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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

08-16-2011 , 03:01 PM

Never had a girl comment on my tip, and it would be weird for her to be longnecking over at the receipt to see what I left imo.

Last edited by GoCubsGo; 08-16-2011 at 03:11 PM.
08-16-2011 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
anyway, in an effort to get back on topic:

how have you guys seen girls respond to your big tips? i've had a girl tell me i'm "an idiot" for "wasting money like that" despite the tip being only slightly more than average (25-30%).

another time, after tipping a valet $10 upon arrival to keep my car close, i had a girl say "you wont believe how many guys i know who won't do that! ughh, so pathetic!" or something along those lines.
usually they dont look over my should when i fill it out on the check

i do remember going out with a couple people from work for lunch once and one of the guys tipped 20 bucks on a 25 dollar bill and put it on the table to everyone could see, on the way back one of the girls in the group said "did you see jeremys tip, thats so desperate"
08-16-2011 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
usually they dont look over my should when i fill it out on the check

i do remember going out with a couple people from work for lunch once and one of the guys tipped 20 bucks on a 25 dollar bill and put it on the table to everyone could see, on the way back one of the girls in the group said "did you see jeremys tip, thats so desperate"
08-16-2011 , 03:14 PM
talked to this guy that i'd think would be pretty near the bottom in terms of desirability yesterday. unattractive, very poor style, no money, not very interesting. very intelligent in the 2p2 sense of the word though.

guy had 3 dates this week from online. will need to do more investigating to see if they are uggos (almost certainly) or he has some special trick (highly doubtful) for bagging hotties.
08-16-2011 , 03:18 PM
I haven't been to America so I don't know the tipping system there firsthand, but it sounds literally ridiculous to me to tip 20% for anything.
Here they're just paid by the restaurant, and we do tip if you're not really dissatisfied with the service, but it's usually only between .5 and 4 euro or so, depending on if you got some drinks or a full dinner, which I guess translates to something like 4-5%.

It's going to take a while for me to get used to the tipping system when I go to the states.
08-16-2011 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo

Never had a girl comment on my tip, and it would be weird for her to be longnecking over at the receipt to see what I left imo.
Dont pretend you dont go dutch
08-16-2011 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
I don't enjoy tipping mediocre servers either, but it's a cost that I understand that I bear by going and eating out. If the vast majority of us weren't following tipping protocol, we'd just end up seeing higher prices on the menu.

Granted, having it that way is nothing I would object to, but a handful of cheapskates aren't going to change the tipping culture of America with their principled stance; they're just going to dick over waitstaff who got unlucky enough to have you at their table.

Prices would obviously rise, but the onus would be on the restaurant to keep only competent waitstaff. And tips would actually mean something.
08-16-2011 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by The-fryke
Dont pretend you dont go dutch
lol, now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever paid for a girl's dinner or drinks. Like not even once. It's always been dutch, or, more rarely, she pays for me.

The other night I bought a female friend a drink and posted about my tipping woes ($.95). I think that was a first.

Last edited by GoCubsGo; 08-16-2011 at 03:41 PM. Reason: wait, no there was a date I went on last summer w a mega hottie where I paid for everything. I TRed it.
08-16-2011 , 03:46 PM
see #29266 if this post makes you think wtf is he talking about.

I replied to the email, I felt like I had to however I sent a text instead of an email. I said that I read the essay/report/wever and made an inside joke about it. Wont be worth explaining the joke here. I also thanked her for letting me stay the night at her place before I took the train home and said I had a great time.

She replied and laughed at the joke and said the whole weekend had been great and she really enjoyed my skills (lol, it actually was her exact wording).

My plan now is basically to do nothing. I know I like the girl but at the same time I won't be seeing her for quite some time (2-3 months). I'm going abroad. I think the best bet is just go with whatever happens happen. Circumstances make it that we won't be able to see each other, not much that can be done about that. We'll see how it goes when we finally meet again, do you agree?
08-16-2011 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
anyway, in an effort to get back on topic:

how have you guys seen girls respond to your big tips? i've had a girl tell me i'm "an idiot" for "wasting money like that" despite the tip being only slightly more than average (25-30%).

another time, after tipping a valet $10 upon arrival to keep my car close, i had a girl say "you wont believe how many guys i know who won't do that! ughh, so pathetic!" or something along those lines.
If a girl said that to me that would be the end of the date.

I'm not going to get into a debate on tipping because it doesn't matter. If you don't tip well you are shooting yourself in the leg with respect to getting laid or a GF.

Originally Posted by dkgojackets
usually they dont look over my should when i fill it out on the check

i do remember going out with a couple people from work for lunch once and one of the guys tipped 20 bucks on a 25 dollar bill and put it on the table to everyone could see, on the way back one of the girls in the group said "did you see jeremys tip, thats so desperate"
That is desperate. The goal is to tip well not look like a douche.
08-16-2011 , 04:20 PM
08-16-2011 , 04:21 PM
don't forget to tip your mods
08-16-2011 , 04:23 PM
The thought of Karak having to deal with a tipping thread makes me smile.
08-16-2011 , 04:27 PM
08-16-2011 , 04:33 PM
You can't blame me for this tipping topic. I specifically stated I am going to refuse to get into tipping except to say that if you don't tip then you are screwing you chances with girls.
08-16-2011 , 04:35 PM
08-16-2011 , 04:39 PM

That depends on what you want. Do you know what you want.


Also I am have a less than pleasant day -- someone post some TRs so that I can be entertained.
08-16-2011 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17

That depends on what you want. Do you know what you want.
I don't want a relationship now since I'm going abroad. However I'm not sure how I'd feel if I was staying or when I come back.
08-16-2011 , 05:26 PM
TR of last tuesday night

my friends told me about some bar kinda far away thats kinda meh considerings its like the bar of a joke chain restaurant...but apparently that night a bunch of people I know were going so I decided to go along, despite knowing my ex-girlfriend I have mentioned a while ago ITT is a regular there. I think since this crowd was completely made up of 18-20 year olds and the bar is easy to get into. I invite the girl I had been seeing all july/august and she brought her 2 girl friends and came with me, my best friend, and 2 other guy friends. I wore sperrys, short white shorts, and a pink ralph lauren button down. Brought along about $200 cash.

We get there and the first group we see is outside the bar is my ex-girlfriend and her crew of guy and girl friends. I didn't make eye contact and just walked with my ladyfriend KB right past them, KB also looked very good in a short skirt outfit she was wearing. I go inside and theres about 60 people there and I knew about 45 of them. Literally every crew I've hung out with in high school at some point was there so it was pretty cool. I see one of my pledgebrothers from school there and spent the first part of the night chugging mugs of $5 beer with him and got pretttty drunk. I also bought drinks frequently for my girl, best friend, fratbrother, and my girl's group of friends. I greet most of the crews and shake hands with old guys I know in high school.

I go outside for a smoke with my frat friend and we're just talking until we're approached by a tallish skinny guy I didn't know. He comes up to us and asks if we're looking for a fight? lol. I ask why he would be and he explains he's friends with my ex-girlfriend and that he doesn't want to start anything. I make it clear I don't give a **** and that I also don't want anything to happen as 2 of my guy friends inside are kinda ghetto, athletic, good at fighting and would have my back as well as me being able to beat the **** out of this guy like every time. Still acted pretty polite though and he walked away.

I text KB to come outside with her friend who was also pretty attractive. While I'm waiting for her, my ex-girlfriend comes and sits at the table near us outside with a girlfriend of hers and a guy that I know isn't her boyfriend. I didn't really try to talk to her or anything, neither did she. KB and her good looking friend walk outside and as their walking the guy with my ex-girlfriends crew says "Slampiecesss" pretty loud. He clearly didn't know i was with them, and they come over to me and my fratfriend and I put my arm around KB and look like the man in front of the ex obv, with even her friend agreeing she was hot. It's cool because I know she gets super jealous and I just recently got rid of most of the feelings I had for her.

I go back inside and have a good time and do more shots of $6 tequila. Was buying round for like a group of 5 or 6 so it got pretty expensive but no big deal. I don't work hard all week to ball on a budget when I go out. The place closed around 2am which is pretty early, no? We didn't have a ride back so me, KB, and her 2 girlfriends just took a taxi back to our hometown. My best friend met some girl and went home with her. The other guy friends went to a different bar. We dropped off the 2 girlfriends and KB came back to my house. It was like $65 but I was so drunk i think I gave the guy like a $20 tip. KB actually pitched in like $20. Drunk sexy time after obv. Awesome girl, she just left for college though. Fun night overall.
08-16-2011 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
mods never change titles of threads in forums ever. this is so unprecedented.

see: SE every day of its life hahahaha
That sure is a lot of "ha"s for a line with no apparent humor in it.
08-16-2011 , 05:27 PM
Also, that's a terrible avatar.
08-16-2011 , 05:38 PM
Why did that guy ask if you were looking for a fight?

Was there something that could have been interpreted as threatening before?
08-16-2011 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Why did that guy ask if you were looking for a fight?

Was there something that could have been interpreted as threatening before?
He said something like ex-gf said apparently we were stareing them down as we were walking in which wasn't true at all. I go to bars to have a good time, drink, and get some girls. Not to go out and fight people over old girlfriends. I assume she was just being typical crazy girl and making things up...
08-16-2011 , 05:44 PM
lol she's a bitch anyway. Glad to see E got it in. Solid baller story more nights like this to come.
08-16-2011 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Aces Suited
He said something like ex-gf said apparently we were stareing them down as we were walking in which wasn't true at all. I go to bars to have a good time, drink, and get some girls. Not to go out and fight people over old girlfriends. I assume she was just being typical crazy girl and making things up...
Even if you had that is such a noob play on their part.

*I can't believe I just used noob as an adverb -- I should take a break from 2P2*

Last edited by Henry17; 08-16-2011 at 06:09 PM.
