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dealing with breakup (no pics sry) dealing with breakup (no pics sry)

02-02-2009 , 04:01 PM
Only 2 more years of ******ation to go, wahey.
02-02-2009 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by PrekiGeo
The bolded part is pretty terrible advice.

Maybe he should send her flowers too. That's probably the issue, she just doesn't know that he likes her.
I didnt mean he should go confess to her ... women like flowers anyways so it probably would be a nice gesture.
02-03-2009 , 06:12 PM
So she isn't taking classes this semester and doing an internship but today she snuck up behind me to say hi

One arm Hug hello
Asked wat she was doin at school
Goofed around for a sec about her watch
One arm Hug goodbye I kiss her on her side face
I say imnsry about the other day as she simotaneaoiusly says she misses me
She says it's cool it's cool and kinda runs off

Let's say my goal is to just enjoy myself a lot until like July and try dating her agan at that point..... Assuming that did today interaction go decently .... I think it worked out ok
02-03-2009 , 11:32 PM
Gosh I should have stopped at tl;dr

Epic fail and you did so many things wrong in this scenario to mention.

Agree with you want what you can't have.
02-04-2009 , 12:26 AM
This is where I would repost my daily regimen on how to get over your girlfriend and stop being a pussy, but it appears to have been archived and I'm too lazy to do it now.
02-04-2009 , 02:33 AM
ya **** suks, if I could control it I would
02-05-2009 , 11:52 AM
I mean, first off, don´t necessarily apologize for what you are and what you´re feelings are like. If you know what I mean. Emotional stuff sucks the hardest when you´re young and especially if one experiences it for the first time.

Basically I haven´t had contact with my ex for 3 years tho we do have awesome banter / really could be good friends just for the sake of not being hurt over dates, seeing each other´s gf/bf´s and so on. Life sometimes is cruel like that but imo it´s still way better to cut things off entirely if you wanna be still.

Yours is still pretty fresh, don´t think 2 months or so were much of depends but if emotions are deep even 5 years can shrink like **** I´m afraid.
02-05-2009 , 03:23 PM
Ya thanks for the advice.... I haven't talked to my original ex in years.... It's not as bad as that .... Altho for a week or so I was concerned it would be.... Hopefully It stays not horrible
02-05-2009 , 09:22 PM
why do you want to date her in july but not now
02-05-2009 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by qdmcg
why do you want to date her in july but not now
His balls have yet to drop.
02-05-2009 , 09:50 PM
Good question.... Inwanna finish school, some traveling wsop etc.... The relationship ran it's course a little but I feel like there's something solid there. some time apart and some added maturity / perspective would be good for both of us

She has intimacy issues, i am the most serious
Boyfriend she ever had

I also have intimacy issues, not nearly as ridiculousnas her tho, atleast when it comes to fear of being to close/dependant on someone
02-06-2009 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by NozeCandy
This is where I would repost my daily regimen on how to get over your girlfriend and stop being a pussy, but it appears to have been archived and I'm too lazy to do it now.
Haha. This was so solid. Must be found.
02-06-2009 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by onlinebeginner
Let's say my goal is to just enjoy myself a lot until like July and try dating her agan at that point..
This rarely goes well. She might still look back favorably on your time together, but if she's upset at all about the breakup, there's a possibility that she'll need to distance herself emotionally from you in order to deal with it. Then she'll have a hard time letting you back in.

Been there, done that.
02-06-2009 , 03:44 PM
Wasn't a bad break up at all.... Bad couple days from me being wasted at her work 2 months after breakup
02-09-2009 , 09:18 PM
god today sucked for some reason, everythings been cool but today sucked... i called her cus i thought it would help and it did a little... we just chatted or whatever for 25 minutes

i have strong feelings for her, and it's like she's in denial about caring about me.... i'm a *** i know

got a date with another girl wednesday, our(me and date girl)
conversations are soo horrible if we're not drunk
02-09-2009 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Wyman
Haha. This was so solid. Must be found.
Just looked in the archives and cannot find it either. I'm on a mission.
02-09-2009 , 11:14 PM
the workout tan thing, i mean i'm not a loser, i hang out with other girls so i dunno if it totally applies... i'm just a baby i guess?
02-09-2009 , 11:51 PM
Ha, found the thread, here's what I wrote for breakup advice:

Originally Posted by NozeCandy
Go find a good girl friend who has lots of other hot friends. Hang out. Get your friend to subtly slip that you just broke up with your girlfriend. It's like shooting fish in a barrel man.

You might as well, she's def ****ing someone else.

Originally Posted by NozeCandy
Here's your daily schedule:

10 am - Noon: Go to gym. Get jacked.

Noon - 5 pm: Go to tanning salon. Get tan.

5 pm - 7 pm: Huge steak dinner. Get full.

7 pm - 9 pm: Crown and Red Bulls. At least 5. Get tipsy.

9 pm - 10 pm: Power Hour. Must be Coors so you can vent. Get drunk.

10:01 pm: Shot of everclear. Get wasted

10:02 pm - 2 am: Go to bar/club. Grind your dick on every piece of pussy that walks through that door. Get horny.

2:01 am - Whenever: Pick your choice meat for the night and **** her until she's well done. Get laid.

Next morning: Do her again. Then rinse (seriously, really scrub) and repeat since you probably forgot doing it all anyway.

You won't remember high school sweetheart after 2 weeks of this and you'll be a better man for it. She'll be all jealous that you're jacked, tan, well fed, drunk, and banging chicks or some combo of the above at all hours of the day. I have another regimen for when she inevitably comes back to your newfound awesome self if you are interested.
That was in response to a guy who said that you shouldn't drink heavily after breakups, which is horse****.

The whole thread has some decent advice actually
02-10-2009 , 01:08 AM
just sent her a drunken text "I want your ass"

Kinda inside jokish but anyway I dunno this is clearly becoming a joke of a train wreck... I wish I wasn't so paranoid and could post pics this chick is smokin.

I'm an idiot iPhones rule
02-10-2009 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by onlinebeginner
just sent her a drunken text "I want your ass"

Kinda inside jokish but anyway I dunno this is clearly becoming a joke of a train wreck... I wish I wasn't so paranoid and could post pics this chick is smokin.

I'm an idiot iPhones rule
hey man, read the op, sounds rough

everyone's had 1 or 2 broken hearts, and it abslutely sucks for advice but honestly the only remedy is time

basically all the memories your brain has logged have been attached with a footnote: "oh and btw at the time of this i was with _____", thus your life becomes rooted with one girl. now that the present is unlike the past you've comfortably had the whole time she was a apart of your life

only cure is time, and keep on keepin on, and eventually enough memories and inner mechanisms will have the post-_____ footnotes. After several months she'll be right there on your life-perspective mantel along with other exes and your old high school glory days. exes have a tendency to comfortably fit into memory lane with time. trust me.

just keep on keepin on and youre mind will gradually ease up, you'll think of her a little less each day.
02-10-2009 , 04:00 AM
wtf post ****ing pics
02-10-2009 , 07:48 AM
Thank you bonsaltron that is great advice... The problem is we don't even fight or argue when we talk and still get along together really well.... Her parents are not close at all (they don't sleep in same bed/snhit like that). Because of that she is terrified about being close w anyone and has lead to our breakup

And wow woke up at 6 am and can't fall back asleep cus it's so heavy on my mind
02-10-2009 , 05:11 PM
Two minute phone chat quick laugh about my text but then I bumped into her today on purpose... She asked I I wanted to walk we her... Tried giving her a kiss and she got mad and it spiraled downward from there

I say it's cool right now I'm in no rush, but what your never gonna kiss me again?

She doesn't wanna talk about it so I pester her like a little bitch till she finally says she likes being by herself right now and whatever happens happens

I say that's cool but before I graduate and never see u again I wanna hug you and kiss you and stuff and I just need to make sure you realize that... I get a maybe in response

So of course I fail again, am really depressed and had to leave school

Made an appointmeent with a counselor for Monday, hopefully that will help... Hopefully date goes well on Wednesday and I can get her out of my mind
02-10-2009 , 05:15 PM
I just hate how she misses me but not enough to want to be with me.... She is independent and that's cool butnits like she goes overvlboard constantly to prove her ndependence to her self ... So annoying I wish inwas older so girls could start wanting husbands and I'd have the upper hand

*** my life I'm such a pussy
02-10-2009 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by onlinebeginner
Two minute phone chat quick laugh about my text but then I bumped into her today on purpose... She asked I I wanted to walk we her... Tried giving her a kiss and she got mad and it spiraled downward from there

I say it's cool right now I'm in no rush, but what your never gonna kiss me again?

She doesn't wanna talk about it so I pester her like a little bitch till she finally says she likes being by herself right now and whatever happens happens

I say that's cool but before I graduate and never see u again I wanna hug you and kiss you and stuff and I just need to make sure you realize that... I get a maybe in response

So of course I fail again, am really depressed and had to leave school

Made an appointmeent with a counselor for Monday, hopefully that will help... Hopefully date goes well on Wednesday and I can get her out of my mind

you are really not helping yourself

you can't let her know that you want her so much because now she basically feels that she can get you whenever she wants, so whats the hurry?
Also, maybe it doesn't apply to you, but it might to her, people want what they can't have. You are making it very easy for her and she is in no rush to get back together because of this. Also, even though I'm sure it really sucks for you, you are acting like a little bitch in front of her, which is not good. It might suck a lot for you and you will probably think of her a lot but try cutting her off for a bit, or at least don't run into her on purpose.

good luck
