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Okay, Yous; It's Yule Time. Lounge Winter LC Thread Okay, Yous; It's Yule Time. Lounge Winter LC Thread

03-06-2020 , 08:03 PM
Brian Wilson never got enough acclaim for his falsetto
03-06-2020 , 09:30 PM
Or his musical sense and savvy.
03-06-2020 , 10:09 PM
If you are sober right now you are not living correctly!
03-06-2020 , 11:41 PM
I'm sober right now.
03-06-2020 , 11:54 PM
Well, that’s a bit sad, John. Try harder next time.
03-07-2020 , 12:05 AM
OOT doesn't like me when I've had a few too many. I can get obnoxious and I do enjoy it. Not that I was contained, but for a while there I posted a bunch of **** in the containment thread and they just about exiled me for good. WTF! It was a containment thread.

Hey Ray.

Zeno, love thy neighbor.
03-07-2020 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by Zeno
Well, that’s a bit sad, John. Try harder next time.
I think I barely try at all. But I've been watching movies all day. Research.
03-07-2020 , 04:35 AM
thanks rr. old songs are fun.

watched him every day when i was little. fess parker and buddy ebsen

03-07-2020 , 04:41 AM
fess parker sang as well, made the charts too.

03-07-2020 , 04:53 AM
You get to post those because you are an old motherfukcker,

Because I'm so young, I only remember Festus in Gunsmoke and Buddy Ebsen in The Beverly Hillbillies. Of course, I like to remember Ellie May. It works as long as Mrs. Hathaway doesn't drop by and spoil the whole dream.
03-07-2020 , 04:54 AM
I now know I shouldn't have listened to Zeno's most recent advice.... tonight.
03-07-2020 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Ray Zee
my bike but 15 years newer, and black of course no silly colors. i aint a dame.

I've never ridden a modern Harley, but I really liked the ergonomics of the real old ones -- they were very comfortable for me. This one looks like it's set up comfortably too. I like to be upright with my feet under my knees and my hands not too high or low.
03-07-2020 , 06:43 PM
Most sensible people will agree that it is none of their business what other folk do in bed.
The wife did not agree, whenever I started snoring she would throw things at me.
03-07-2020 , 07:17 PM
started out with a 50 panhead but not for long then moved up the ladder with all the oil leakers till i got to the evo. then all was good. lost some of the pizazz. the a 1200 sporty. then an electroglide now the heritage classic which i seem to like the best. but loved the fast 1200 sportster.
03-08-2020 , 10:58 AM
ABBA. I did come up with a deeply reasoned theory about why some people don’t like them and other people love them. In the end it came down to “People who don’t love ABBA are cloth eared ****wits.
03-08-2020 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Rebelp
ABBA. I did come up with a deeply reasoned theory about why some people don’t like them and other people love them. In the end it came down to “People who don’t love ABBA are cloth eared ****wits.
I'm not convinced this is "deeply reasoned."

At all.
03-08-2020 , 01:27 PM
Of course it is
03-08-2020 , 02:37 PM
but what if he is right john.
03-08-2020 , 02:44 PM
this one will blow schtlizy's mind

03-08-2020 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by Ray Zee
but what if he is right john.
Oh, he might be right. Just not deeply reasoned.
03-08-2020 , 03:45 PM
It can't be said often enough: Death to Abba and Nuke Sweden!!

Sweet Victory: USA #1:

03-09-2020 , 06:37 PM
Well well I have just called one of my best friends,(who is also the most beautiful woman I have ever met)a ****ing Dickhead. Interested to see how this works out.
03-09-2020 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by Rebelp
Well well I have just called one of my best friends,(who is also the most beautiful woman I have ever met)a ****ing Dickhead. Interested to see how this works out.
She's been called worse, I'm sure. And everything can be forgiven.
03-09-2020 , 11:16 PM
examples please of worse things.
03-09-2020 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Ray Zee
examples please of worse things.
A friend of John Cole?
