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Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2 Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2

02-09-2013 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by BigPoppa
Just watched "An American in Paris",
I just watched daddy long legs... I love both movies. these period pieces have come into there own the further we get away from that era.
yes, I know what the traditional definition of a period piece is.
02-09-2013 , 06:30 PM
Add me as another sporadic entry that really liked Safety Not Guaranteed. It has some dead ends, but the aspects that worked were working really well fr me. Enjoyed it. Feel silly to have had it from Netflix for like a month.
02-09-2013 , 07:35 PM
The Master (2012): really wanted to enjoy this and thought I would, but didn't. Phoenix was really good but that's about all I took from this.
02-09-2013 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
The Master (2012): really wanted to enjoy this and thought I would, but didn't. Phoenix was really good but that's about all I took from this.
I will watch this film as soon as I can, but I must say that I will be very surprised if I feel the same. I suspect it is at least very good.
02-09-2013 , 11:34 PM
I think for most casual viewers, and like "There Will be Blood", the movie suffers from an unconventional soundtrack(or lack thereof).

But unlike "blood", the masters lead actor was off the scale superb... that combined with the texture of the movie in 65mm, and the subject matter of the story, makes this movie much more endearing to some of us.
02-10-2013 , 12:21 AM
Every time I see Lost In Translation, I think it is better.

It is an excellent film.
02-10-2013 , 12:36 AM
This is a good example of how not to review a film.
02-10-2013 , 12:53 AM
Haha that dude was seriously offended by that movie it seems. I will say, when I saw the preview, I pictured the movie being just as bad as he describes it.
02-10-2013 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
I think for most casual viewers, and like "There Will be Blood", the movie suffers from an unconventional soundtrack(or lack thereof).

But unlike "blood", the masters lead actor was off the scale superb... that combined with the texture of the movie in 65mm, and the subject matter of the story, makes this movie much more endearing to some of us.
So you didn't feel DDL was superb in TWBB?
02-10-2013 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by electricladylnd
So you didn't feel DDL was superb in TWBB?

Joaquin was amazing and I think his performance in The Master > DDL in Lincoln (though they're both great), but Plainview is GOAT contender
02-10-2013 , 03:53 AM
Don't get me wrong, objectively its a good film but for comparisons sake I found TWBB superior by a decent margin to The Master. With regards to the subject material especially, I was just not invested nearly as much, it didn't grab me. Phoenix was very good. Perhaps I am disillusioned by Hoffman and how excellent he is consistently but I thought he was just good.

Haven't seen Lincoln yet so can't comment on that.
02-10-2013 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by Rushmore
Every time I see Lost In Translation, I think it is better.

It is an excellent film.
02-10-2013 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by electricladylnd
So you didn't feel DDL was superb in TWBB?
I have to tell you... that movie is extreme painful for me to watch. it's a bit like pulling teeth to see someone excel and not recognize the virtues of success but to be destroyed by it... I recognize the greatness of it and the performances there in, but I don't hold it to the same candlelight as I do for "The Master".

The master has real depth to the story that I think goes unrecognized by the casual viewer([probably because of the pacing)... it plays on several levels of conscientiousness while TWBB plays more like a Documentary of reality... both are great, one is awe inspiring.

But that's just my perspective... I connect much more with TM than I do with TWBB.

I watched a good movie with There Will Be Blood... I was changed when I watched The Master.
02-10-2013 , 01:32 PM
Les Miserables

I hated this with a passion. The libretto made me want to jam an ice pick in my ear. The singing was almost universally awful. Crowes performance is beyond terrible, indescribably so. The direction is so bad it's a parody. It should be subtitled Les Mis: the nose cam edition.

If this wins best picture it will instantly surpass Crash as the WOAT winner. It should be in the running for Razzies, not Oscars.
02-10-2013 , 01:55 PM
So, what did you really think?
02-10-2013 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
So, what did you really think?
It was ok.
02-10-2013 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by Losing all
Melancholia Lars Von Trier has done it again, and by it I mean make me want to punch him in the face. Beautifully shot and well acted but the writing leaves a lot to be desired. if I could rise above and watch the last few days of a couple of peoples lives before the end of the world these would be the last two I'd want to follow.

with the possible exception of Dunst's ample bare bosoms

That said I didn't really hate it. though Im quite sure I'll never watch this excruciating film again.

Seriously terrible choice for movie night with the wife. So depressing it almost killed my chance of getting lucky. Mr. Trier hates the human race.


He even comes up with a way to "prove" that there is nobody else out there in the universe outside of earth and that this is it for the whole life thing. Talk about a dark "**** you" to everybody.

That said, it's a beautiful and powerful movie. I won't recommend it to a soul or watch it ever again, but it's probably the best of Trier that I've seen. Man that dude has problems.
02-10-2013 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
I think for most casual viewers, and like "There Will be Blood", the movie suffers from an unconventional soundtrack(or lack thereof).

But unlike "blood", the masters lead actor was off the scale superb... that combined with the texture of the movie in 65mm, and the subject matter of the story, makes this movie much more endearing to some of us.
wow pretty shocked to read that.
i feel like i would take DDL's performance in TWBB vs any performance ever.
really can't think of a performance that surpassed it off the top of my head (and that is not commenting on the character or the movie or any of that, just his performance which was seriously masterful and quite possibly perfect).

it happens sometimes, not often, but sometimes, that after the movie ends i just sit in the theater for ~5-10mins not speaking just staring at the screen while everyone else piles out.
02-10-2013 , 06:52 PM
hey can someone pls explain something from full metal jacket to me.
i've seen it a bunch of times but never understood why when private pyle 1st introduces himself he tells the drill sgt his name is lawrence.

however for the rest of the movie, everytime private joker either talks about him or to him he refers to him as leonard.

Last edited by riverboatking; 02-10-2013 at 06:57 PM.
02-10-2013 , 07:06 PM
Lawrence is his last name and Pyle is a reference to some other TV or movie character IIRC, i.e. a nickname.

Last edited by Michael888; 02-10-2013 at 07:15 PM.
02-10-2013 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by Michael888
Lawrence is his last name and Pyle is a reference to some other TV or movie character IIRC, i.e. a nickname.
well yes i know that pyle is a nickname derived from gomer pyle. i just thought lawrence was his first name, didn't realize it was supposed to be his last name but that makes sense. thanks.
02-10-2013 , 08:17 PM
Haven't seen a movie in a theater in a couple of months and wondered what people might recommend so thought I would use this thread to post in. Sky's the limit except no art house or horror suggestions, please.
02-11-2013 , 07:11 AM
Saw Cronenberg's eXistenZ, which seems merely tame in many ways when compared to Olivier Assayas' much more radical Demonlover. I suspect, though, that most viewers will prefer Cronenberg's film because it's less risky.
02-11-2013 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
wow pretty shocked to read that.
i feel like i would take DDL's performance in TWBB vs any performance ever.
really can't think of a performance that surpassed it off the top of my head (and that is not commenting on the character or the movie or any of that, just his performance which was seriously masterful and quite possibly perfect).

it happens sometimes, not often, but sometimes, that after the movie ends i just sit in the theater for ~5-10mins not speaking just staring at the screen while everyone else piles out.
This, as mentioned earlier, TWBB is like a giant punch right to the stomach, and is a tough tough movie to watch, but to say DDL put out anything other than one of the best performances ever is a real miss on the part of anyone who watched it.
02-11-2013 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by Doc T River
Haven't seen a movie in a theater in a couple of months and wondered what people might recommend so thought I would use this thread to post in. Sky's the limit except no art house or horror suggestions, please.
Wait for Thursday, grab a giant thing of popcorn and go see A Good Day to Die Hard
