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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

07-07-2013 , 08:33 AM
I have to admit, I disagree, though my experience is more weighted towards NZ than Australia, but have lived in all three countries.

New Zealand and Australian girls are definitely more guarded and less receptive to being approached IME, but once you get talking to them I think they are more likely to sleep with you than American girls. Both countries are very slutty imo. Just from talking to friends in both countries, the numbers for all of my NZ/Aus friends are WAY higher than my american friends. I feel like 30 is average for a mid 20s male in NZ, where 10 is probably more the norm in America.

WRT to friendly american girls: In saying that, I'm unsure of how much the friendliness of American girls is due to their friendly nature and how much to the fact that I have an accent. I still remember approaching the two most stunning girls I have ever spoken to in a club in Hollywood, and I could see the look of distaste in their eyes as I approached them and the preprepared 'sorry we are having an important conversation and can't really talk' line ready, only to be replaced by 'OOOOHHHHHMMMYYYYGGGGOOOODDDDD you have an accent?!?! Where are you frooooom?
07-07-2013 , 10:35 AM
^ 10 is average in the US? Seems very low to me. Bad sample?

I've been on every continent except Africa and Australia I find by far the most difficult for meeting girls. That is if your standards are on the higher end of course. Curious to hear other opinions on this. But I find the reason isn't even that the girls are more difficult than elsewhere, rather there's a lot more **** blocking going on. Agree though, Melbourne is the best place by far for pretty much everything. Sydney sucks
07-07-2013 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
And now we see why you only get into dysfunctional relationships.

You're the male equivalent to the fat white chick.
lol what do you mean? i meet up with a girl, we have a decent time, but don't care that much so we rarely talk and she sends me that message 3 weeks later. i don't understand your post.
07-07-2013 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by DiamondScheme
lol what do you mean? i meet up with a girl, we have a decent time, but don't care that much so we rarely talk and she sends me that message 3 weeks later. i don't understand your post.
You want what you can't have,or what is not good for you.
Crazy chick who's a tease is the one you pursue,yet the one who was more willing to talk to you,you blow her off.

Don't do that too much or you will end up regretting it in your old age.

Should have banged more nice girls using 2+2 Forums
07-07-2013 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
You want what you can't have,or what is not good for you.
Crazy chick who's a tease is the one you pursue,yet the one who was more willing to talk to you,you blow her off.

Don't do that too much or you will end up regretting it in your old age.
everyone wants what they can't have. gotta aim high, otherwise in your old age you'll end up with some ugly girl that you settled for.

to be fair, i just wasn't into this other girl. not just going to accept any girl that wants to talk to me.

my roommate and i were out the other night. 2 girls came up and talked to us. the hot one was talking to him, and the ugly one was talking to me. she wasn't just ugly, she was also fat. i would jump on a grenade for my roomy with an non-fat ugly girl, but i couldn't do it with this chic. roommate was pretty mad at me for blowing her off. i guess i should've put in a little more effort.
07-07-2013 , 03:11 PM
If you want to be in a relationship with a girl---
Thoughts on sex asap vs. sex a few weeks/months in?

Thank you
07-07-2013 , 03:20 PM
A few months? **** no.

A few weeks? OK.

07-07-2013 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by TCDynasty
If you want to be in a relationship with a girl---
Thoughts on sex asap vs. sex a few weeks/months in?

Thank you
ASAP assuming it happens organically
07-07-2013 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Show_Me_Respect
Plus I'm the wrong side of 25, not exactly gonna be able to pull 18-21 year olds on the D floor.
I used to go to clubs after 25 and that wasn't an issue. I'm not a fan of dancing so picking up on the dance floor obviously out o play book.

Im only 5 foot 10 as well. I think Henry would agree with lounge bars being better then D Floor.
If the goal is a one night stand over all I would give the advantage to a club but again no dancing. It is fairly easy at both though and the specific venue is much more important than the type of venue. The variation between venues is enough to make the club's advantage hard to detect but over a big enough sample clubs do have an advantage. Mind you this will also depend on you personality and the reverse might be true for some.

Ask Otty if you don't believe me. Some parts of Australia chicks are very guarded in town. Sydney especially is a very tough place to meet chicks. Melbourne is better. Its just different americans are very very confident. It is different over here we are more conservative.
That is not at all my impression of Australians. We had an exchange with Bond so I met a few though that plus just standard people moving to Canada. They have always seemed more outgoing and more sexually liberal than Americans.
07-07-2013 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by TCDynasty
If you want to be in a relationship with a girl---
Thoughts on sex asap vs. sex a few weeks/months in?

Thank you
Sooner the better.

I don't even understand the reasoning on delaying it.
07-07-2013 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by TCDynasty
If you want to be in a relationship with a girl---
Thoughts on sex asap vs. sex a few weeks/months in?

Thank you
no point in waiting. the only time it may be questioned is if the girl bangs you on the first date, you may wonder if she's just a big sloot and if she's worth dating. i still don't even put any weight on that. but if you've been seeing each other for a while, then ya you should be looking to put p in v asap.

months is lol, which sounds very ironic coming from me based on my situation.
07-07-2013 , 04:45 PM
just dont become their cuddle bitch if they wont put out
07-07-2013 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by donkpokerz
^ 10 is average in the US? Seems very low to me. Bad sample?

I've been on every continent except Africa and Australia I find by far the most difficult for meeting girls. That is if your standards are on the higher end of course. Curious to hear other opinions on this. But I find the reason isn't even that the girls are more difficult than elsewhere, rather there's a lot more **** blocking going on. Agree though, Melbourne is the best place by far for pretty much everything. Sydney sucks
Australia could be so elite if it wasn't for them being so conservative and their ridiculous lolbad censorship laws and probably some other ridiculous laws that I don't really know about.

Sounds like a case of you just being in Australia so much and probably only visiting the big cities of America and obviously the more liberal parts. I'd be a little surprised if America wasn't the worst for Western countries.
07-07-2013 , 06:05 PM
I agree with Fryke and Henry but perhaps I didn't go into enough detail. Australian chicks are very open to one night stands, and stuff and once you get talking its all good. Its just for some reason at bars in can be tough. Its hard to explain. Ive had a ton of mates go to the Gold Coast which is known for having a high percentage of stunning girls. Most of them have failed miserably trying to pick up in town. Generally at parties and elsewhere they are more relaxed and its a lot easier. I'm not saying it can't be done in town because it can, but its just not as easy as some people might think.

Any girls away from their home country are more liberal then they normally would be. Same with guys, its part of the travelling culture to sleep around a lot.
07-07-2013 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by GusJohnsonGOAT
Australia could be so elite if it wasn't for them being so conservative and their ridiculous lolbad censorship laws and probably some other ridiculous laws that I don't really know about.

Sounds like a case of you just being in Australia so much and probably only visiting the big cities of America and obviously the more liberal parts. I'd be a little surprised if America wasn't the worst for Western countries.
Drinking at 18 is pretty much the nuts
07-07-2013 , 09:24 PM
usa is 21 to drink?

if so that is ****ing ******ed

STRAYA **** YEAH KUNT then tbh
07-08-2013 , 09:26 AM
Not sure how many of you guys remember me, but I've been away from this thread for a couple months... Mainly because I was dating a woman since beginning of April ish. Just ended a little "fling" with an older woman that took up a lot of my time yesterday. Was starting to get really into her but realized that it's best now to cut ties. (I'm 24, and she's 38 going on 30ish, looks fantastic). Probably was the right thing to do because things would probably end bad if I kept it going, as she had her own family of multiple kids.

Anyone else have any stories of dating older women for more than a month ish? How was the breakup and did you never contact her again? FWIW she's a poker dealer, so I plan on avoiding her pokerroom while she's working because it would be hard on both of us. I would like to be friends again over time, but dont know how realistic that is - I mean she is involved in the poker community.
(fyi part of this post is redundant in the online dating thread)

Last edited by Pay4Myschool; 07-08-2013 at 09:31 AM.
07-08-2013 , 09:29 AM
Lol arguing on the interwebz is fun.

The only thing I don't like about Aus is the lack of NBA (time zone wise), and the fact I can't use my accent as a crutch for picking up girls. Apart from that it's pretty much perfect
07-08-2013 , 06:16 PM
Just finished up a pretty nice bender for 4th of July weekend. I broke up with my girlfriend of about ~8 months last Tuesday so it was my first weekend single for a while. First, had a short pregame on Wednesday (day before July 4th which is always a great night out) where I drank about 7-8 beers and spent about 20 minutes changing girls names in my phone back to their actual names from random fake guy names I had previously entered so my girlfriend wouldn’t freak out when they text/call/etc (I was pretty lazy about it anyway though, one girl was simply “Jake from StateFarm). Went to the usual bar I frequent with a dancefloor in the back and spent about $100 on fireball shots and beers for me, my friends and random bitches. It’s pretty blurry, but I do know I did my usual dancing w/o giving a **** and picked up some random girl that was about 3 years older than me and about a 6 unfortunately. Brought her back to my house and realized I’ve pulled a giant scrub move and forgot to buy the million pack of condoms at Walmart so I ended up just getting 2 blow jobs from her for the rest of the night even though I didn’t know her last name. Woke up early in morning and drove her home and didn’t bother asking for her number.

Next day I had a family/friends 4th of July party and stuck to beers mostly but also made drinks that look like this for a lot of people (Margarita with upside down corona). Looked like this:
It was pretty great weather too for the best holiday ever created. Went out and hooked up with this girl I’ve known for a while but didn’t bring her back.

Friday, I finally got my jet ski I paid cash for. Spent the day almost killing myself on it and invited a girl over from out of town. I used to have a thing with her Freshman year and she’s admitted that she’s liked me since then but was waiting for me to be single. I tried to get a blowjob while riding my jet ski at like 30-40mph since I had the entire bay to myself really late in the evening but it was a fail because of the awkward seating. I banged her then she went home since her fake id situation was ****ed up. Went out that night , and it was an average night and nothing special.

Saturday I watched that sleeper of a sport and rooted against the British guy. Unfortunately, he won. Salvaged my day by going to the beach and there happened to be this cancun-spring break-like beach party on one of the beaches. Drank a 12 pack, stumbled home and passed out. Woke up around 11pm to about 6-7 texts from my ex-gf about how much she misses me and wishes she could change my mind. I ignored them, and met up with some friends at a bar. I wore a new spring-colored shirt I bought from Brooks Brothers for about $90 after my 15% discount for using my retail credit card there. Some weirdo-looking dude wearing vans and black jeans and a hideous American eagle polo asked me about how much it cost and I told him I got it for $5 at a thrift shop. Drank lots of $9 makers mark shots/$6 beers, and my friend and I started talking to these 2 good-looking girls from Ireland outside the bar while smoking some cigarettes. They were dumb as bricks so conversation couldn't really escalate beyond knock, knock joke level intelligence. We get them to cab back with us to my house, post gamed with some left over fireball, and we be both closed, except I banged a girl in my gazebo on my dock while listening to 80s pop music on my Beat’s pill. I woke up on my couch and they were both gone.

It was a rough Sunday.
07-08-2013 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Aces Suited
so I ended up just getting 2 blow jobs from her for the rest of the night even though I didn’t know her last name
Is this a piece of information you usually gain from someone in the midst of a drunken hookup?
07-08-2013 , 06:22 PM
Single Puesy is great news.

Nice TR.
07-08-2013 , 06:23 PM
Not really in a ridiculously loud bar/club. It's usually Hi, I'm Erin/Christine/Sabrina/etc and I don't bother asking for her last name after that point. It would even be kinda weird to do so
07-08-2013 , 06:24 PM
Yeah, the way you wrote it sounded like it's out of the ordinary to get blown by someone whose last name you don't know.
07-08-2013 , 06:27 PM
*ripple of applause*
07-08-2013 , 06:28 PM
nice tr, but wtf is that drink
