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Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2 Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2

07-01-2010 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by oldgrandma18k
I actually enjoyed it and I agree with vixticator. Definitely took me out of my comfort zone (my first David Lynch experience)... I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more had I seen it alone in the theater, instead I saw it with interruptions on a TV and it was non-HD (4:3 cropped).

It actually does make sense for me right now, but if I try to get into the micro of it I feel like I might ruin it. Gonna let it sink for a while, then maybe read the wiki later.

In some odd way I felt like I was watching Lost, but more coherent and thought out before it was made.

Eraserhead and Blue Velvet await... and Inland Empire, yeah, I'd save that for last.
07-01-2010 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
I haven't seen T3 since the theater but I recall it being pretty solid overall.
I liked it more than most critics and friends. I can say that.
07-01-2010 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by Blarg
Return of the Pink Panther or Revenge of the Pink Panther, maybe. The one where Dreyfuss is trying to take over the world.

The Pink Panther Strikes Again

Underrated imo, because it contains two of the greatest jokes in the history of the cinema

The 'does your dog bite?' one, and the one where Sellers somehow gets a mace stuck on his hand and whilst gesticulating, destroys a grand piano.

Lady of the house: That's a priceless Steinway!
Clouseau: Not anymore.

(it's in the delivery)
07-01-2010 , 03:01 AM
The dog joke was ancient even when that movie came out, but I gave it a pass. I really loved the bit where Clousea and Dreyfuss were both on laughing gas, and Clouseau's nose starts melting. Dreyfuss was so great in that movie. "Keel heem! Ahahahaha!" Plus the opening where he's just about over his craziness but all it takes is a short visit from Clouseau to make him absolutely crazy was incredible.

(I hope those are all scenes from the same movie! But those are some fantastic scenes, and people were near heart attack during them when those flicks first came out.)
07-01-2010 , 03:06 AM
Yes, that was all the same movie. It's such a shame it gets so overlooked when people talk about greatest comedies.

And it wasn't just about the joke - it was about the delivery.
07-01-2010 , 03:57 AM
The Steinway bit killed me as far as line delivery goes. Sellers was at his best there in doing the typical Clouseau routine of being barely able to contain a dismissive sneer at others for even noticing something preposterous or horrible that he had done, and then playing it off as at any rate inconsequential and certainly not his fault. I don't think he used it there, but "Idiot!" is such a great line coming out of him.
07-01-2010 , 04:42 AM
The bit where he does an impromtu routine on the parallel bars and vaults down the stairs by accident never fails to get me
07-01-2010 , 04:47 AM
lol, the whole scene is hilarious

Last edited by diebitter; 07-01-2010 at 05:15 AM.
07-01-2010 , 12:11 PM
i'm watching "a perfect getaway" right now and its just oddly entertaining. the humor/tension is weird in a kind of eli roth oddball way
07-01-2010 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by SnotBoogy
i'm watching "a perfect getaway" right now and its just oddly entertaining. the humor/tension is weird in a kind of eli roth oddball way
I almost rented this recently while waiting for a Netflix DVD. I think I'll give it a whirl at some point.
07-01-2010 , 12:49 PM
So Zombieland just got added to Netflix WI. I've heard good things from others; anyone here seen it who can comment?
07-01-2010 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Hey_Porter
So Zombieland just got added to Netflix WI. I've heard good things from others; anyone here seen it who can comment?
The best movie I've seen in the last 2 or 3 years. Hilarious, original, and a little profound. I still quote lines from it.
07-01-2010 , 01:03 PM
I saw The Hill a couple weeks ago, and it was so good I watched it two days in a row. Its an early Sean Connery flick, done between James Bond films, and taken from a British play.

It is set in a prison in the desert that England sends its bad boys too. For punishment, or just to teach them the meaning of life as viewed by the military, the camp's chief operating officer and his martinent guard officers make prisoners run up and down a man-made hill in the hot desert sun in full regalia. The real camp commander is a lay-about who leaves running the camp to his chief operating officer (excuse the terminology, I'm just trying to give the idea), but this fellow is the sort of believer in discipline that can hardly think of anything in different terms.

Suffice it to say the discipline is outrageous and the officers get way out of hand, to the point of being murderous. The COO is actually not as bad as one of his crazed subordinates, but finds himself being made so by the attempt to cover his crimes. Soon the whole place turns upside down, as the most maniacal at the bottom overwhelm the chain of command by infecting it with its own worse aspects and fixing it into a place it would take too much courage and sacrifice to escape.

Connery is really good here, and the COO is fantastic. Everyone is good and Ossie Davis makes an appearance. It was great seeing him in his prime, which I never have before. The dialogue is incredibly sharp, and scene after scene is divided up into brilliant little bits that hang on small meanings. And sometimes thunder more than hang. The Hill reminds of Kubrick's Paths of Glory a good deal, which is no small praise.

Overall, I came out surprised this movie isn't much better known and more widely spoken of. It's really great, in my book. I got behind all the characters, loved the look and atmosphere, and it raised profound issues in a gripping manner.
07-01-2010 , 02:09 PM
The Hill is indeed terrific
07-01-2010 , 02:32 PM
someone seen the soloist?
found that this film was so good!
07-01-2010 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by 22GB
someone seen the soloist?
found that this film was so good!
I dont want to be a jerk and rain on your parade but this movie was pretty awful imo. It easily has the worst costume design on any recent film. No homeless person on earth has ever, or will ever, dress anything like he dresses in this.
07-01-2010 , 03:37 PM
I know I'm probably going to filleted for putting this on the internet (especially on this forum), I watched The Big Lebowski and I can say I was very underwhelmed. I don't see how this movie has such a big following. I'm not saying it was a bad movie, I'm not saying it was a good movie either. It just exists. What am I missing? The story was, eh. The Dude was well played. John Goodman was ok. Everything else was eh. Unless it's part of a drug culture that I know nothing about, what am I missing on this movie?
07-01-2010 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Five-Star
I know I'm probably going to filleted for putting this on the internet (especially on this forum), I watched The Big Lebowski and I can say I was very underwhelmed. I don't see how this movie has such a big following. I'm not saying it was a bad movie, I'm not saying it was a good movie either. It just exists. What am I missing? The story was, eh. The Dude was well played. John Goodman was ok. Everything else was eh. Unless it's part of a drug culture that I know nothing about, what am I missing on this movie?
That's just like your opinion, man.

Fargo and Lebowski are the only Coen brothers movies I can stand, but they're 2 of my favorites. Maybe watch Lebowski again a few weeks from now and see how it hits you.
07-01-2010 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Five-Star
I know I'm probably going to filleted for putting this on the internet (especially on this forum), I watched The Big Lebowski and I can say I was very underwhelmed. I don't see how this movie has such a big following. I'm not saying it was a bad movie, I'm not saying it was a good movie either. It just exists. What am I missing? The story was, eh. The Dude was well played. John Goodman was ok. Everything else was eh. Unless it's part of a drug culture that I know nothing about, what am I missing on this movie?
I thought this after the first time I saw it, too. Watch it again. Then you'll get it.
07-01-2010 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
That's just like your opinion, man.

Fargo and Lebowski are the only Coen brothers movies I can stand, but they're 2 of my favorites. Maybe watch Lebowski again a few weeks from now and see how it hits you.
Raising Arizona?
07-01-2010 , 03:59 PM
I had the same reaction to Raising AZ and Lebowski. I got bored and ended up stopping by midway point. I'll get around to trying them again sometime, I'm sure.
07-01-2010 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Raising Arizona?
I forgot that. Yeah, I like that a lot. I like the good spirit of those 3 as I think about it, RA, Fargo and Lebowski. The Coen movies I don't like seem to lack a soul, a moral center.
07-01-2010 , 04:13 PM
Raising Arizona and Blood Simple are my two favorite Coen Bros. movies. No country for Old Men and Fargo are better films and i love them, but the first two are just sublime.
07-01-2010 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Five-Star
I know I'm probably going to filleted for putting this on the internet (especially on this forum), I watched The Big Lebowski and I can say I was very underwhelmed. I don't see how this movie has such a big following. I'm not saying it was a bad movie, I'm not saying it was a good movie either. It just exists. What am I missing? The story was, eh. The Dude was well played. John Goodman was ok. Everything else was eh. Unless it's part of a drug culture that I know nothing about, what am I missing on this movie?
I feel the same way and I've seen it three or four times. I think you're supposed to appreciate the whole nostalgic "boys of summer" thing going on a little more than I did, and enjoy the cartoonishness more. Maybe it's a sort of an ode to lost childhood/young adulthood in a way. Maybe The Big Lebowski came about when Animal House had sex with The Long Goodbye or something.
07-01-2010 , 04:27 PM
Only Blarg could talk about movies having sex with each other.
