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Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2 Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2

05-12-2012 , 11:46 PM
During the previews of The Avengers in 3D, the Prometheus trailer gave me the worst migraine with the cutting to black every other second when the alien ship was leaving the planet.

In Ridley Scott I trust?

Thanos! Will be a great villain in Avengers 2. Sucks SpiderMan belongs to Sony..
05-13-2012 , 12:14 AM
recently saw Captain America and it was ****ing awful

and like what was teh ****ing deal? did CA starve himself for awhile or was it some "special effects" as the girl who wanted me to watch it with her claimed?

Originally Posted by g-bebe
only notable flick over the last two weeks was also Avengers. highly entertaining even if you're only somewhat into the Marvel world and never read the comics (such as myself), although it is definitely getting overrated. astounding box office performance

<1 month til Prometheus tho, and this came out while 2p2 was down:

holeeee **** that is the most compelling trailer i've seen in a long while
05-13-2012 , 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
also, who was the Red Hulk looking thing at the very end?
Thanos from the infinity gauntlet series. My 12yr old self had a huge nerdgasm when they revealed that. I didn't read many comics as a kid but infinity gauntlet was one I really liked. Went home and downloaded on my iPad and thought it was still a pretty good even though there was some goofy stuff in it.

Originally Posted by Clovis8
Shame (2011)

While I think Hunger is among the best films of the last 10 years I really hated Shame. It's so overbearingly puritanical. It's like one of those 1960's anti-pot movies they showed in high schools but about sex. Sex is evil and degrading, joyless and vial, ugly. It's the religious rights view of human sexuality.

I understand the film is about addiction more than sex but given the sex phobia already present in the west this film can only be harmful.

McQueen is a brilliant director and Fassbender is great as always. I just wish the subject was more affirming.

Grade: C
I found some of the scenes that attempted to show him as a degenerate pretty funny.

When his boss was listing off the stuff they found on his hard drive I thought most of it pretty standard.

Also like he was supposed to be embarrassed by his huge collection of porn magazines. The only thing he should have been embarrassed about was that they weren't on his hard drive.

It's possible the Internet has turned me into a sexual deviant though
05-13-2012 , 12:37 PM
introduced several friends (i really shouldn't consider them friends if they hadn't seen these by now) to Alien and Aliens last night in anticipation of Prometheus. I definitely prefer the first installment more, better atmosphere and even all the effects and use of actual models look really great for its time, whereas a lot of the scenes in Aliens with the crafts flying are cgi and don't look nearly as good. also I believe we watched some 20th anniversary edition of Aliens and it had several scenes added that I actually had never seen, like at the beginning when they are recolonizing the planet and Newt's dad gets a facehugger on him -- there was a reason why these scenes were cut imo
05-13-2012 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
introduced several friends (i really shouldn't consider them friends if they hadn't seen these by now) to Alien and Aliens last night in anticipation of Prometheus. I definitely prefer the first installment more, better atmosphere and even all the effects and use of actual models look really great for its time, whereas a lot of the scenes in Aliens with the crafts flying are cgi and don't look nearly as good. also I believe we watched some 20th anniversary edition of Aliens and it had several scenes added that I actually had never seen, like at the beginning when they are recolonizing the planet and Newt's dad gets a facehugger on him -- there was a reason why these scenes were cut imo
No cgi in Aliens - those are also models. It doesn't look great because the matt job of the shuttle flying and crashing are obviously a background plate with the actors running in the foreground superimposed over it.

But yeah, Alien is a masterpiece. Aliens is merely good fun.
05-13-2012 , 04:59 PM
Despite being a sequel, its silly to compare the two, they are completely different genre's of film imo.

Alien is better though
05-13-2012 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by Maso777
The "Tournament" is terrible
Yeah I finally saw this and it wasn't great, but it was okay. What I did like most was Robert Carlyle was really putting 110% into the acting, and the parkour (sp?) guy was terrific to watch. Some of the shots and edits in the action sequences were also pretty good.

Ving Rhames was pretty bad trying to act emotion though. And Kelly Hu couldn't really act.
05-13-2012 , 06:10 PM
Oh and The Pest was dreadful, I could only stand it for 20 minutes, which is very unusual for me, I tend to see something to keep me watching in almost any movie.
05-13-2012 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
When I have to use a film as an example in class that everyone has seen, the only one I can consistently choose is Wizard of Oz.

Even Captain America could fit in that class

(PS. This is a little joke for those of you that have seen the Avengers and wer paying attention to some of the snappy writing flourishes in it )
05-13-2012 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by g-bebe
introduced several friends (i really shouldn't consider them friends if they hadn't seen these by now) to Alien and Aliens last night in anticipation of Prometheus. I definitely prefer the first installment more, better atmosphere and even all the effects and use of actual models look really great for its time, whereas a lot of the scenes in Aliens with the crafts flying are cgi and don't look nearly as good. also I believe we watched some 20th anniversary edition of Aliens and it had several scenes added that I actually had never seen, like at the beginning when they are recolonizing the planet and Newt's dad gets a facehugger on him -- there was a reason why these scenes were cut imo
Aliens holds up a lot less because it invented a lot of action tropes that have now become cliches. Those cliches have become far more refined in the past 20 years and going back to the original really shows its age.

Alien is just a great suspenseful movie and has lost nothing with age.
05-13-2012 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
I mean, I get it, it's a comic book, and it delivered some fun. But at first they can't talk to The Hulk or get it to calm the eff down, and then all of a sudden, The Hulk knows who the enemy is.
A lot of people missed it, but everyone in the room, especially Banner, was being influenced by the scepter. It was increasing emotions and anger of everyone, and, if there's one character who has difficulty controlling his anger, it's Banner. They are then attacked and Banner is injured in the fall, causing an uncontrolled change. Under normal circumstances, however, Banner had learned to control the change and focus his rage, hence why he was able to attack the aliens.

It's also pretty consistent with the comics. Hulk was never a particularly reliable Avenger, and would occasionally fight other heroes. Banner never truly learned to control every facet of his alter ego.

Also, the Red guy at the end is
05-14-2012 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
No cgi in Aliens - those are also models. It doesn't look great because the matt job of the shuttle flying and crashing are obviously a background plate with the actors running in the foreground superimposed over it.

But yeah, Alien is a masterpiece. Aliens is merely good fun.
Originally Posted by ianlippert
Aliens holds up a lot less because it invented a lot of action tropes that have now become cliches. Those cliches have become far more refined in the past 20 years and going back to the original really shows its age.

Alien is just a great suspenseful movie and has lost nothing with age.

speaking of cliches, it was entertaining to rewatch alien with people who haven't see it before and have them identify the characters they thought would live and would die right at the beginning. all of them pretty quickly identified both joker/grunt characters (the two mechanics) as soon-to-be-eaten (i mean, the black guy always dies, right? ...too soon?) as well as the wimpy girl character. correct me if i'm wrong but so many movies of this type follow that design... was alien the first? i don't know if this is a dumb question so it probably is
05-14-2012 , 12:36 AM
It's Agatha Christie's Ten Little Indians in space.

And the black guy and the wimpy girl didn't die until the end.

Two of the first three to buy it were the Captain and First Officer. So it was pretty random trying to figure out who would die next.
05-14-2012 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
It's Jason Voorhees set in space.
05-14-2012 , 02:10 AM
Can't we love both Alien and Aliens?
05-14-2012 , 03:31 PM
Finally saw "The Turin Horse"

Was absolutely blown away
(by the wind [into the abyss].)

An astonishing experience. Suggest watching in its entirety, in a room full of strangers.

"Not for Everyone — not for Everyone..."
05-14-2012 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by ||.||.||
So, you're not going to form an opinion about the quality of a movie until after you watch it?

Thanks for the sarcastic reply. It really adds a lot to this discussion.

I was merely pointing out that my current expectations of the movie based on the trailers that I have seen haven't got me anticipating the movie as much as the previous poster.
05-14-2012 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by TheCroShow
Can't we love both Alien and Aliens?
I loved alien, liked aliens. I just don't love turrets defense scenes as much as I used to.
05-15-2012 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by Chomp
Haywire: Reminded me of The American and No Country...all surface, all genre. I really liked it, and great to see contemporary Dublin on film rather than the usual nonsense diddly-eye depiction. Awesome support from a stellar chorus. Late career Douglas is a gift.
How do you mean "all surface, all genre" with regards to No Country?

I saw Haywire today and am wavering between "dislike" and "it was okay". The first 30-45 minutes I thought were awful. I felt like I was watching a direct-to-DVD crime flick from 2004, with Carano's horrific acting being the most problematic piece of the puzzle. The story was unimpressive and I'm sure I've seen all those beats before in said DVD budget titles.

In a post-Bourne world, I don't think you can get away with so many drawn-out dancey fights in a serious crime/spy flick. Certainly there is a place for those kinds of fights, but it feels wrong here.

Obviously the supporting cast was great and it's well shot. Take Douglas out and I would actively dislike the movie. With him, it's close.
05-15-2012 , 07:22 AM
Saw like a half of citizen kane before i fell asleep last night. Saw it two times before and was unimpressed. I have a feeling, that when I finish watching it this time around, it'll be a top 10-20 favorite of mine.
05-15-2012 , 08:52 AM
Man I missed this thread while the forum was down.


The Avengers - Pretty great entertainment 8/10

Kill List - Tense, but pretty senseless 6/10

American Reunion - was great. like meeting your old buddies 8/10

Kriegerin - Meh... 5/10

LA Confidential - Great in every aspect 9/10

A lonely place to die - Another, meh... just pointless 4/10

21 Jump Street - really funny, I kinda like Jonah Hill 7/10

Martha Marcy May Marlene - wow. really great movie 8/10

Think I watched a few more but can`t think of them right now. Also marathoned Mad Men 1-4 during the last weeks. Really great show. Love the acting and the stories.

Lol, it looks like I got too much time on my hands, which isn`t really the case. Mostly watch stuff at night.
05-15-2012 , 11:18 AM
OMG... The Avengers was... not entertaining.
05-15-2012 , 02:00 PM
What was it? I think it was...
05-15-2012 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
OMG... The Avengers was... not entertaining.
I've pretty much come to the conclusion that you don't like anything
05-15-2012 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by hotdogfallacy
Saw like a half of citizen kane
Is it that movie where The Brain is trying to take over the world?

Originally Posted by hotdogfallacy
Saw it two times before and was unimpressed.
That's a mistake that will be corrected one of these days.

Originally Posted by hotdogfallacy
I have a feeling, that when I finish watching it this time around, it'll be a top 10-20 favorite of mine.

Was there something in particular that you noticed this time around that you had not before?

Here's a title card:
