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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

04-22-2010 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
the only advice on how to meet girls is to just go do it. seriously. if you talk to every girl eventually you will find someone who you have things in common with.
Sometimes it doesn't surprise me at all that yeota has a gf.

Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
however, are you trying just to find someone to bang or are you looking for another relationship type? this is pertinent information.
Sometimes it does.
04-22-2010 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Vintage00
Sometimes it doesn't surprise me at all that yeota has a gf.

Sometimes it does.
04-22-2010 , 01:21 PM
Haha, I'm with yeota, what was wrong with his post?
04-22-2010 , 03:17 PM
M came over for about an hour and a half last night because I told her I might play her that song she wanted to hear. I did eventually end up doing it. We made out for a little bit on the balcony but nothing beyond that.

I told my roommate I had a lady friend coming over and for whatever reason he decides to stick around. Wtf? Of course then he invites his gf over to spend the night. Real cool bud.
04-22-2010 , 03:28 PM
you shoulda crashed in his room obv
04-22-2010 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by il_martilo
I told my roommate I had a lady friend coming over and for whatever reason he decides to stick around. Wtf? Of course then he invites his gf over to spend the night. Real cool bud.
seems standard to me. he doesn't want to be the awkward 3rd wheel so his options are go pay to do something or go to his gf's or have his gf come there. he'd only need to leave if you were going to have sex, which i'm pretty sure he knows you don't have sex. and if you were going to have sex then the standard play is for you to pay for him to see a movie (i'd leave on my own but you can't assume everyone else is like that).
04-22-2010 , 05:11 PM
il_m is saving himself?

Also pay for your friend to see a movie/etc. is standard in that spot imo
04-22-2010 , 07:14 PM
[QUOTE=GoodGame;18393132his options are go pay to do something or go to his gf's or have his gf come there[/QUOTE]

going to his gf's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything else imaginable on the "don't be a complete ****hole" scale.
04-22-2010 , 07:51 PM
I just don't bone girls I'm not exclusive with.

Also I explained the situation incorrectly. We don't really have a separate bedroom in our apt-- the living room and bedroom are all just one big room. The bathroom and kitchen are separate but there is definitely no getting busy with him around.

All he was doing was studying, which he could have easily done at the library. I have done something similar with him and his gf at least 10 times as to not 3rd wheel.

Basically, instead of doing anything else he decided to 3rd wheel the **** out of me. Gf only came over well after M was gone.
04-22-2010 , 08:09 PM
Yes but does he have a Lathe?
04-22-2010 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by Mandor_TFL
Yes but does he have a Lathe?
sometimes i 2p2 a little to much
04-22-2010 , 08:36 PM
so you share a studio apartment with a guy?
04-22-2010 , 09:11 PM
Prediction of reply " Welcome to NYC."
04-22-2010 , 10:39 PM
i just assumed you were in dorms. this sounds like a weird sitcom of a cluster**** or a situation.
04-22-2010 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by thebigeasy59
i just assumed you were in dorms. this sounds like a weird sitcom of a cluster**** or a situation.
I wish my dorms had balconies
04-22-2010 , 11:22 PM
many buildings that contain said dorm rooms are also complete with balconies.
04-23-2010 , 02:43 PM
Hi everyone, been lurking in here for some time and reading everyones post. Some pretty solid advice in here. Anyways I have one I kinda need help with.

This might be a very tl;dr so feel free to skip it it is. Also forgive my grammar and sentence structure, I'm horrible to putting into words.
A few things before I go on. I live with my sister in our own apt. She is older than me and the only family I live with.

Here goes:
End of january my sister introduced me to a coworker of hers(she wanted to meet me cuz she thought I was cute, saw my pic on fb). I ended up friending her on fb and we eventually got each others number and started to talk/text/fb chat every day and night. She was the one to initiate the chatting all the time since I was normally busy with work or poker. She would call me the second she gets out of work/school/friends house or whatever. While at work, we would constantly text each other.

about 2-3 weeks later I want something more than just this friendly chat, so I take the initiative and ask what the deal is between us, she responds with "well you should know, why would I constantly talk/chat/text you" so I'm like well I want something more between us. She gets upset that I asked her to be something more, she wanted the whole beginning flirting stage to be longer. Anyways, we continue doing what we were doing. She had a birthday party that weekend, she wanted me to be there really bad, but she doesn't want me to come cuzI got work till 11, and I can't make it to your party till 12:30, also I got work first thing in the morning. I promise I will go, but she keeps insisting I don't come cuz of my schedule. I end up going and she is completely wasted, however she calls me and asks me if I'm coming. She waits outside in the cold snow outside of the party location for me. We end up going to a her friend's apt, and we just hang out for a bit. Btw, I met up with another friend at the party and he asked me for a ride home. she and I grabbed pizza and walked back to her friend's place, we got there and while waiting for her friend to open the door, she grabs my face and gives me a kiss, we make out for a bit before her friend opens the door. Nothing much happens I leave with my buddy.

I only have off one day a week and she lives about an 1:15 away from me so driving is hard to meet up with her. She suggested to come over for a weekend and she does, things get heated when she comes over, we start making out and next thing leaves to another. We continue to talk to each other.

Now my sister is suddenly completely cold to me, ignores me, and gives me one word answers with so much anger. My sister and I have a very close bond, we barely ever fight and always got along since we were on our own for about 5 yrs. We had about 1 big fight a year and that's about it. I figured this is something like that. She won't even talk to me, its bothering me a lot and eventually a week later I confront my sister about her behavior, she tells me that the girl I am talking have been going around the work place spreading "rumors" about me and my sister. I ask the girl by beating around the bush asking if there were any rumors going around, the girl says no. Anyways, my sister and I are on good terms again and now I'm pretty skeptical about this girl I'm talking to.

The girl says to me we should stop talking and just be friends, now with what just happened in the back of my mind I just agree nonchalantly. Now that pisses the girl off and starts to get angry with why I just agreed to be friends and didn't even bother to try to stay together. We argue for a bit and eventually stay as "friends". She continues to do everything as we did with chatting and calling every second.

We continue to hang out and stuff. I try not to mention her name to my sister cuz my sister hates her now. Everytime we hang out we would hold hands, cuddle, and make out plus more, but we are "just" friends according to her. This continued till about a few days ago. She started to act pretty emo, she warned me that she thinks her period is coming so she was a bit emotionally unstable. I figure maybe that's why she has been so distant, and all of a sudden last night she calls me as usual and says she wants to be just friends. I ask if she is dead serious she says yeah and I just told her I'm gonna hang up. Tilted for a bit I decide to talk to her later when my mind is cleared up. Then call her a couple hours later and she wants to just be friends and nothing more. She says she doesn't want to complicate things and doesn't want to hurt our friendship, even if it means that we just turn into acquaintances that never meet up anymore and just say hi randomly.

Sorry for the long post but seriously what the hell do I do here? Should I just completely ginore her now? Do I just take this as it is? I'm pretty confused with what I should do with this situation.
04-23-2010 , 03:08 PM
first we need to know where you stand on the situation. do you have feelings for her? are you happy with being just friends? do you want to continue fooling around with her?

what do you want to happen from your end?
04-23-2010 , 03:10 PM
I think this is the reason why you dont do the long distance thing (not that long distance, I know).

This seems to be a bitch fight between your sister and the girl from work. Your sister might be jealous.
Anyways, you dont know what's going on at the work place, and that's where the whole **** started.

I would just act normal and stay friends with her, you probably **** again when she visits you, but other than that, I would just let it be.
04-23-2010 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
first we need to know where you stand on the situation. do you have feelings for her? are you happy with being just friends? do you want to continue fooling around with her?

what do you want to happen from your end?
I like her. I want more of a serious relationship and her reason was she wasn't looking for a relationship. I don't wanna be friends with her since I'm never gonna see her if I have no reason to. I do wanna fool around with her but I don't think that's an option anymore.

She was very indecisive bouncing back and forth. One day she would be all over me and then like the next day she would be like "I like you but I don't know what I want" this kinda behavior happened about once a week. She would ask me if I loved her, she knows that I am very much a nit when it comes to saying "love". But eventually she pestered me into saying it and she responded back to me saying she loves me. She immediately says "hmmm, I didn't feel any butterflies" wtf? seriously? I didn't know what to say.
04-23-2010 , 03:49 PM
wtf she is just crazy.

id just stop talking to her for the most part and see what happens if you have separation for awhile. how long have you "been together?" this whole situation seems weird as **** tbh and it is apparent she is toying with you imo.
04-23-2010 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
wtf she is just crazy.

id just stop talking to her for the most part and see what happens if you have separation for awhile. how long have you "been together?" this whole situation seems weird as **** tbh and it is apparent she is toying with you imo.
yeah, and dunno why you fell for the i love you trap.
04-23-2010 , 04:28 PM
"Been together" since mid february.

O also one thing that got me mad annoyed was there is this friend of mine(I had a crush on but are pretty decent friends now) who lives down the street, got a job at the same place as she works except at a different branch by my place. At first this girl was mad jealous I think, for like a few days after she found out that my friend got the job kept on saying to me, "you must be really happy now that "your friend" is gonna be working at the branch by your apt and you get to see her all the time now and get to talk with her" I responded like "wtf are you saying? I had a crush on her about 2 yrs ago and also she has a bf and we are just friends". She said something similar to that for a few days. Just thought that was really annoying
04-23-2010 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by Spurious
yeah, and dunno why you fell for the i love you trap.
hahaha I was playing cod mw2 and needed her to stop nagging me. It was one of the rare occasions where I was attempting to multitask.
04-23-2010 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by binkchink
hahaha I was playing cod mw2 and needed her to stop nagging me. It was one of the rare occasions where I was attempting to multitask.
LOL, She either likes you or shes just mad. I agree with yeota when he says you should stop talking to her and see what happens.
