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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

07-05-2013 , 05:07 PM
gl duke
07-05-2013 , 05:36 PM
07-05-2013 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
Je ne comprende pas parce que je suis Anglais. I have no idea what American is. Une bierre s'il vous plait.
Je suis 'MURICAN. Baise-moi, s'il vous plait.

Should work.
07-05-2013 , 07:34 PM
Dont like how you handled everything up to the part of securing the date, but congrats I guess.

You mentioned you were able to cut off contact after the negative reaction, but then come Tuesday you re-initiate contact, without any positive interaction(walking out of class together, which was probably your doing I imagine, maybe not, is not that positive). You then again, after a dismissive text(she had a busy day), asked her for another date.

But in the end you got a semi firm result, so congrats.
07-05-2013 , 07:47 PM
I'm rooting for duke, go dude

Sent from my HTC One using 2+2 Forums
07-05-2013 , 08:34 PM

i think it's been solid play so far, though not sure about the random text about class - could have def backfired.

nice work anyway and good luck on this date. my read is that your chances of getting somewhere with this girl are pretty high.
07-05-2013 , 08:43 PM
Regarding the random text after class:

I really was planning on just cutting off contact with this girl. After class, we walked off together but another dude kind of cut in and they were side by side and i was like 3-4 feet in front

He parted, then she kind of got my attention to say that she was going to her car and we'd talk later

I just got a good vibe i guess. I was going to gauge her response. All she said was "haha i feel the same" so i didnt respond. Then when she sent a follow up, I felt i had the green light to continue.
07-05-2013 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Dont like how you handled everything up to the part of securing the date, but congrats I guess.

You mentioned you were able to cut off contact after the negative reaction, but then come Tuesday you re-initiate contact, without any positive interaction(walking out of class together, which was probably your doing I imagine, maybe not, is not that positive). You then again, after a dismissive text(she had a busy day), asked her for another date.

But in the end you got a semi firm result, so congrats.
Also her text today wasnt dismissive.

She told me a few specific things she was doing, and had a smiley face at the end, then asked me what my plans were
07-06-2013 , 12:14 AM
Met up with this chick from Brisbane today who was in town. Shes quite a cool chick who is a lawyer. Shes an old acquiance who has recently become single (when I first met her we were both in relationships) She has really nice face/tits could probaly be an 8 if she could get her body into shape. Her body is awful. We get on really well, but she just wasn't keen, touched her shoulders/ arm a couple of times but she didn't respond. Still I think she sees me as a decent guy, shes moving closer to me soon, so hopefully she will hot friends she can introduce me to. We went to a couple of markets and then had lunch at a mexican place.

Have not seen the Indian or South African chick at my sports club. Apparently they have switched to a different night. Should eventually run into them again so not too worried.
07-06-2013 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by DiamondScheme
Girl came over around 8 for hockey. Was first date. We joked around lots and had a good time. Sat beside each on couch. Contact was made numerous times by me but she never reciprocated. Was kinda crap. She also doesn't drink. Wtf. After first ot i cracked and had some wine. During intermissions we'd play hockey with squash balls and do other stupid stuff. Finally game ended. She did not seem into progressing to any form of sexual activity so i didnt pursue it. Gave her a ride home.

Shes already texted me this morning and wants to 'do it again'. Think im gonna ditch her.
lol so i never met up with this girl again but we texted from time to time. i was mostly busy and didn't care all that much to see her again. she sent me this text last night:

just giving you a heads up that i'm changing my number tomorrow and won't be giving it to you. we don't really talk anyways and you're so busy it's pointless trying to stay in touch. so best of luck with everything.

haha very considerate of her to send such a text. my roommate thinks it was her last attempt at gaining my interest. i don't. either way don't care, just find it funny.
07-06-2013 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by DiamondScheme
lol so i never met up with this girl again but we texted from time to time. i was mostly busy and didn't care all that much to see her again. she sent me this text last night:

just giving you a heads up that i'm changing my number tomorrow and won't be giving it to you. we don't really talk anyways and you're so busy it's pointless trying to stay in touch. so best of luck with everything.

haha very considerate of her to send such a text. my roommate thinks it was her last attempt at gaining my interest. i don't. either way don't care, just find it funny.
And now we see why you only get into dysfunctional relationships.

You're the male equivalent to the fat white chick.

Sent from the best the best the best of you using 2+2 Forums
07-06-2013 , 02:26 PM
update from paris: awesome ****ing city. last night actually was a total bust but we met two recent ole miss grads in the park today (one of whom was super cute) and plan to hangout with them tonight. we'll see how it goes.
07-06-2013 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by funkyfood
update from paris: awesome ****ing city. last night actually was a total bust but we met two recent ole miss grads in the park today (one of whom was super cute) and plan to hangout with them tonight. we'll see how it goes.
damnit I miss europe so much haha
07-06-2013 , 02:30 PM
we just biked all around the city using bike share, stopping to get coffee, take a nap in the park, and drink. then biked back all the way down the seine to his apt. not a bad life.
07-06-2013 , 03:20 PM
also if the poker clubs are 5% uncapped, i dont see how games can be beatable. also, can i get in with like suede boots? theyre the nicest shoes i brought...
07-06-2013 , 04:04 PM
Americans: go on vacations to hang out with other americans.

lol jk sounds fun
07-06-2013 , 06:06 PM
TR Time:

Last night. Pre-gaming Went around to a mates place for a few drinks. Heard that he had some female flatmates but only one was around and she wasnt planning on heading out that night. So we all have a couple of beers and then decide to spice up the night. We decide to mix powerade with vodka, so we all did 4 vodka/powerade shots over the space of about 20 minutes lol. We squeesed in some orange juice in 1 of them, it actually tasted pretty good.

After that we headed into town, mate had a 50 dollar bartab at some bar so we went there first, before heading into other bars. The bars we went to were just the mass kind of places, dance bars (not my scene but what can you do). A couple of other boys and their girlfriends join us, and we got into the zone. I guess we just drunk casually getting a beer/cider to keep us buzzed. I must have been drunk as I was hitting the d floor. We met lots of chicks but as predicted with dance floor mass places, very tough. Most of my friends are good with chicks, just cant understand why they dont want to go to the more upscale places where you can actually talk to girls. There might have been a couple of numbers exchanged but basically nothing.

Funniest moment of the night was towards the end when we at the 24/7 getting pies. Some guy bumped into one of my mates, then turned around and starting being a tosser " Saying are you right bro, you right, just trying to start ****." My mate was just like im sweet, guy kept going, eventually for fun my mate turned around pointed at us all and said 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 7 guys im with, if you wanna take us all on go for it. He was just some loser trying to look tough in front of his insanely ugly girlfriend. His friend and his girlfriend were like WTF.
07-06-2013 , 06:34 PM
amazing TR!
07-06-2013 , 07:16 PM
lol sunny is that your gimmick
07-06-2013 , 07:31 PM
lol get the rust out of your sarcasm detector bro. i would rather watch paint dry than read another TR like that...
07-06-2013 , 09:07 PM
I dont want to discourage you from writing further TRs but, please dont write further TRs like that. I mean I write a lot of **** TRs where nothing truly exciting happens, but at least something happens, or maybe my TRs are **** too, who knows.

But sounds like you had fun so thats nice, I just dont want to really hear about it.

Also dance bars are probably easiest place for one night stands, lounge type places are great for meeting chicks but the girls that go there tend to be more selective with ONS's
07-07-2013 , 01:36 AM
My parents are going away on holidays for six weeks. Leaving me a 2 storey house to myself. Going to be an absolute sexathon.
07-07-2013 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by funkyfood
also if the poker clubs are 5% uncapped, i dont see how games can be beatable. also, can i get in with like suede boots? theyre the nicest shoes i brought...
If youre in Paris it might actually be worse. Havent been to all casino's but Club Aviation is probably the place-to-be. They do charge 25 euro's per hour as table charge. I'm not sure if they charge pots too but it'd seem likely. Also they enforce a very strict dresscode so you probably need dress shoes.

I also heard that they introduced a membership fee to get in but I'm not sure about that.'
07-07-2013 , 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
I dont want to discourage you from writing further TRs but, please dont write further TRs like that. I mean I write a lot of **** TRs where nothing truly exciting happens, but at least something happens, or maybe my TRs are **** too, who knows.

But sounds like you had fun so thats nice, I just dont want to really hear about it.

Also dance bars are probably easiest place for one night stands, lounge type places are great for meeting chicks but the girls that go there tend to be more selective with ONS's
Maybe in North America but not in Australia. Ive lived in New Zealand as well and it was similar a lot less of a pick up scene in actual bars. We tend to meet girls more in parties, friends of friends, sports and stuffs. Maybe because its very expensive to drink in bars in Australia. Plus I'm the wrong side of 25, not exactly gonna be able to pull 18-21 year olds on the D floor. Im only 5 foot 10 as well. I think Henry would agree with lounge bars being better then D Floor. Ask Otty if you don't believe me. Some parts of Australia chicks are very guarded in town. Sydney especially is a very tough place to meet chicks. Melbourne is better. Its just different americans are very very confident. It is different over here we are more conservative.
07-07-2013 , 07:55 AM
Absolutely agree with one night stands being harder in Australia than what these other guys are saying in other countries. I don't know if the girls are more difficult though. I have no experience with other countries.

There are plenty of places however that are clubs that only have a section that is dancing. Those are the ones I prefer because since one night stands are hard to come by its easier to get talking to a girl at a table and get numbers then talk to them later.

I know the scene in Australia is very young. I feel old in a lot of the places I go and I'm only 21 haha
