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Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2 Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2

02-02-2011 , 10:39 AM
one of my favorite movie lines of all time...

Phil: What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did mattered?
(takes shot)
Ralph: That about sums it up for me.
02-02-2011 , 10:25 PM
The Parking Lot Movie was entertaining. It reminded me of the gas station job I had for a couple years. A lot of down time and a lot of hanging out. I spent quite a bit of time in that gas station when I wasn't even working.

Recommend The Parking Lot Movie if you're into weird dudes being weird. Or cool. I'm not sure which.
02-02-2011 , 11:37 PM
The King's Speech - I begrudgingly gave in and decided to see this and shockingly... it is worse than I anticipated. I am truly baffled by the praise. It's "ok." Best comparison would be with A Beautiful Mind. You know, some guy overcoming his personal struggle blah blah with a bit of celebratory monarchical ******** thrown in for good measure. Meh, off with his head. 5/10
02-02-2011 , 11:39 PM
^LOL... that's why I have not seen it as yet.
02-02-2011 , 11:48 PM
Okay looking for movie recommendations!

Ok I'm looking for survival type of movies. Not so much in the wilderness but of disasters or preferably apocalyptic types. Doesn't really matter if its low budget. I'll give some examples of ones i liked in no particular order.

The Mist
The Road
Dawn of the Dead Remake 2004
28 days later

even cheesy series like jericho & jerimiah & survivors.

preferably nothing too old though.
02-03-2011 , 12:00 AM
Finally got around to watching Following, the only full-length Christopher Nolan film I hadn't seen. It was so much better than I expected. I always saw it ranked pretty low on the Nolan filmography by people. I sort of expected it to not be very good.

In reality, I guess it could be the worst Nolan film, but it's an awesome movie.
02-03-2011 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by Charles Bukowski
Okay looking for movie recommendations!

Ok I'm looking for survival type of movies. Not so much in the wilderness but of disasters or preferably apocalyptic types. Doesn't really matter if its low budget. I'll give some examples of ones i liked in no particular order.

The Mist
The Road
Dawn of the Dead Remake 2004
28 days later

even cheesy series like jericho & jerimiah & survivors.

preferably nothing too old though.

The Crazies
28 Weeks Later (obviously, I guess)
02-03-2011 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by Charles Bukowski
Okay looking for movie recommendations!

Ok I'm looking for survival type of movies. Not so much in the wilderness but of disasters or preferably apocalyptic types. Doesn't really matter if its low budget. I'll give some examples of ones i liked in no particular order.

The Mist
The Road
Dawn of the Dead Remake 2004
28 days later

even cheesy series like jericho & jerimiah & survivors.

preferably nothing too old though.
The Crazies
The Book of Eli
I Am Legend
Children of Men
War of the Worlds

All those are newish
02-03-2011 , 12:13 AM
I've watched the ones recommended so far.

Slightly enjoyed the crazies.
Book of eli's religious undertone ruined it for me.
I am legend was pretty decent Along with children of men.
War of the worlds was pretty good too.
02-03-2011 , 12:16 AM
Yeah, all them, too.

What about like The Postman or Mad Max stuff? All those I assume, too?

I haven't seen The Postman.

On the Beach is old, but it was pretty good.
02-03-2011 , 12:32 AM
+1 for The Postman

Babylon A.D. Watch it just to report back how far in you made it before you had to turn it off.

Logan's Run

La Jetee, then 12 Monkeys.

02-03-2011 , 01:58 AM
Has anyone here seen 'Another Year'. One of the best films I've seen this year, I preferred it to Black Swan, True Grit, The Fighter and others. Naturalistic story about the (by film standards) mundane lives of a few Brits, features incredible acting, great humour and poignancy.
02-03-2011 , 02:39 AM
Not yet, is that Mike Leigh?
02-03-2011 , 03:14 AM
looks like a good one
02-03-2011 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Not yet, is that Mike Leigh?
Yeah. It's really good.
02-03-2011 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by SoloAJ
Yeah, all them, too.

What about like The Postman or Mad Max stuff? All those I assume, too?

I haven't seen The Postman.

On the Beach is old, but it was pretty good.
I've watched the year 2000 version of on the beach. pretty boring but i enjoyed it simply because i like the genre.

the postman is in the same situation. not a very good movie but if you like the genre it's fun.

also if anyone who also enjoys the genre wants a review of one of the movies listed or a recommendation or whatever feel free to ask :] ( books are the way to go for this genre. It's how i got into it and why i love it but a movie from time to time is nice. )
02-03-2011 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
The King's Speech - I begrudgingly gave in and decided to see this and shockingly... it is worse than I anticipated. I am truly baffled by the praise. It's "ok." Best comparison would be with A Beautiful Mind. You know, some guy overcoming his personal struggle blah blah with a bit of celebratory monarchical ******** thrown in for good measure. Meh, off with his head. 5/10
I'd give it a bit more than a 5, but I thought the script could've been a lot tighter. It just wasn't all that enthralling.
02-03-2011 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Charles Bukowski
Okay looking for movie recommendations!

Ok I'm looking for survival type of movies. Not so much in the wilderness but of disasters or preferably apocalyptic types. Doesn't really matter if its low budget. I'll give some examples of ones i liked in no particular order.

preferably nothing too old though.

Classic Oldie but goodie...

Matango(Attack of the Mushroom People)
02-03-2011 , 05:20 PM
Match Point, 2005, Woody Allen. This film was a homerun. I'm surprised I haven't heard more about this one. I might do a writeup later because I thought it was that good. I'll just say now that Allen stated that it "arguably may be the best film that I’ve made. This is strictly accidental, it just happened to come out right." I can definitely see that since his clear thematic intention -- how luck plays a large role in our destinies -- actually played second or third or fourth fiddle to other themes that were more powerful and meaningful, and I'm not talking just straight up greed, although that's obviously a part of it.

I definitely recommend it.
02-03-2011 , 05:27 PM

I would expect no less from Woody

Speaking of "the allen" seeing your post above I went and ordered "What's up Tiger Lily" off of Amazon...

02-03-2011 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by fds
Match Point, 2005, Woody Allen. This film was a homerun. I'm surprised I haven't heard more about this one. I might do a writeup later because I thought it was that good. I'll just say now that Allen stated that it "arguably may be the best film that I’ve made. This is strictly accidental, it just happened to come out right." I can definitely see that since his clear thematic intention -- how luck plays a large role in our destinies -- actually played second or third or fourth fiddle to other themes that were more powerful and meaningful, and I'm not talking just straight up greed, although that's obviously a part of it.

I definitely recommend it.
Yeah, it's up there with his best anyways. Really good.
02-03-2011 , 05:53 PM
I have two pieces of bad news today:

First, I re-watched This Is England, and I really did not enjoy it this time. Everything fell flat except for the loneliness of the main character, which I thought was nicely done. The rest was mostly crap, somewhat evocative of a particular time. Bollocks, I say.

Next, I would like to start a movement to have both Robert DeNiro and Meryl Streep stripped of their combined Oscars for their involvement in a film I forced myself to watch yesterday when I was in bed with the flu, Falling In Love.

If you've never seen this dreck, just know that if you should ever see even one split second of it while "clicking around," several things will happen. First, you will lose two hours of your life because you won't be able to stop watching the awfulness (especially if you have the flu and the remote is out of reach). Secondly, you will want to participate in my campaign to officially change the name of the film to Falling In Schitt.

Anyway, I have to go be unconscious some more now.
02-03-2011 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Rushmore
I have two pieces of bad news today:

First, I re-watched This Is England, and I really did not enjoy it this time. Everything fell flat except for the loneliness of the main character, which I thought was nicely done. The rest was mostly crap, somewhat evocative of a particular time. Bollocks, I say.
Try Dead Man's Shoes by the same director, a superior movie in every way imo.
02-03-2011 , 08:14 PM
The Cove - Pretty good at exposing me to an issue I've never thought about. The end made me feel physically ill which is strange for me. Definitely moved me. 4/5

127 Hours - even though I knew Ralston's story inside and out this movie still kept me engaged from start to finish. As vix said in his review at the top of this page, just a fantastic cinematic experience. 4/5
02-04-2011 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
The King's Speech - I begrudgingly gave in and decided to see this and shockingly... it is worse than I anticipated. I am truly baffled by the praise. It's "ok." Best comparison would be with A Beautiful Mind. You know, some guy overcoming his personal struggle blah blah with a bit of celebratory monarchical ******** thrown in for good measure. Meh, off with his head. 5/10
As the film progressed, I just kept thinking more and more: Dude, you're entire country about to get bombed the **** out! In six months no one's going to give a **** about your speech! Quit being such a whiny man-child and put things in perspective. Don't you know you're about to be at war?!?!? All of which just made me irritated and angry at this self-absorbed, pompous, little ass who apparently had no interest in the well-being of his own people. Maybe his speech holds a special place in history for British people, but I couldn't help think that it was something that was only important to him and his family/cabinet. I mean...World War ****ing Two...Come on!
