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Dealing with non-poker friends Dealing with non-poker friends

04-05-2010 , 10:46 PM
So your saying all winning players or made for poker? Its impossible to be a winning player and poker not be for you?
04-06-2010 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by RedVortex
I've done quite well in online poker - but I have to admit that at times it can get a little insane. Wining or loosing a grand in a day can be trying. I have in the past done exactly what everyone has been posting and been completely silent about poker in general, but I feel there has to be a better way to do it. I think if you can conquer the emotional aspect of loosing large amounts of money, then you will minimize loosing streaks. Also, i don't let emotions effect me while playing in general and very very very rarely experience tilt (thanks tommy angelo) but that's not really the point... Also, I think the thought that emotional people can't play is ridiculous: Mike Matusow has on several occasions cried on national television and he is one of the best tournament players of all time.
how many levels are in this post?
04-06-2010 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by 4ObliVioN4
how many levels are in this post?
I don't really know what you mean. There is only one question in this thread though it is a multiple part question. I've just tried to respond to peoples comments to the best of my ability. That question is "How do I tell people about poker, and if I don't, how do I make up for the need to talk about big wins or big losses etc?
04-06-2010 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
So your saying all winning players or made for poker? Its impossible to be a winning player and poker not be for you?
Yes. Poker is "for you" if you make money off poker and enjoy it most of the time. By that definition, poker is for me. Anyway, this doesn't address the main question.
04-06-2010 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by RedVortex
I don't really know what you mean. There is only one question in this thread though it is a multiple part question. I've just tried to respond to peoples comments to the best of my ability. That question is "How do I tell people about poker, and if I don't, how do I make up for the need to talk about big wins or big losses etc?
a) don't tell people that you play poker. It gets you nowhere in society and is generally frowned upon.

b) why do you feel the need to talk about big wins and losses? Haven't you learnt to cope with the swings yet? People don't care about how much money you lost doing what they consider to be gambling and you really shouldn't be bragging to people earning close to minimum wage about how much you're making playing cards. You'll come across as a douche.
04-06-2010 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by RedVortex
Yes. Poker is "for you" if you make money off poker and enjoy it most of the time. By that definition, poker is for me. Anyway, this doesn't address the main question.
Poker =/= fun.

Money =/= fulfilment.

Quoted from SSFR...

Originally Posted by OMGitsCheddar
Does anyone actually enjoy playing poker anymore?
Originally Posted by mogwai316
As of a month ago, just the thought of playing poker made me physically ill. Now I can at least force myself to play a little on occasion, although I still hate doing so. Hopefully the process will keep improving and get to where I can at least tolerate it. I don't see it ever being an enjoyable activity again, though. Trying to turn a hobby into a career just ended up ruining it for me entirely.
Originally Posted by booger369
poker is like cigarettes. the more u play the shorter ur lifespan will be
Originally Posted by NatisFinest
Pokers like sex, you enjoy it till u do it for a living.
And if you feel like reading:
04-06-2010 , 04:51 AM
Check out this thread. More for entertainment purposes though.
04-06-2010 , 08:07 AM
People feeling the need to broadcast wins/losses in social circles just adds to the perception that the majority of society has of the game.

You wouldn't discuss your salary with some of your closest friends let alone mere acquaintances and you should treat poker no differently for basically all the reasons that have been discussed above.

If you took any actual professional, who relies on poker for an income, whether that be in the live circuit or online; they will just put in a session/play a tournament/whatever and then once that is over, its over, you then go out and grab a beer with your buddies or something. For the majority of people in these forums I imagine poker takes a lot of their time and is something they are interested in but to let it consume your thoughts and life (in particular the results aspect of it) is just unhealthy and again, as said above, you will just lose friends over it....

You want it to be a job and pay for college...treat it as such
You want it to be a hobby with financial benefits...treat it as such
Either way, as somebody else summed up perfectly - nobody else gives a rats ass
04-06-2010 , 12:56 PM

Grow up, you sound borderline autistic
04-06-2010 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by RedVortex
Yes. Poker is "for you" if you make money off poker and enjoy it most of the time. By that definition, poker is for me. Anyway, this doesn't address the main question.
Enjoy it most of the time? Do you not understand what life is about? Do you not have something that you enjoy all the time? You should really only do things that you love doing all the time.

So I should play russian roulette if the payoff for not being killed is 1$ because I will enjoy the outcome majority of the time?

If Poker is seriously effecting other avenues in your life it is not for should be able to separate poker and outside life....

A wise man once said, "Do what you love and you will never have to work a day in your life"
04-06-2010 , 02:47 PM
go find teh thread in bbv callled "Why I don't tell people I play poker" or something like that, and then don;t tell people you play poker.
04-08-2010 , 11:40 AM
When you have a losing day you should just bottle up those emotions and let them come to a head one day when you go on a serious downswing...then throw ur computer through a window... much more theraputic then talking to friends.
04-08-2010 , 02:27 PM
barg when you make money, dont be a puss when your lose and stfu, problem solved ?
04-09-2010 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Enjoy it most of the time? Do you not understand what life is about? Do you not have something that you enjoy all the time? You should really only do things that you love doing all the time.

So I should play russian roulette if the payoff for not being killed is 1$ because I will enjoy the outcome majority of the time?
What in the hell is anyone even talk about. My god. Its like you are just making up random stuff to be argumentative because thats the way the thread was heading. Adress the question and stop being ******ed.
04-09-2010 , 01:23 AM
Please someone close the thread. I'm tired of microstakes players telling me I'm a pussy and should suck it up in a manly fashion (which is probably the truth, but I'm looking for something new or else I wouldn't have created a post about it in the first place).
04-10-2010 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by ach ja
Poker =/= fun.

Money =/= fulfilment.

Quoted from SSFR...

And if you feel like reading:
That was exactly the thread i needed
04-11-2010 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by Youtube
Just don't let it get to your head and try to have a life outside of poker imo. Go to the gym, go out, and chill. Doesn't always have to be about poker 24/7. I'm not paying through college or anything through poker but there's always more out there man.

When you introduce yourself to women, the first thing that pops in your head shouldn't be anything related to poker.
True lol.
04-11-2010 , 05:49 AM
It took me seeing this thread at 5 a.m., hammered drunk, to realize how much I hate the title of it and how condescending it sounds.
04-12-2010 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by RedVortex
Please someone close the thread. I'm tired of microstakes players telling me I'm a pussy and should suck it up in a manly fashion (which is probably the truth, but I'm looking for something new or else I wouldn't have created a post about it in the first place).
Originally Posted by Stinger88

Grow up, you sound borderline autistic
04-12-2010 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by RedVortex
Please someone close the thread. I'm tired of microstakes players telling me I'm a pussy and should suck it up in a manly fashion (which is probably the truth, but I'm looking for something new or else I wouldn't have created a post about it in the first place).

You are obv very clueless when it comes to poker, you must not enjoy your life outside poker if you feel the need to talk about poker....

And you dont know anything about the people posting ITT so stop assuming stuff....
04-12-2010 , 02:09 AM
op sounds like a social superstar.
04-12-2010 , 02:41 AM
Karak uses poker slang irl to his non-poker friends and brags about doing so to his poker friends.

True story.
04-12-2010 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Vintage00
Karak uses poker slang irl to his non-poker friends and brags about doing so to his poker friends.

True story.
See, this is why I opened the thread - to see how others ARE able to talk to their non-poker friends. Lets keep the thread going. I just thought the roullete comment was pointlessly argumentative - and i don't like generic advice... but apart from that, the thread has potential. Is the point of using poker slang to non-poker friends to confuse them to the point that you can talk to them, but it sounds like giberish?
04-13-2010 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by Vintage00
Karak uses poker slang irl to his non-poker friends and brags about doing so to his poker friends.

True story.
My friends and GF all love Bing Blang Blaow lololol they just have no idea what drybes is saying
04-14-2010 , 06:32 PM
Okay, let me clarify.

There is a HUGE difference between saying stuff like "bling blang blaow" and whatever when you know it's a joke and you're just being goofy.

I go out of my way to not say stuff like "that tilts me" IRL. I just don't feel like explaining it to my friends.

I think of it almost like if one of my buddies made money playing WoW, and then seriously used warcraft slang around me. I'd think he was a ****ing tool.
