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Super Group Draft Super Group Draft

01-30-2013 , 02:19 AM
This must be the only draft ever where someone has picked both Jim Garrison and Hunter S. Thompson.
Super Group Draft Quote
01-30-2013 , 03:11 AM
and in a music draft nonetheless.
Super Group Draft Quote
01-30-2013 , 06:17 AM
i PM'd MSchu18.
Super Group Draft Quote
01-30-2013 , 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by Zeno
It wasn't until today that Tina Turner was picked? And you guys let Kudzu get her. Sorry, but that is very lame of ya all.

After this little hullabaloo is over, I will pickup the leftovers and beat you all. Tina was going to be the female vocal backing up undrafted. No worries- my left over band will be the best boogie band of all time anyway. Still, it will miss Tina.
Please note that Tina Turner wasn't picked to sing. She was relegated to "Shut up and look good," which I think is the wiser decision.
Super Group Draft Quote
01-30-2013 , 07:20 AM
sure, if you like ugly women with nice legs
Super Group Draft Quote
01-30-2013 , 07:23 AM
Quick write up from earlier:

My Lawyer is Donald Passman:

If Captain Obvious was in this draft, Donald Passman would be his first choice. I think everyone who ever wanted to do anything with music must have read his book "All You Need to Know About the Music Business," the down-to-earth music law book anyone can understand, even your drummer.

Passman was behind some of the largest contract negotiations in music history and stands respected as one of the best music lawyers around today.

My band will be very happy with the paychecks they are getting.
Super Group Draft Quote
01-30-2013 , 07:31 AM
Hook Up:

Lindsay Lohan

Man, what happened to you? When I met you, you were a nice, affable girl, level, and someone that anyone would want to know, and I feel disgusting for voting you here, but the fact is that you are known to throw the best parties, drop out of rehab, and basically get slapped in the wrist for doing what "normal" people would have spent 5 years in prison for doing. This protection barrier is why I chose you, not because I actually want you around. You can get the drugs and everyone looks the other way. Sure, there will be better picks for this position, but most of them did mad time in prison, and with my band too busy touring and doing drugs, they won't have time to look for more hookup.

Mick Jagger (Male Vocals)
Sharon Den Adel (Female Vocals)
Randy Rhoads (Lead Strings)
Neil Peart (Percussion)
Grzegorz Kosinski (Bass Lines)
Maria Mazo (Piano)
Tori Amos (Wild Card)
Donald Passman (Lawyer)
Flood (Producer)
Lindsay Lohan (Hook Up)
Super Group Draft Quote
01-30-2013 , 11:40 AM
This round...


Jasper Johns

He's expensive... but he's worth it.
Peter Gabriel-Male Vocals
Roy Orbison-songerwriter
Laurie Anderson-Wildcard
Bill Bruford-Percussion
Dave Brubeck-Keyboards
Carly Simon-Female Vocals
Todd Rundgren-Producer
Mick Karn-Bass
Adrian Belew-Guitar
Jasper Johns-Artist
Super Group Draft Quote
01-30-2013 , 02:49 PM
Time to get to some drugs


Hook Up

George Jung

George Jacob Jung (born August 6, 1942), nicknamed "Boston George", was a major player in the cocaine trade in the United States in the 1970s and early 1980s. Jung was a part of the Medellín Cartel which was responsible for up to 89 percent of the cocaine smuggled into the United States.[citation needed] He specialized in the smuggling of cocaine from Colombia on a large scale. His life story was portrayed in the 2001 film Blow, starring Johnny Depp.
We're gonna have the best coke.

John Lennon - Songwriter
Marvin Gaye - Vocals
Robert Johnson - Guitar
Billy Holliday - Vocals
John Bonham - Drums
Jaco Pastorius - Bass
Louis Arsmtrong - Wildcard/Trumpet
Flavor Flav - Keys
Bruce Cutler - Lawyer
George Jung - Hook Up
Super Group Draft Quote
01-30-2013 , 03:04 PM
Oh, my;

Dominic has been skipped. He can't complain about no PM this time because I sent it to him.

Crash Jr is on auto-skip, still.

So, Pelican Poker is up with kudzudemon on deck.
Super Group Draft Quote
01-30-2013 , 05:00 PM
OK, so there is going to be a lot of shenenigans going on with my lot so I'm going to need the best lawyer I can get. Only the most high-profile one that with a mention of his name, the police will be backing off.

Someone with brass, someone with balls. Someone who could get you off for murder.

No problem.

Johnnie Cochran - Once represented OJ Simpson

pelican's Super Group

Jim Morrison
Stevie Nicks
Phil Collins
Ray Manzarek
Gene Simmons
Don Henley
Snoop Dogg
Tina Arena
Johnnie Cochran
Super Group Draft Quote
01-30-2013 , 08:14 PM
Okay, my round ten pick:



Rick Rubin

No other modern producer can pull together my supergroup. He made Johnny Cash relevant in the 2000s, and he can that for Elvis!

Just look at this list of all the albums he's produced! From Public Enemy to Adele, from RUN DMC to Lana del Rey, from Tom Petty to the Dixie Chicks. The man can do anything. Absolutely amazing.


My picks:

Male Vocalist - Elvis Presley
Percussionist: Keith Moon
Lead Strings: Mark Knopfler
Songwriter: Neil Young
Female Vocalists: Dusty Springfield
Keyboards: Benmont Tench
Bass: John Entwistle
Wild Card: PJ Harvey
Artist - Pablo Picasso
Producer - Rick Rubin
Super Group Draft Quote
01-30-2013 , 08:26 PM
I pm'd kudz straight away so he is 1/2 hour from being skipped
Super Group Draft Quote
01-30-2013 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
sure, if you like ugly women with nice legs
Fightin' words, there, buddy.
Super Group Draft Quote
01-30-2013 , 08:55 PM
Write-up to come, but here's a taste of my wild card pick


Steel Guitarist Robert Randolph is in my band, ya'll. Dig.
Super Group Draft Quote
01-30-2013 , 09:33 PM
Round 10

Joni Mitchell

Joni Mitchell is not only a phenominal musical performer but is also an artist. She is easily in my top 5 favorite musical performers ever. But there was no real place in the band for her since she is primarily a solo performer. No problems though because she also has lots of experience designing album covers. She designed all of her own album covers often using her original paintings, drawings and illustrations.

She painted these:

And even the covers that used photography were her concept and design such as the haunting cover of Blue which might be my all-time favorite album.

She even painted a cover for a friend.

Even though she is only under contract for her artwork I am hoping to talk her into doing a set at concerts as the warmup act.

so far:

George Harrison (lead strings)
Buddy Holly (songwriter)
Gene Krupa (drums)
Elton John (keyboards)
Jack Bruce (bass)
Paul Simon (wild card)
Brian Wilson (male vocalist)
Cass Elliot (female vocalist)
Bruce Berry (roadie)
Joni Mitchell (artist)
Super Group Draft Quote
01-30-2013 , 09:42 PM
I already picked Rubin, Dom
Super Group Draft Quote
01-30-2013 , 09:48 PM
you guys are bad at the spreadsheet. if you update it after you make your picks this wouldnt happen
Super Group Draft Quote
01-30-2013 , 10:12 PM
3 times now? Some kind of record?
Super Group Draft Quote
01-31-2013 , 12:56 AM
I have been pretty good about entering my picks into the sheet, the last round I didn't have it open in a browser tab and was in a hurry

And Dom ripped my Janis pick which was in the same post as Rubin. So
Super Group Draft Quote
01-31-2013 , 01:03 AM
Yeah, guys...

I've not been keeping too good of track after the other day's activities. Sorry.
Super Group Draft Quote
01-31-2013 , 01:06 AM
its_just_me is skipped again...

Jabonator is up!

legend42 on deck.
Super Group Draft Quote
01-31-2013 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by legend42
I already picked Rubin, Dom
Originally Posted by Rolando Blackman
you guys are bad at the spreadsheet. if you update it after you make your picks this wouldnt happen
Super Group Draft Quote
01-31-2013 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by daveT
Please note that Tina Turner wasn't picked to sing. She was relegated to "Shut up and look good," which I think is the wiser decision.
I see, For Eye Candy, my mistake.

She is better as a vocalist and the eye candy would be a bonus freebie - a duel role for one pick.
Super Group Draft Quote
01-31-2013 , 05:49 AM
am i too late?

Round 10
Lawyer: John Cleese

Because if my awesome band has to deal with a lawyer, it better be the funniest lawyer alive. granted, he never praticed but he has a law degree from cambridge afaik. seems good enough.

My picks:
lead vocals: Tom Waits
lead strings: Django Reinhardt
Percussion: Charly Antolini
female vocalist: Nina Simone
bass: Aston Barrett
Songwriter: Elvis Costello
keyboard: Herbie Hancock
producer: Tom Dowd
wildcard: Roy Hargrove
lawyer: John Cleese
Super Group Draft Quote
