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WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013

02-16-2013 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by viper31573
lol, i love HORSE. as ive posted elsewhere itt, i played this event in 2011. it was at least 4 hrs before the 1st person busted. that year it started at 11am though. not sure why they switched to a 5pm start for last year and this. i can only guess it has to do with it getting considerably less entrants than NLHE. iirc, the horse has near 200 entrants in 2011
They need room for the million dollar
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 12:10 PM
im just glad there is a HORSE event. most stops dont have one, and if they do its a 1 day non ring event
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 12:13 PM
Million dollar isn't starting till 1130 cause of people regging
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 12:25 PM
What a mess
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 12:27 PM
Think they should have blinded them out. They are penalizing the people who prepared and regged early
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 12:39 PM
It's still not as bad as last year. The line is really long and we have just passed the 11:30 " late start" But up until this morning a finely run event. I'm sure it will resolve itself shortly They just announced largest field EVER in the state of Florida.
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by TraderDugg
It's still not as bad as last year. The line is really long and we have just passed the 11:30 " late start" But up until this morning a finely run event. I'm sure it will resolve itself shortly They just announced largest field EVER in the state of Florida.

We apologize for the delay in starting day 1D. The software had a problem digesting online registrants as well as alternates at the same time. Up to this point it worked flawlessly and efficiently. This item is now fixed and we were able to zip through the lines with no issue.

We are looking at about 100-200 alternates.

Have a Good Day!
Noah Carbone
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 01:39 PM
Noah it looks like you might have to shut down some cash games for the HORSE event like last year with so many players that are going to be still in the 580 cause of the huge turnout and late start plus the PLO8 will still be going I guessing around 200 players or so for the HORSE see you all there
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 01:55 PM
200 for the HORSE would be great! looks like the other HORSE ring events on the stop got less than 100
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 01:58 PM
there were 2 other stops so far with HORSE ring events. one had 104 the other had 71
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 01:59 PM
i think the horse will get close to 200
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by viper31573
i think the horse will get close to 200
I will take the over.
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 02:11 PM
Yeah all cash games are shut down, got booted right before the 580 started.
Was told to come back at 1, they would be starting back up.... Well I'm back and now they are saying 5 or later. At least you guys know how to waste my gas Guess ill bet on some dogs till the HORSE tourney
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 02:15 PM
I'll be at horse hope to meet some if ya. I'll be the ordinary looking guy agh height act weight and bad at poker
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 02:30 PM
How many players did they get for 1d?
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by ProtekYoNuts
How many players did they get for 1d?
Almost first break and they have 848
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 03:04 PM
Any chance in hell you add a flight at 5pm like last year? #5thbullet
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by mrmossy84
Any chance in hell you add a flight at 5pm like last year? #5thbullet
Not a chance in hell the horse starts then
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 04:16 PM
Im here and registered for HORSE
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Fear The Spear
Official count is 2539
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 05:07 PM
55 min. Anyone else here yet?
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 05:47 PM
I'm here... What table viper?
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 05:54 PM
69 seat 3 if they break it from the 1 mil
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 06:03 PM
Bill / Noah:

I tried booking a stay ar the Doubletree using your Promo Code, but their website only allows me to input a 6-digit Promo Code. The promo code on pbkennelclub's website is way longer: "Palm Beach Kennel Club-WSOP 2013"

I tried calling and they say they never heard of this promo code. Tried e-mailing their contact and got no answer.
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
02-16-2013 , 06:26 PM
New table is 51/3
WSOP Circuit - Palm Beach Kennel Club. February 13, 2013 - February 25, 2013 Quote
