weight can be sexy, which I agree with...I'll take his word for it that this one wasn't.
08-02-2010 , 12:51 PM
Girl in the mirror's weight is 'fine' imo. It all depends if the fat ruins the face and makes it a blob. At least 90% of my attraction is only in the face though for some reason.
08-02-2010 , 02:28 PM
ive only ever dated stick thin girls my entire life, but that chick in the mirror is not fat
08-02-2010 , 02:41 PM
Girl is definitely too big for me. Also, I have no idea what a -3 is! I was thinking when you said she was a 0 that she was the ugliest creature on earth?!
08-02-2010 , 04:13 PM
She wasn't huge, but was way too big for me. I'm not picky about some things, but weight is not one of those things. Flab grosses me out.

Fishmeout, read about the negative ten to ten scale. It got panned, but that happens every time I introduce it to a group. At first there is resistance, but then people realize that it's actually a good scale and adopt it for reasons outlined in that post.

Yesterday I hung out with D again. We also discussed the situation with F and we’re going to try to transfer her to him. Would be great if this worked out and I could escape guilt free somehow. But she just posted on my FB wall so…

TR from last night - warning it's really long and not a whole bunch happened, but it was interesting to me. Cliffs at the bottom.

D and I went to this bar last night that I had never been to, but I keep hearing about. It seems like a good student bar with cheap drinks and not pretentious. We rolled in around 11 and I’m a bit unsatisfied with the layout. It’s mostly tables for 4-6 people to sit at, and there are only one or two people sitting at the bar, nobody is standing around. This makes it pretty hard to meet girls cause then you actually have to go up to their table and start talking to the whole group, like a restaurant. I can’t see that really working out.

D knew like 5 people at the bar, I’m introduced to a couple decent looking girls that then return to their seats and don’t invite us. Then D’s guy friend walks in the bar, invites us to sit with them. It’s a group of like 5 guys and a girl. One guy was a fat nerd, another looked kind of like a pussy hipster, the guy that invited us to sit with them was a quiet nice guy and then one dude sitting there seemed cool and normal. The girl was extremely good looking, like an 8 (or like a 9 if you harbour an irrational hatred for the negative ten to ten scale). She was wearing a sexy short silk dress, had very nice legs, chest, tan, all of it. She kind of looked like Mila Kunis in this picture:
In any case, she is well out of my league and she’s with the pussy hipster guy. There are girls that are my type and nobody else appreciates. This girl isn't one of them.

We sit down and it sucked. The bar was really loud and where I was sitting, I couldn’t hear anything. For like 15 minutes or so, I’m sitting there basically not speaking. On both sides of me, there are two person inaudible conversations, and to talk to the people across the table I’d have to shout at the top of my lungs. I am scanning the bar but everyone is sitting at tables. There are attractive girls at the table behind ours, right in my line of sight, but there are more guys than girls and I can’t think of any reasonable approach to take.

A couple good friends come in and I give up on deaf life to go join them at the bar. We chat for like 20 minutes and it’s fine, but I remember that I didn’t really come here to see them; I can see them anytime and usually hear them much better. I head back to scope out the scene at my old table. To my surprise, D somehow managed to squeeze himself into a spot next to the one hot girl in the group, and they are playing some flirty game, touching their hands together and stuff. I am standing behind them and force myself in, asking if they are playing that one game where you slap the other person’s hands. My thought process at this point was that I was kind of helping out D because I was showing interest in their activity, making it seem cooler than it really was. But maybe I was just rationalizing it to myself.

The hottie, we’ll call her M for Mila, is like “Yeah we were playing and D is way better than me! Teach me how!” She puts her hand out and we play for a second and then she invites me to come sit next to her so it’s easier for her. This was the point of no return, I had a decision to make. Though a pof fattie in the bush is not a fair trade for Mila Kunis in hand, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity and pretty much cockblock my friend here. Kind of a dick move by me. Oh well. I was confused about the guy she was with, he was trying to compete for her attention as well, but she was paying attention to me and D, so maybe they weren't together after all.

I sit next to her with the normal dude (not the guy she was supposedly with) in between us. We’re playing the slap game right over his crotch. I didn’t really know what I was talking about but I made it seem like I was an expert and if she just listens to me for a couple minutes she will never lose a slap game for the rest of her life. She buys it, we laugh together and touch each other’s hands. Life is great. The guy next to me leaves, we talk for a few minutes and she seems very interested, but that’s partly an artefact of her now apparent drunkenness. Not slurring, but much lower inhibitions, she is being very open to a stranger. She mentioned a personal view that I strongly disagreed with and was ready to leave, but then immediately contradicted that value with another that is congruent with my own. That was enough to keep me around.

She gets up to go to the bathroom, and when she comes back I’m sitting by the quiet nice guy. She puts her arm around him and starts teasing/interrogating him about girls. He sheepishly says how he isn’t good with girls, he is shy, he just falls into relationships. It was funny how many cringe-worthy lines he spit out. I tell M to coach him with her expert female skills. We are using this poor guy for our entertainment and he didn’t really even realize it. M convinced him to text some girl and she didn’t text back and it would have been awkward if I knew this guy, cause he seemed genuinely upset about it. In reality, I thought it was hilarious.

D left at some point and said goodbye to me, he didn’t seem upset at all that I had stolen the girl he was talking to. That’s good.

I am mostly talking to the quiet guy, feigning disinterest in M. At one point she tries to interrupt the guy and talk over him, looking at me, but I hold up my index finger at her and then point at him to speak. I haven’t run much game the past year cause of a girlfriend and then laziness, but it’s like riding a bike, it all comes right back to me.

At some point M says you just have to go for it, be bold. I agree and just rephrase what she said, and she emphatically says “EXACTLY!” That’s the cue I need. I grab her phone and attempt a bold move. Luckily she didn’t appear to notice as she coaches the guy. This phone is ****ing ******ed and I cannot figure out how to dial my number. I desperately fumble along the keys trying to find a way before she grabs her phone back. After a minute of scrambling, I realize that I’m ******ed, not the phone. It pulls out to reveal numbers. I frantically punch in my digits and call myself. For some reason my phone doesn’t vibrate in my pocket. I only charged it a little bit before leaving, so maybe it died.

I instead type my name and number in her phonebook and show her. “Now we can be friends.” She asks if I did what she thinks I just did, and I nod. She rolls her eyes and punches something in her phone, and I see the upside down word “Loser.” It kind of hurt my feelings that she changed my name in her phone book to loser, and she kind of laughs when I say “Does that say loser?”. I feel like a tool, but at least I tried. As she does this, my phone vibrates, so I guess the phone call came in late or something weird. I turn and talk to a friend, now pretty much useless at the table. My friend goes on forever about nothing and I get bored. I check the time to leave, and realize I have a text from M, and it says “Loser.” I am greatly relieved that she didn’t change my name, she was flirting, and now I have her number, which I wouldn’t if she didn’t send that text.

We chat for a little while longer, and everyone heads towards the bar getting ready to leave. I say goodbye to everyone, then motion come hither to her. I tell her it was nice meeting her, she says “Yeah, and now I have your number” and I tell her I’ll talk to her soon, and to be nice to the quiet guy. I tell her that if she does anything mean, I’ll hear about it and I’ll have to have a talk with her.

TLDR: I met a really attractive girl at the bar and have her phone number, but she was drunk so I don’t expect much to come of it. It was lots of fun anyway and I’m going to try to date lots of women now.
08-02-2010 , 04:19 PM
Great TR, but why didn't you try and close that night? It seemed like things were going great.
08-02-2010 , 04:19 PM
hahaha nice tr


-dick move cockblocking your friend like that i lol'd though
-her putting loser in is NOT a bad thing and you should NOT have gotten insulted. no way she does that if she actually means it. thankfully you figured this out by the end haha.

how are you going to move on from here?
08-02-2010 , 04:20 PM


appreciated your DC advice... that post made me feel pretty good. thanks!
08-02-2010 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Karak


appreciated your DC advice... that post made me feel pretty good. thanks!
No prob, would be happy to give more specifics on places to go if you tell me what you like or where you're living.
08-02-2010 , 04:25 PM
Quick update:

Was supposed to take this girl out ice skating+dinner etc. last week but since I had already brought up the idea twice (once at the end of our second date and once last Sunday), I decided to not talk to her until she brought it up or mentioned it because it'd just look too needy and don't want her saying yes to me out of politeness.

Sooo, we didn't speak all last week and she eventually initiated the convo on Saturday to say hi and she had a busy week etc. Standard chit chat ensued and today the idea was brought up again. She said she had some back problems from before and didn't want to go skating in case it hurt again or something or other, despite sounding up for it when I asked her the first time. I do remember her saying something like this before so at least it's not a lie to get out of it. She wanted to do something else instead so I told her I'll think of something and get back to her. Any ideas?!

She also said she wasn't free this week either and the conversation pretty much died soon after that... that'd be going on two weeks without wanting to meet - I don't believe she can't fit in an evening for me if she was interested. I think she had a ****ty rota working 9 days straight last week too, but still, that's not really an excuse imo.

Thing is, when we're together we get on like a house on fire and she's always messaging afterwards about having had a wonderful evening and blah blah blah, yet at the same time she doesn't seem so interested when we're talking on bbm or whatever.

So, like, wtf is up with this girl? Is she interested or what?!

Do I stick at it and wait until we next meet or move on to someone else?
08-02-2010 , 04:27 PM
She wanted to do something else instead so I told her I'll think of something and get back to her.
08-02-2010 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
She mentioned a personal view that I strongly disagreed with and was ready to leave, but then immediately contradicted that value with another that is congruent with my own. That was enough to keep me around.
08-02-2010 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
She wanted to do something else instead so I told her I'll think of something and get back to her.
Yeah, but I'm not buying the whole I'm-too-busy-to-spend-an-evening-with-aao-this-week thing.

Plus last week's silence?

08-02-2010 , 05:43 PM
aao when you guys hang out, does it usually conclude with HER having to go do something/be somewhere? if i had to venture a guess you might be sticking around too long. im sure someone more articulate than myself knows what im trying to say.

also to rehash old in-thread threads, my friend just put himself in a yeotas gf position and we need this settled. for clarity's sake, here there is:
talking - where the 2 ppl are definitely attracted to each other and ppl expect them to start dating relatively soon, hanging out 1 on 1, going out in groups
dating - going out places 1 on 1, hooking up, but not exclusive
going out - exclusive relationship

he is in the talking stage with one girl, but just had sex with another one who likes him and would like to date him while he just sees her as a casual hook up. if the girl he is talking to were to find out, does she have a right to be mad? they have not hooked up yet fwiw.

my stance is that while she has a right to be mad if she finds out (because women are just like that), if she does not find out, he is not obligated to tell her if they start dating or enter an exclusive relationship, nor should he feel guilty at all, which he does and will not stop saying what a terrible person he is lol.
08-02-2010 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Mittens
No prob, would be happy to give more specifics on places to go if you tell me what you like or where you're living.
where the **** should i live? feel free to hit me up on aim. my SN here + 567 at the end. i'd appreciate any help.
08-02-2010 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by zzthe3rd
aao when you guys hang out, does it usually conclude with HER having to go do something/be somewhere? if i had to venture a guess you might be sticking around too long. im sure someone more articulate than myself knows what im trying to say.
I don't know if it was out of politeness, but both dates ended more mutually with both of us realizing the evening was coming to an end and deciding to leave.

The first time she suggested calling it a night and the second time I did.
08-02-2010 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
That held me up too.

In any case, GCG is quickly establishing himself as one of the best TR writers ITT. Even that story without a payoff was an enjoyable read.
08-02-2010 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by aao
I don't know if it was out of politeness, but both dates ended more mutually with both of us realizing the evening was coming to an end and deciding to leave.

The first time she suggested calling it a night and the second time I did.
well thats basically the same thing for what i was thinking. imo you are letting her in essence get her fill of aao by the 2 of you hanging out until its too late to anymore. nothing wrong with saying you have to go a little bit earlier so that shes like "aw he left" instead of "yeah it is getting late we have hung out a lot."
08-02-2010 , 09:54 PM

Curious, where do/did you live and go to school? The 10 girls through college being a big deal is strange to me too. If you have one random party etc / short term dating / whatev hook up and one real girlfriend per year, that is 8 girls right there during college. So if you slept w/ a girl or two in high school, that's 10 right there. Now, of course that's not everyone's experience, but it's common enough that 10 is not some super big deal. And that's from a guy who, like Mittens, went to pretty much a nerd factory. Party schools the average numbers are way higher.

As for dating multiple women at the same time, it seems pretty rare in college. But once people are in the working world, it's def different. Among the people who go out to bars and parties and generally socialize a decent amount, it's not uncommon to be casually dating a number of people at the same time. It's super standard when in the first few dates range, less standard but not uncommon when people have been dating casually for a month or two, and pretty rare (this is generally "players" only) for people to have multiple overlapping multi-month+ girlfriends.
08-02-2010 , 10:16 PM
I also think the reason it's rare in college is that college is generally a smaller or closed community. Keeping one from hearing about the other or preventing jealousy issues when you are only on a few dates is a lot harder. I'm not advocating juggling multiple women in committed relationships, but they will get snippy if you are taking multiples out on dates weekly I think.
