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Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread

10-29-2010 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Americans are funny
Oh come on, if I had said "or is French" you woulda been all over that.
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Landonfan

You're attractive. But then again, I'm bisexual and craving any man evden remotely attractive. And you are attractive.
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
I don't know why you think you can't write well. You're perfectly coherent.
I just woke up, and didn't proof read. thank god for spellcheck.

Originally Posted by katyseagull
Landlords have feelings too, you know
Busto, how do you feel about moving to Cincinnati?
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by katyseagull

Landlords have feelings too, you know
I'd call greed and avarice more 'traits' than 'feelings'.

Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Landonfan

I've tried small sips. Granted, it was from a coffee mug, but I doubt a snifter is going to make it suddenly taste like candy. That alcohol bite is just too much to overcome imo.

Also, these toothpick holder shots are killing me. Gonna be in the floor pretty quick.
There's no point getting drunk if you aren't conscious and not sick long enough to enjoy the drunk. Slow down IMO. Get something heavy in your stomach to slow down the digestion of the liquor. Take a vitamin to cut down the damage. Drink some water to keep from getting dehydrated. And then get the high to where you can ride it instead of where it rides you. King of the Road, baby!

And don't drive.
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
nothing wrong with smokiness. I like a smokey barbequed steak. Or kissing a girl who smokes...
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Blech! I'll never understand you Brits.
Agreed. Friggin' disgusting.

Originally Posted by diebitter
It tastes good to me. It victory....
It tastes like aiming low, to me.

Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
I'll give you a pass since you used a cool reference, but girls that smoke taste like British people. Oh, wait, now I get it!
They like girls to taste like bombed out buildings, maybe? Could be the nostalgia ...
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Solo just strikes me as so damn likable. I pity the girl that turns him down.
Ditto. I can't recall seeing a picture of him, but he'd have to be pretty fugly indeed to come close to warranting so much self-doubt. And anyway those guys need to get off their ass and do the chasing more than anybody.
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
hahaha came across an article on 007 by Chuck Klosterman that DB will appreciate.
He also has (Connery, that is) subtle flashes of anger, impatience, and disgust. That's one of the things I like about him. He isn't born for his suit; he carries it off through a combination of well-earned confidence and strength of will. But there are times when a look darts out of him -- a look like he's ready to leap on someone -- that makes his subsequent restraint all the more remarkable.
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by daveT
For whatever its worth, California tenant law isn't so kind these days. It is very frightening to go to court and face any sort of eviction even if you feel you can win, because once that's on your credit, you are basically homeless for the rest of your life.

I've been reading a lot on it now due to my own situation, which is sort of like Busto's except all of it is verbal with no threat of eviction. The only thing that we have working for us at the moment is the "Implied Warranty of Habitability," because there is no A/C and the room can reach 106F in the summer.

My buddy had this same problem when he lived in Hollywood and a management company barged in. The whole building went into disrepair, the pool was no longer cleaned, yet a room that was going for 700 on year earlier was all of a sudden going for 1200. These management companies are disrespectful ********s. I will never ever rent an apartment from a management company. It is the most amazing concept in the world: do absolutely nothing yet get paid.
I worked for a management company for the hospitality industry for a couple years and we were the only thing keeping the owners from suiciding the place into complete disrepair, if not actually falling onto the heads of the guests.

It depends entirely on the management company, of course, and some owners are far worse than the management companies they hire.

The problem really is low standards all around. Whether it's the management company or the owner who adopts them is all the same to the tenant. But it's a societal thing.

And sometimes even a cultural thing. Some foreign owners, for instance, are used to peeling paint and dirty premises even in higher end facilities, and think nothing of it. If things break down, they honestly don't think it's a big deal. And they often feel that unequal levels of power, such as obtain between a landlord and a tenant, should be taken advantage of. Their standards are not so much absolute as relative, or tribal, as it were. It can be very hard for them to adapt to American standards. If you don't have hot water for a week, who cares, right? Who are you?
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
I don't know why you think you can't write well. You're perfectly coherent.

Landlords have feelings too, you know
And I hear some of them make good milkshakes!
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
LMAO so I asked a lawyerly friend for their advice and within 5 minutes they wrote and sent me a CEASE AND DESIST letter, just in case
Awesome and grats!
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 09:21 PM
FWIW, one the the mixed drinks that is a staple around here is Crown & Coke. I guarantee you there are many manly men (Including myself) who likes whiskey mixed.
I raise my eyebrows at you, Fish.

Okay, I admit it, I take my Maker's Mark or Knob Creek with ice and a splash of water. But Coke? Ugh.
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by ChipWrecked
I'd call greed and avarice more 'traits' than 'feelings'.
Haha greed and avarice. I'd rather let my rental house stand empty than put up with the ridiculousness of tenants who never pay rent anyway because they'd rather party with the rent money. They are so undependable and do whatever they choose. There's no money to be had in the rental business. It's a terrible business to get into.
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 10:30 PM
It's better on the high end.

Just like the hospitality business.

You can still make a lot of money on the low end, but it can be ugly. Like, bullets fired ugly if you're in the wrong situation.
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by Amber
Solo, I was nervous the first time I asked a guy out. He actually said no (not that the girl you like will) but afterwards I was like "that wasn't so bad".

Now I have no hesitation approaching anyone. I figure, if I don't ask, I won't get them, if I do ask, I have a chance.

Good luck. I bet she is hoping you will.
Yeah. I'd be okay with being rejected outright or told "not now" or something. I'm more worried about her saying no, but then I'm supposed to keep trying because she wasn't definitive. haha. My patheticness is astounding.

Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Solo just strikes me as so damn likable. I pity the girl that turns him down.
Well, it doesn't help that I can't help but miss signals and be awkward. That sums up my college experience with ladies anyway.

Originally Posted by Landonfan

You're attractive. But then again, I'm bisexual and craving any man evden remotely attractive. And you are attractive.
So...thanks I guess. I'm going to avoid drunk LF perhaps. I'm a little worried I'll get flashbacks to my "date" with my landlord.

Originally Posted by Fishwhenican
Shortest Thread Ever.
Uhh yeah. I'm not sure the last time I went on a date. I'll stick to the teaching thread!
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 11:27 PM
Find cute girl who would like to be taught something and solve problems on two fronts at once!
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 11:28 PM
My dad has been redoing the kitchen for months. Tonight was supposed ot be the night he placed the doors on the cabinets, finishing it for good.

All was well except for two mismeasured cabinet/door combos. Somehow the doors were about four inches too long for each cabinet. So it's mostly done, but he's got work left to do.

I feel bad for him. He thought he was about to relieve this stressful thing, but now he's got more work to do.
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 11:31 PM
lulz that's some serious mismeasurement.
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 11:38 PM
Well, it doesn't help that I can't help but miss signals and be awkward. That sums up my college experience with ladies anyway.
That sums up my whole life! My wife gets a kick out of my aloofness. She sometimes stands back and watches me interact with lots of pretty girls. In my head, we're just chatting and having a good time. Afterwards, Mrs. Busto laughs because I did not realize how heavy these girls were coming onto me. Story of my life. I'm only now starting to realize what those funny looks and gestures mean. Apparently I'm desirable? And apparently I would have gone on a ton more dates if I hadn't been so aloof to girls coming onto me that I sabotaged the entire process.
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
lulz that's some serious mismeasurement.
I think he misread his writing. Seems more logical than mismeasuring.

He's done a really good job with this entire process. Except those two mistakes. heh.
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-29-2010 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
That sums up my whole life! My wife gets a kick out of my aloofness. She sometimes stands back and watches me interact with lots of pretty girls. In my head, we're just chatting and having a good time. Afterwards, Mrs. Busto laughs because I did not realize how heavy these girls were coming onto me. Story of my life. I'm only now starting to realize what those funny looks and gestures mean. Apparently I'm desirable? And apparently I would have gone on a ton more dates if I hadn't been so aloof to girls coming onto me that I sabotaged the entire process.
Mhm. I just make it notably awkward sometimes. I don't know why. I can't stay carefree. Instead I get all grave sounding like I'm about to tell them their mother died. It's quite distressing for everyone involved.

Again though, this only happens when I realize I am wanting to ask someone out. I can play it fine if there's no self-pressure.
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-30-2010 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by Landonfan

You're attractive. But then again, I'm bisexual and craving any man evden remotely attractive. And you are attractive.
Nothing to see here, folks. Move along
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-30-2010 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by Landonfan
Nothing to see here, folks. Move along
Landon, don't sweat it. I wish I had a nickel for every time I've drunkenly confessed my bisexuality on an internet forum.
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-30-2010 , 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by John Cole
I raise my eyebrows at you, Fish.

Okay, I admit it, I take my Maker's Mark or Knob Creek with ice and a splash of water. But Coke? Ugh.
Don't get me wrong, I still like my whiskey straight up or with ice and a splash of water but you will find some pretty damn tough cowboy, rancher, logger types around here drinking Crown (or some other kind of whiskey) & Coke. Of course with me it is Diet Coke since I can't stand, and shouldn't have, regular Coke.

Scotch, I would never ever mix that with anything (except the before mentioned ice/water). Mmmmmmmm........
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
10-30-2010 , 07:18 AM
I'd mix Scotch with used oil and the grime that collected on the bottom of your shoes. That's sure to dilute the foul taste.
Octobear or Octopussy? You Decide: NC thread Quote
