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Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2 Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2

12-05-2010 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Winter's Bone - Meh, kind of lifeless. 6/10
12-05-2010 , 12:49 AM
IDK maybe I'll explain tomorrow
12-05-2010 , 01:49 AM
I finished the Whit Stillman trilogy tonight with Barcelona after starting out of order and at the end with The last days of discoa couple of weeks ago. I hadn't seen any of them and enjoyed all three films and Stillman's style in general.
12-05-2010 , 02:20 AM
Just watched Elf. Perfect way to kick off the Christmas period by far. In my opinion no other comedy films which are related to Christmas can hold a candle to it. The classic story of the outcast teaching an angry man how to love again truly makes it a fantastic film for this period. I feel good now.

Remember guys: The best way to spread Christmas cheer; is singing loud for all to hear!
12-05-2010 , 03:10 AM
Elf and Christmas Vacation are the only Christmas comedies I've been able to watch more than once.
12-05-2010 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by D1iabol1cal
Elf and Christmas Vacation are the only Christmas comedies I've been able to watch more than once.
Never seen A Christmas Story?

12-05-2010 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by Zeno
Never seen A Christmas Story?

No, I haven't actually. Although, there's probably a few good Christmas movies I haven't seen as it's not really my ideal genre.

So, you recommend that one obviously. Any others?
12-05-2010 , 03:21 AM
Watched Gigi for the first time. I was not Gaga over it but it is a good movie - enjoyable, funny and playful at times, with a few memorial tunes and scenes.

12-05-2010 , 03:32 AM
Originally Posted by Warlord.
Just watched Elf. Perfect way to kick off the Christmas period by far. In my opinion no other comedy films which are related to Christmas can hold a candle to it. The classic story of the outcast teaching an angry man how to love again truly makes it a fantastic film for this period. I feel good now.
Is that what Elf's about?
12-05-2010 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by D1iabol1cal
No, I haven't actually. Although, there's probably a few good Christmas movies I haven't seen as it's not really my ideal genre.

So, you recommend that one obviously. Any others?
Scrooged, ldo.
12-05-2010 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
The Beaver was on the black list for several years which is a list if the best unproduced screenplays so don't write it off too fast.
I just don't think of Jodie Foster as the right kind of director to handle this material. Her movies are heartfelt, sincere and warm. This script contains a sort of "hip, absurd irreverence" that to me speaks more to a (dare-I-say) 'younger' generation of filmmakers. A better choice may be someone like...I don't know: Hipster McCool -- a recent NYU film school grad with Buddy Holly glasses, an ironic T-shirt and Converse All Stars. Can't think of any actual directors.

Last edited by Ryan Firpo; 12-05-2010 at 04:02 AM.
12-05-2010 , 03:56 AM
Sunshine- an interesting premise with nice scenes and a good score. I had some issues with the ending but overall I enjoyed it. Cool movie.
12-05-2010 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by Lurker # 1
Vacancy 2007.
I dont watch horrors often because,usually,they dont affect me in the way they should,but when they do its a great expirience and entertainment.Fwiw,from the recent years,the ones which did the trick were ''The Descend'',''Orphan'',''28 Days Later'',''Dawn of the Dead'' and Vacancy.However,I'm looking forward to see ''trick'r treat'',''Henry: portrait of a serial killer'' and ''[REC]'',which Clovis8 recomended in november dictator club.''Paranormal Activity'' was crap.

To save me a great deal of time and to provide a better review,I edited one that I found and really liked.

Altough many reviewers are bit**ing about the end of the movie,I was preety satisfied.There is no need for pay off in this kind of movie.It could have been done much better ofcourse,but last five minutes which are imo average for a horror flick,can not do much harm to the rest of the movie.You really put yourself in characters shoes so it was a great entertainment.
Saw this post. I liked 28 days later, didn't see any other movies on your list. The last couple nights I watched The Descent and also Dawn of the Dead. I love zombie movies but just forgot about this.

Enjoyed both movies. I will watch Vacancy and Orphan also. Is The Descent 2 worth watching?

I also watched The Town. I enjoyed it. Nothing great but fun to watch. Other movies that are in the lineup to watch but just have to get around to: Mystic River, Gone Baby Gone, Sunshine, Animal kingdom (aus), Casino Jack. I know you guys give great reviews of Winters Bone but I started watching it (only a few min) and just don't feel like watching it. I will watch it sometime, and I'm sure its good, but I can't explain why but I just don't want to watch it.

Of my list...recommendations of what to watch or skip? BTW my list is pretty much made up of movies I hear about either in this thread or elsewhere in this forum.
12-05-2010 , 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by Ryan Firpo
I just don't think of Jodie Foster as the right kind of director to handle this material. Her movies are heartfelt, sincere and warm. This script contains a sort of "hip, absurd irreverence" that to me speaks more to a (dare-I-say) 'younger' generation of filmmakers. A better choice may be someone like...I don't know: Hipster McCool -- a recent NYU film school grad with Buddy Holly glasses, an ironic T-shirt and Converse All Stars. Can't think of any actual directors.
Jesus, I thought this was a real guy for a second and it made me want to slap both you and him.
12-05-2010 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by D1iabol1cal
Elf and Christmas Vacation are the only Christmas comedies I've been able to watch more than once.
I fire up Home Alone a couple times every Christmas Season
12-05-2010 , 09:26 AM
Spiderman 3

The Last in the Sam Raimi Spiderman films sees Spidey fight three foes.

Rumour has it that Raimi wanted to do a movie about the Sandman but studio execs insisted that popular character venom had to feature. It certainly feels like two movies crammed together. There is just way too much going on, everything feels rushed as a result.
It’s also a bit schmaltzy and sentimental and these displays of emotion are probable less effective then they might have been because the relationships they spring from are underdeveloped. There just isn’t enough time to spend developing relationships when you have to introduce three villains and have an action scene every half hour.
Like many movies that feature a lot of CGI the freedom to constantly move the camera during GCI scenes is abused. Some times the camera seems to be constantly swirling about just because it can.
12-05-2010 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by szw
Saw this post. I liked 28 days later, didn't see any other movies on your list. The last couple nights I watched The Descent and also Dawn of the Dead. I love zombie movies but just forgot about this.

Enjoyed both movies. I will watch Vacancy and Orphan also. Is The Descent 2 worth watching?

I also watched The Town. I enjoyed it. Nothing great but fun to watch. Other movies that are in the lineup to watch but just have to get around to: Mystic River, Gone Baby Gone, Sunshine, Animal kingdom (aus), Casino Jack. I know you guys give great reviews of Winters Bone but I started watching it (only a few min) and just don't feel like watching it. I will watch it sometime, and I'm sure its good, but I can't explain why but I just don't want to watch it.

Of my list...recommendations of what to watch or skip? BTW my list is pretty much made up of movies I hear about either in this thread or elsewhere in this forum.
Mystic River: A
Gone Baby Gone: A
Sunshine: Read Orange's post above.
I didnt watch Animal Kingdom and Casino Jack.I think somebody wrote itt that Animal Kingdom is one of the best Australian movies he saw.I also have it in my lineup.

I didnt watch The Descent 2,but from what I heard,its the shameless sequel of one of the best horror movies,so I wouldnt recommend.

Winter's Bone: A I think I can understand why you dont want to watch it right now.I also delayed watching of this movie for some time since I knew it was a drama and a slow one.So I just waited to be in a mood for exactly this kind of movie.So thats my advice-wait and watch
12-05-2010 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by rapidacid
I fire up Home Alone a couple times every Christmas Season
+1 to Home Alone and Home Alone 2.
12-05-2010 , 01:23 PM
Cyrus (2010)

dir: The Duplass Brothers

I am a huge fan of Mumblecore films even though the term is silly, nondescript and derogatory. If you have never seen a Mumblecore film then check out Quiet City directed by Arron Katz, The Puffy Chair directed by The Duplas brothers, and Humpday which stars one of the Duplass brothers and is directed by Lynn Shelton. All three share the basic tenants of Mumblecore, short, quiet, non-flashy, character studies. All three are also brilliant.

Cyrus is the first "mainstream" Mumblecore film in that it has an all star cast (Johan Hill, John C. Rilley and Marisa Tomei). Like all Mumblecore it looks at relationships from a real place. There is no Hollywood romanticism. Here we see the euphoria, pain, loneliness and joy which is part of all relationships.

The Duplass brothers have made a sometimes funny, but very insightful film. Most of the humor comes from awkward situations, but those same situations often produce the most emotionally real parts of the film. The direction is subtle but powerful. They use a technique where they offset the dialogue when two people are talking and it gives this amazing feeling of intimacy. You cant tell what they are actually saying to each other and what is in their heads they wish they could say. It feels so much like the kind of conversations we have all had with new lovers.

This is a truly great film.

Grade: A
12-05-2010 , 02:18 PM
Black Swan

I was in Chicago yesterday and snuck away for a few hours to see the latest Aronofsky film. It doesn't screen for another two weeks where I am from, so I was pretty excited to get an early look at it. The 3:30 showing in Evanston was, if not sold out, extremely close to being so.

I have never seen a ballet before, and before watching this movie only knew vaguely that it was about dancing girls with tutus. But from the opening screen focused on a dancer's feet to the powerful ending performance - I somehow found myself enthralled by the world of ballet. Natalie Portman, who barely ever leaves the frame, gives one of her best performances since she was a child. The supporting performances were all good, with the slight nitpick that Kunis is not 100% convincing at being a ballet dancer. The sex and masturbation scenes are well done, and every other scene is shot in a manner that gives me no doubt that we see is the entirety of the director's vision. Engrossing and entertaining the whole way through, this is two hours of Aronofsky at his best.
12-05-2010 , 02:59 PM
Nice review. Am I excited about seeing a ballet movie? Hmm, I think I might be, weird.
12-05-2010 , 03:16 PM
I saw Black Swan last night as well. I agree with everything that was said by tabako. What really got me was the sound. In addition to beautiful orchestral music to go with the ballet, Aronofsky really took advantage of directional sound. Even though I was near the back of the theater, I still felt that the whispers were right over my shoulder. The entire thing had a creepier feel that I was expecting and loved it for it.
12-05-2010 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Losing all
Nice review. Am I excited about seeing a ballet movie? Hmm, I think I might be, weird.
Somebody hasn't seen The Red Shoes.
12-05-2010 , 05:29 PM
You guys talking Christmas movies. A Christmas Story is the winner ldo, but there are some great Christmas movies. I don't think anyone said A Muppet Christmas Carol yet, so I'll add that to the mix.

Oh, and Gremlins.
12-05-2010 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Zeno
Never seen A Christmas Story?

My favourite Christmas movie!
