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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

12-26-2012 , 06:04 PM
itt the average guy makes over 80k and brings home an 8+ one out of three nights.
12-26-2012 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
lolll no way. only like gaz is doing those numbers and that's while on a tv show getting everything comped at the clubs.
errr wat, that dude is gotta be running at like 80+%, and hes far above average. HES GOOD LOOKING AND ON A TV SHOW!!

33% does not sound wrong imo and if it does then it has to do with ppls definitions of an avg guy. i think we all know henrys version of avg is probably skewed to the above avg end but its probably closer than what someone like aceman thinks avg guy is.
12-26-2012 , 06:08 PM
You've never been or even observed guys with the upper hand. There have been numerous girls (and I'm not proud of it) I've been a dick too, don't text back, never hang out, booty call at 3am etc. you can basically get away with murder if you are the "higher value" (emphasize quotations) person. Now these girls often weren't hot, but it's hard to have a significant advantage when you are a normal guy who is a 6-7. If I was a 9 and well off, this behavior would be accepted by lots of 8s+.

Again, this isn't a good thing, and doesn't work on top quality girls you would want to date, but in your mind physical beauty is all girls have goig for them. The point is, if you are high value, and don't care about personality, you can get laid by very hot girls very easily without dating or being nice or flirting. These are only necessary if you are trying to punch above your weight, which is logical
12-26-2012 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by TheAceMan
just admit girls have it easier. im here to put down all you, fryke, and henry's nonsense ideas. you clearly dont go out much or do not know US culture in big cities. once you wise up and admit you're wrong i'll give up.
Originally Posted by Sciolist
He's changing the ground on every argument because he likes arguing. He's not trolling per se - it isn't to get a rise out of us, as he honestly thinks these things. It's just what he's like, and I'm looking forward to when he stops posting.
12-26-2012 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by JRustle
33% does not sound wrong imo and if it does then it has to do with ppls definitions of an avg guy. i think we all know henrys version of avg is probably skewed to the above avg end but its probably closer than what someone like aceman thinks avg guy is.
I think average is the wrong word. The guy I'm thinking of is obviously not average but at the same time there is nothing that is not attainable either. Basically I'm talking about guys who put effort into their life.

Basically there is average as in the 50th percentile but that is not how I meant average. I thought that was clear because I said that the majority (probably 80%+ of guys are goofs) so just by being a guy who has his **** together and isn't a weirdo you have a big competitive advantage.
12-26-2012 , 06:30 PM
you are so completely wrong that most guys are goofs. are you talking about guys in toronto? how are young professional guys living in toronto at age 25 goofs exactly? they must have good jobs and have good education to get in their positions. off of that they probably are social and dress well.
12-26-2012 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by TheAceMan
you are so completely wrong that most guys are goofs
Must... resist... urge... to... troll...
12-26-2012 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
I think average is the wrong word. The guy I'm thinking of is obviously not average but at the same time there is nothing that is not attainable either. Basically I'm talking about guys who put effort into their life.

Basically there is average as in the 50th percentile but that is not how I meant average. I thought that was clear because I said that the majority (probably 80%+ of guys are goofs) so just by being a guy who has his **** together and isn't a weirdo you have a big competitive advantage.
lol i understand what you meant, i just think you and aceman are working off of extremely different definitions. the fact that we are simply saying "average guy" doesnt help, intsead of something like "average guy at a non-awful bar on fri/sat nights".

aceman - lol now you are just making up stuff.
how are young professional guys living in toronto at age 25 goofs exactly?
i mean really? put more qualifiers in there hahaha. you may as well say "how are 22 year old NFL prospects goofs!?!?"
12-26-2012 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by TheAceMan
you are so completely wrong that most guys are goofs. are you talking about guys in toronto?
Seems to be true of every city I've lived in.

how are young professional guys living in toronto at age 25 goofs exactly? they must have good jobs and have good education to get in their positions. off of that they probably are social and dress well.
There isn't a universal way but there are so many guys that I know who could change their behaviour but they don't.

The biggest hindrance to guys getting laid is thinking that society has to accept them as they are and then getting bitter when society slots them in as undesirable.
12-26-2012 , 07:03 PM
pics of ur gf ace man?
12-26-2012 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by TheAceMan
just admit girls have it easier. im here to put down all you, fryke, and henry's nonsense ideas. you clearly dont go out much or do not know US culture in big cities. once you wise up and admit you're wrong i'll give up.

henry just mentioned how 33% of the time a guy can take home an 8 from the bar and bang her. thats an absurd percentage.
No one is disagreeing with you that if a girl goes to a bar with the sole intention of getting laid she will have it easier than a guy (even though a guy can do this at a near 100% success rate too, he'll just have to lower his standards more). These girls will not have any actual success dating.

The fact that you think that 70% of guys in a normal bar in a big city make 80k, and are good looking and socially competent. This is so far from the truth I don't even know where to begin. This isn't even true in the best places in Manhattan which is actually a very different animal than say, Chicago, even though both are top 5 US cities. The vast majority of dudes in these venues don't meet these criterion. It's possible at private parties or possibly very upscale lounges to get that number but it's extremely far from the norm and basically irrelevant to the issue being discussed.

What venues are we talking about? I'm not familiar with LA at all but I am with Chicago and NYC. Can you give me some examples of places with 70% socially competent good looking dudes that make 80k+? My female friends would be very interested to know these places.

You just seem really angry and bitter towards women because they can attain sex with less "work" than men, which is true. But this really means less than nothing. That 6 receptionist doesn't have to sleep with you by default because you're a 7.5 with a good job. That's not the way relationships or interactions with people in general work. Your general attitude about it is undoubtably hindering your skills with women in general - yet you claim to have a gf and have slept with a large amount of women with your horrible attitude so how hard could it possibly be for your hypothetical guy to do the same with a normal attitude?
12-26-2012 , 07:13 PM
Not to mention even if it was true that 70% of guys in Manhattan make $80k+ money isn't worth the same everywhere. Making $80k where I live is not really impressive nor could it really get you an impressive lifestyle. I imagine in Manhattan you'd be considered poor on that income but to be honest I've never understood Manhattan so possibly I'm wrong.
12-26-2012 , 08:35 PM
I will only answer one of your questions right now because this is frustrating.

Originally Posted by TheAceMan
Why is pua so popular if men are at an advantage?
The fact that PUA is so popular portrays why men have the advantage. The popularity of PUA is demonstrating that many men are lame. Men have the advantage because making some efforts to your life can drastically make you stand out. It is simple economics. If high quality man is scarce, he will have more power and more women to choose from.

Women are scrutinized for their looks. Imagine how many women you glaze over because they weren't attractive enough? I go out with very good looking friends and very unattractive friends- both want the hot girl. I have a friend who is a 8.5 female (looks) and she is dating/sexing a friend of mine who is a 6.0? You are making sweeping generalizations about women, men, and life based on your personal experiences. I am tempted to say more but I wanted to at least point out that PUA, all this self-help for men is proving that most guys suck.
12-26-2012 , 09:02 PM
I'd much rather play the genetics game than have to be the one with all the other responsibilities. You should always want to be the one controlling sex. It's common sense.

You also act as if men aren't criticized for their looks. Short guys are completely ****ed. Guys 5'7 and shorter are screwed. Arguably anybody under 6 feet is playing from behind.

Women who are 5 feet are still sought after.
12-26-2012 , 09:13 PM
Also tc, I know many guys that are not lame but can't get laid. They are sports fanatics, have funny stories and make money. Girls can't relate to their stories and don't follow his sports passion so they don't hook up with him.

What about those cases? He would hook up with them even if he didn't relate.
12-26-2012 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Not to mention even if it was true that 70% of guys in Manhattan make $80k+ money isn't worth the same everywhere. Making $80k where I live is not really impressive nor could it really get you an impressive lifestyle. I imagine in Manhattan you'd be considered poor on that income but to be honest I've never understood Manhattan so possibly I'm wrong.
I cant imagagine the amount of pussy missed while typing 23,476 messages.
12-26-2012 , 09:45 PM
what are people's thoughts on texting girls who refer to you as mate fairly regularly? could give more backstory for this particular case if needed, but just asking about general gut reaction to a girl (target not friend) calling you "mate" in a text?
12-26-2012 , 09:49 PM
is she a pirate
12-26-2012 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by TheAceMan
Also tc, I know many guys that are not lame but can't get laid. They are sports fanatics, have funny stories and make money. Girls can't relate to their stories and don't follow his sports passion so they don't hook up with him.

What about those cases? He would hook up with them even if he didn't relate.
So he is boring and isn't capable of adjusting conversation to one f mutual interest. Shocking he doesn't get laid
12-26-2012 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by TheAceMan
you are so completely wrong that most guys are goofs. are you talking about guys in toronto? how are young professional guys living in toronto at age 25 goofs exactly? they must have good jobs and have good education to get in their positions. off of that they probably are social and dress well.
Careful there buddy.
I agree with your original premise that women have it easier to get laid.
But to assume most guys,hell most people, have their crap together by their mid 20s is pushing believability.
12-26-2012 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by The-fryke
So he is boring and isn't capable of adjusting conversation to one f mutual interest. Shocking he doesn't get laid
Women will never adjust conversation, they just will move on to the next guy.

But men are at an advantage, right? They are just supposed to adjust.
12-27-2012 , 12:19 AM
by the way here's why the way guys deal with dating is easy. men look at a girl and deem her attractive. it's easy who can deem attractive. men and women agree whether a girl is attractive.

whereas women deem who is high value. women can't even control their own lives yet they are in charge of assessing who is high value? that's scary.

who in this thread actually believes women are capable of determining what males are high value?
12-27-2012 , 12:27 AM
lol how sexist can 1 guy be...

"who in this thread actually believes women are capable of determining what males are high value?"

ofc they can...

you dont think in a classic school scenario, that average looking girl who dreams of being the girlfriend of the captain of the football team recognises the value behind it...
12-27-2012 , 12:32 AM
maybe they are, im just not sure. i just know women are basket-cases, not as intelligent as men, and have low self esteem.

ive made a living canceling dates at the last second, not responding to texts, and blowing off women just to mess with their low self esteem. it's a winning strategy. as in poker you should prey on the weaknesses of opponents you should pick on the women's weaknesses in dating.

which led to my point of always doubting whether somebody so mentally messed up is capable of clearly analyzing things.
12-27-2012 , 01:06 AM
I've been lurking this thread for a while and find it entertaining but theAceMan has caused me to post, because he is that terrible. I want very badly to go on a rant but I won't feed the troll, for now.

