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07-23-2011 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
This is an example of a pic I wasn't able to get on the Glacier trip because I just didn't have a wide enough lens to pull in the rocks and sky. (Again, not my pic - want to stress that.)
Originally Posted by Freakin
wow nice work on that pic, Suzzer! Love the rocks and sky!

The Photography Thread Quote
07-23-2011 , 03:23 AM
"In Your Eyes"

pic of my son from earlier this year. outside with ambient late day light at a fairly wide aperture

PV at night, 25 second exposure. Got lucky as the policia were driving by with lights on, adding a nice streak of dotted blue
The Photography Thread Quote
07-23-2011 , 03:30 AM
Also this is pretty handy for pre-forum upload
The Photography Thread Quote
07-23-2011 , 03:36 AM
K I'll post more till I get attention.

The Photography Thread Quote
07-23-2011 , 04:41 AM
Imo the building pics have to much sky, the 2nd picture I think the object is placed too far to the left, firepost (is that what it's called?) is too far right.

Car pics is buy far the best imo, i'd probably darken the background a bit so that the car pops out more.

I would love to have seen some close ups of the details on the car and firepost.
The Photography Thread Quote
07-23-2011 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Freakin
wow nice work on that pic, Suzzer! Love the rocks and sky!
Thanks, it's for sale if you want to buy.
The Photography Thread Quote
07-24-2011 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by Freakin
"In Your Eyes"

pic of my son from earlier this year. outside with ambient late day light at a fairly wide aperture
this is freakin' awesome, if i may use that word in this context

I just wrapped a pretty big shoot over the course of 3 days, here are the results:

7925 Living alternate by mike kelley /, on Flickr

7925 Upper by mike kelley /, on Flickr

7925 Living by mike kelley /, on Flickr

7925 Bath by mike kelley /, on Flickr

7925 Patio by mike kelley /, on Flickr

7925 Exterior by mike kelley /, on Flickr
The Photography Thread Quote
07-24-2011 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by Freakin
wow nice work on that pic, Suzzer! Love the rocks and sky!
The Photography Thread Quote
07-24-2011 , 11:24 AM
Wow, I really like those photos.

The house itself looks brilliant as well.
The Photography Thread Quote
07-24-2011 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by Freakin
Love the fountain. What was shutter speed?

Unsure about shoes. What is slivery white spot? I really don't feel drawn in or anchored to the pic. I like the colors and composition tho
The fountain was:

Canon EOS 60D
1/125 sec
50mm 1.8

The second pic, I realize in hindsight, is not much visually. The light is one of the popper things you throw at the ground. I wanna experiment more with popers and do something more interesting. Maybe throw a 100 of them to light up a wall or something.
The Photography Thread Quote
07-27-2011 , 09:26 AM
Very much an amateur/novice photographer here but I would like to get a relatively inexpensive fisheye lens for my Canon Rebel xSi if anyone has any reccomendations. Will mostly be taking closeups of fish/ocean/river/wildlife fwiw.

that PV picture above is really cool.

amazon has these; thoughts?
The Photography Thread Quote
07-27-2011 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by john voight
how'd you shoot this one? it's beautiful, the colors look so great with that black

I went on vacation in Mexico recently, I decided to shoot only with my 14mm L. Quite the challenge, love the lens, but obv. can't use it as a primary

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do you guys think the sun takes away from this photo? I have various w/out the sun, I love this lens

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The Photography Thread Quote
07-27-2011 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by keyman
F8 is reasonable for most DSLR lens & body combinations. However, you should probably test/research each of your lenses to find out where the sweet spot is for each lens/body combination you have.

For most P&S cameras, the sweet spot is usually at a much lower f-stop number due to the dramatically smaller sensor. For instance, on my Cannon A650IS sharpness starts becoming diffraction limited at f-stops smaller than 4 to 4.5. This means that in full telephoto mode it is always diffraction limited. There are a variety of diffraction limit calculators available on the net. Keep in mind that diffraction limitations are only one component in determining the best settings to use.

For walking around I usually keep my P&S camera in Tv, or C mode (manual, acceptable under exposure for prevailing conditions, shutter speed set to something that will stop motion, usually F4.5, and focus set to the hyperfocal distance, shutter speed auto bracketing enabled, shutter set to continuous). If I don't have the time (seconds) to select the mode and parameters I desire then I am taking a picture of something that is happening NOW and significant motion in the shot is a strong possibility. Thus, my choice of defaults are those which require the least delay to actually capturing the shot while providing settings which will be decent for shots with motion where I don't have time to adjust or steady the camera. Having shutter speed bracketing enabled and continuous drive means that I just have to hold the button down to get shots that can either be used if better exposed, or available if the shot was worth the effort of HDR. I will often take a quick shot, then adjust to getting the shot I really desire. Extra pictures effectively cost nothing, but can be very beneficial when the shot suddenly disappears prior to you completing your adjustment for the perfect shot.

It is a good learning experience to capture multiple similar shots with various different settings to get a better feel for how different settings will affect the image. The EXIF information provides a good record of the parameters used for each shot. Fortunately, with digital this effectively costs only your time.

For most shooting, I use the C mode which is set to manual with f4.5, focus at the hyperfocal distance, ISO 80. This provides me, by default, with a decent trade-off between large depth of field and diffraction limited sharpness with least ISO noise. For the A650IS, having the focus set to the hyperfocal distance, at f4.5, provides a depth of field from a couple/few meters to infinity and allows taking a picture without the focus delay. I usually set the white balance to custom which is calibrated with a gray, or warm, card, particularly when indoors. However, I often shoot raw in order to adjust the white balance later. When walking around outside in daylight, a reasonable amount of the time I will set the white balance to daylight.

A significant point of the above is that when walking around you want the defaults to be such that the camera can take a shot in the minimum amount of time with settings which will result in a decent, if not a perfect, picture. It is better to get an acceptable, but not great, shot than miss it completely. Even a bad picture is often better than none. If you have time to adjust away from your defaults, then doing so will often result in a better picture.

I strongly recommend that you get CHDK. CHDK is additional, free, open source, firmware for many Canon P&S cameras, including yours. You can find the most recent build for your camera here. There is a wiki and a forum. Frankly, given the significant additional functionality that CHDK provides/enables, I would not choose to purchase any P&S camera which is not supported by it. The full catalog of additional functionality/enabled features is way too long to list here. You get a huge bunch of additional functionality including, expanded shutter speeds (on my A650IS it is expanded to 60s-1/50,000s), apertures, & ISO settings; custom bracketing of shutter speed, f-stop, ISO, and/or focus; raw capability; histograms; custom scripts to control camera function (motion sensing, time-lapse, lightning detection, etc.); and many many additional features.

A couple of other things I should probably mention:
I almost always have some type of tripod with me, even if only a small pocket model when out shooting. Having one provides much more flexibility in what shots can be taken.

A significant concern for me for a P&S camera was that I wanted one powered by AA batteries, not a custom battery. The reason for this is that if the batteries are dead, or the charger lost/dead, I can always purchase AA batteries almost anywhere in the world. Getting a replacement custom battery, or charger for a custom battery, might end up being effectively impossible while traveling.
Perhaps a silly question but I have a PowerShot SD1300 IS. Would the SD1200 for CHDK be close enough or no such luck?

The Photography Thread Quote
07-27-2011 , 08:58 PM
The most appropriate place to ask CHDK related questions is on the CHDK forum. They will have much more, and better, information for you.
Originally Posted by LearningCurve
Perhaps a silly question but I have a PowerShot SD1300 IS. Would the SD1200 for CHDK be close enough or no such luck?
You need both the camera model and firmware revision to match.

It appears that there is a version that is at least mostly functional for your camera (PowerShot SD1300 IS / IXUS 105 ). You should read the thread in which porting to the PowerShot SD1300 IS / IXUS 105 is discussed.

Actually, you may need to use Stereo Data Maker(SDM). SDM is an offshoot of CHDK with similar functionality (+/- some features). It was primarily intended to make taking stereo pictures (3D) easier with multiple cameras. The main page for SDM is here.
The Photography Thread Quote
07-27-2011 , 09:09 PM
Here's a few from Northern Thailand

Leave to the ugly souped up HDR to get the most likes on FB lol

I have many many more

Last edited by cardsharkk04; 07-27-2011 at 09:14 PM.
The Photography Thread Quote
07-27-2011 , 09:21 PM
Wow absolutely love the street shot with the sleeper. How long was your exposure? Ap musta been narrow for the stars

People on fb like strong effects cause they assume it is more artsy and they're supposed to like it. Shooting HDR with the Knob turned to "11" = fb gold.

Really nice clean pics. I feel like you could do a lot more pp, especially with the first 2 shots.
The Photography Thread Quote
07-27-2011 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Freakin
Wow absolutely love the street shot with the sleeper. How long was your exposure? Ap musta been narrow for the stars

People on fb like strong effects cause they assume it is more artsy and they're supposed to like it. Shooting HDR with the Knob turned to "11" = fb gold.

Really nice clean pics. I feel like you could do a lot more pp, especially with the first 2 shots.
Anything in particular you had in mind post processing wise for the first 2? Not sure why but some of these photos are looking pretty flat compared to the originals.

And for the sleeper dude it was something like a 15 second exposure at f11 or f13. I felt kinda bad about creeping up on a homeless guy like that, but I did it in the name of good photography!
The Photography Thread Quote
07-28-2011 , 04:21 AM
hey guys, need some help here. I'm total photography noob. My gf dream is to have rly nice camera (her hobby is photography of animals). I want to buy her something good for her birthday, but ofc have no idea what. Could u recommend me sth around 800$ (not more than 1k)? What should i look at? I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks!
The Photography Thread Quote
07-28-2011 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by Syous
how'd you shoot this one? it's beautiful, the colors look so great with that black

well, I think the key is to get a good fountain. some of them shoot a bunch of colors at the same time, and emit lots of colorful smoke. Others are kinda boring.

I was pretty close to it on a crappy tripod. Hell, I could have done it hand held, b/c I came to realize that I needed fast shutter speeds to get that crisp look. So that one was 1/125. This also made the background nice and dark (though I wasn't even thinking about that). Used manual focus, to get the focus right b4 we lit the thing.

I'm a noob so I didn't play around w/ white balance or flash. Took a bunch of photos, the colors, shapes, and smoke change so fast that you kinda just start snapping, hoping you get a good one.
The Photography Thread Quote
07-28-2011 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by keyman
The most appropriate place to ask CHDK related questions is on the CHDK forum. They will have much more, and better, information for you.You need both the camera model and firmware revision to match.

It appears that there is a version that is at least mostly functional for your camera (PowerShot SD1300 IS / IXUS 105 ). You should read the thread in which porting to the PowerShot SD1300 IS / IXUS 105 is discussed.

Actually, you may need to use Stereo Data Maker(SDM). SDM is an offshoot of CHDK with similar functionality (+/- some features). It was primarily intended to make taking stereo pictures (3D) easier with multiple cameras. The main page for SDM is here.
Thanks so much, keyman! I'll see what I can ascertain. I really appreciate the links!!

Cardshark, the pictures are fantastic! I guess it all depends on what your personal bent is but I don't care for photos which look too doctored. Hence, the most popular one is the only one I wasn't a fan of.
The Photography Thread Quote
07-28-2011 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by cardsharkk04
Anything in particular you had in mind post processing wise for the first 2? Not sure why but some of these photos are looking pretty flat compared to the originals.

And for the sleeper dude it was something like a 15 second exposure at f11 or f13. I felt kinda bad about creeping up on a homeless guy like that, but I did it in the name of good photography!
Very nice pictures, good job!

I love the first one, but if you could bring out some detail in the mountains it would be even better imo.
The Photography Thread Quote
07-29-2011 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Jekus
hey guys, need some help here. I'm total photography noob. My gf dream is to have rly nice camera (her hobby is photography of animals). I want to buy her something good for her birthday, but ofc have no idea what. Could u recommend me sth around 800$ (not more than 1k)? What should i look at? I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks!
anyone? rly need some help here
The Photography Thread Quote
07-29-2011 , 10:44 AM
The D5100, slam dunk, you are welcome.

Also, great grammar doesn't make up for neglecting to spell out words like "really."

Being on a mobile phone is no excuse.

See if you can get one on refurb. Less money, virtually zero risk. I buy everything I can refurbished.
The Photography Thread Quote
07-29-2011 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by KPowers
The D5100, slam dunk, you are welcome.

Also, great grammar doesn't make up for neglecting to spell out words like "really."

Being on a mobile phone is no excuse.

See if you can get one on refurb. Less money, virtually zero risk. I buy everything I can refurbished.

heh, thanks. Should I buy also special lens? what types are best?
The Photography Thread Quote
07-29-2011 , 11:09 AM
Maybe. If she loves shooting animals a telephoto would go a long way(RIMSHOT PLEASE)


How to take better pictures why it doesn't matter equipment acquisition paralysis

Hopefully you can use that website to answer your next question on your own(which telephoto?)
The Photography Thread Quote
