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Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2 Movies: What have you seen lately - part 2

06-30-2010 , 12:11 PM
all bs aside, i furgot how entertaining this movie was

the end features



pauly coming out in sunglasses saying

"I'll be ba-aaack"
06-30-2010 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by sightless
though it might not make that much sense, i do not think Mulholland Dr lacks meaning.
Mulholland Dr is actually about as accessible as it gets for Lynch. The plot makes sense and it doesn't lack for meaning. The viewer may just not be used to having the plot partially concealed because they are used to being spoon fed at least that much. The film is extremely good.

Think about the Wizard of Oz, what was going on in that one, and rewatch. It took me probably 10 attempts at Lost Highway before coming up with the "Lynch makes dark versions of Wizard of Oz" theory and it really helped.

Inland Empire aside - I still haven't finished it. Not because it wasn't good, quite the opposite. But because I was an grown assed man watching it in an empty house late at night and got oddly spooked both times I watched the first half. Lynch has some unique way of tapping into something very dark and frightening for me. I have no rational words to describe why those rabbits freak my s--t out.
06-30-2010 , 03:01 PM
Reason #1 I suck at film:

I just watched City Lights and as of now don't understand why it's a masterpiece. I have not seen enough silent films (no other Chaplin) for context, so maybe that contributes to it.

I mean it's got a lot of great physical comedy (that has nothing to do with the main storyline, they're just snippets or scenes like something from SNL (but better)).

It has the love story, but I had trouble feeling invested in the characters at all. I liked the movie, but just not nearly as much as I "should."

I hate when I feel like I just don't get something that I should get.

06-30-2010 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Rushmore
What the f that was, Grandma, was something very much worth seeing and considering.

We all need to get out of our comfort zone from time to time.

Regardless, it's a fine, fine film.

Hey, here's an idea: go watch Inland Empire, which makes Mulholland Drive look like Sixteen Candles.
Originally Posted by vixticator
I think trying to figure out Mulholland Dr misses the point. The movie makes emotional sense, logically not as much--though most of it is very coherent on this level too. You have to feel it as a mood piece. Don't overthink it, you aren't supposed to.
I actually enjoyed it and I agree with vixticator. Definitely took me out of my comfort zone (my first David Lynch experience)... I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more had I seen it alone in the theater, instead I saw it with interruptions on a TV and it was non-HD (4:3 cropped).

It actually does make sense for me right now, but if I try to get into the micro of it I feel like I might ruin it. Gonna let it sink for a while, then maybe read the wiki later.

In some odd way I felt like I was watching Lost, but more coherent and thought out before it was made.
06-30-2010 , 03:44 PM
I recently saw step brothers and I love the part where the whole family is singing in the car and his wife messes up and he's just like "your flat - your so flat - I can't even - you don't even look good while your singing" was dying..
06-30-2010 , 03:45 PM
Also- does anyone know any good movies to watch while high? Comedy movies preferbly
06-30-2010 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by HobbyHorse
TiMER - 2009 (watched on Netflix Watch Instantly)

I really enjoyed the premise and overall plot of this movie as it seemed well-thought out and all of the complications associated with a "timer" were explored (i.e., is it better to know for sure that you have a soul mate or is it better just to explore and enjoy whatever love relationships come your way even if they're not "the one", what do you do if your timer says that you won't meet your soulmate until you're old and gray, is it better to know and be determined or to not know and fully exercise your free-will). The only problem I had with this movie was that the ending didn't feel quite right. It felt as if the screenwriter didn't know how to end it and so just kind of tacked on this half-hearted ending/ambiguous-because-I-couldn't-think-of-the-right-way-to-end-this ending.

* This is not a typical chick flick and I think some of you would enjoy it.
I loved how they approached all of those angles of complication. I came to the ending with an "oh no, this is how they're ending it" feeling. It didn't leave me all that sour, but I agree that
it felt like they got pinned in a corner with no real way to resolve it ideally without deconstructing the entire premise of the Timer and its accepted working nature.

I liked the movie quite a lot. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it actually. Thanks for the rec.
06-30-2010 , 05:39 PM
Yeah, Solo, I agree 100% with what you wrote about TiMER. I was trying to think of an alternative way to end it that would feel satisfying to me, but I'm still stumped.
06-30-2010 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by beautyxx
Also- does anyone know any good movies to watch while high? Comedy movies preferbly
Pauly shore ldo
06-30-2010 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by beautyxx
Also- does anyone know any good movies to watch while high? Comedy movies preferbly
Return of the Pink Panther or Revenge of the Pink Panther, maybe. The one where Dreyfuss is trying to take over the world.

After Hours, the Scorcese flick with Griffin Dunne. Probably perfect for that. And it even has appearances by Cheech and Chong! Just generally a big mind-eff with a very likeable main character getting put into one more horrible, dangerous, and paranoia-inducing situation after another. But played for laughs and tight overall.
06-30-2010 , 06:53 PM
Not sure if this belongs here, but anyway, did you guys know the director of 500 Days of Summer Marc Webb is directing the Spider-Man reboot?

Interesting choice. I really liked 500 Days of Summer but there was no action special effects really, though there were some well choreographed scenes.
06-30-2010 , 07:28 PM
I didn't even know there was a spiderman reboot.

When is the reboot of the reboot coming out?
06-30-2010 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
I didn't even know there was a spiderman reboot.

When is the reboot of the reboot coming out?
imdb says Release Date: 3 July 2012

It's still in casting phase right now...
06-30-2010 , 07:46 PM
Why would they reboot Spider-Man? lol
06-30-2010 , 08:28 PM
They had already sunk a lot of money into Spiderman 4, but then key people walked. So they decided the only logical thing was to reboot the entire thing so a new cast would not seem weird.
06-30-2010 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by HobbyHorse
Yeah, Solo, I agree 100% with what you wrote about TiMER. I was trying to think of an alternative way to end it that would feel satisfying to me, but I'm still stumped.
When you build a world with certain rules, it would be much worse to break those rules in the final scene, ultimately hoodwinking viewers. I'm all right with it, but like you, I wanted something different. Meh.
06-30-2010 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by TheIrishThug
They had already sunk a lot of money into Spiderman 4, but then key people walked. So they decided the only logical thing was to reboot the entire thing so a new cast would not seem weird.
By reboot I assume we have to go through an origin story again? I sure hope not.
06-30-2010 , 09:23 PM
The main rumor making the run is that the reboot will not retell the origin. It will focus on Peter Parker/Spiderman during his High School years.
06-30-2010 , 09:23 PM
Oh, I also watched Terminator Salvation and thought it was really bad.
06-30-2010 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
The main rumor making the run is that the reboot will not retell the origin. It will focus on Peter Parker/Spiderman during his High School years.
So do they plan to get around the radioactive spider or will that remain?
06-30-2010 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by SoloAJ
Oh, I also watched Terminator Salvation and thought it was really bad.
Yeah, it sucked.
06-30-2010 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by SoloAJ
So do they plan to get around the radioactive spider or will that remain?
Are you asking if they will remove that part of the mythology?
06-30-2010 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by SoloAJ
Reason #1 I suck at film:

I just watched City Lights and as of now don't understand why it's a masterpiece. I have not seen enough silent films (no other Chaplin) for context, so maybe that contributes to it.

I mean it's got a lot of great physical comedy (that has nothing to do with the main storyline, they're just snippets or scenes like something from SNL (but better)).

It has the love story, but I had trouble feeling invested in the characters at all. I liked the movie, but just not nearly as much as I "should."

I hate when I feel like I just don't get something that I should get.

AJ, I think you need to watch it another twenty times or so. Keep in mind, too, that City Lights is far from a silent film since it uses both sound effects and the score that Chaplin wrote.

I love the movie's ending, which allows you to read it however you would like, and as one critic asked, which will win out, love or money, symbolized by the two gifts, the flower and the coin, the flower girl gives the Little Tramp at the end? How do we read the Tramp's face? Is he good enough for the flower girl? He hopes he is, but he also fears her response. Has one closeup in all of film ever said so much with its combination of hope and fear (or whatever else we read into it)? Of course not.

Because he is a human being, the Tramp will insist upon his dignity as if he matters (and the world he has been thrust into does not think he matters). Just before the film ends, he encounters the newsboys once again, and it seems he won't react to their torment since he has been utterly defeated. (There's that terrific shot of the Tramp when he comes around the corner at the end, his clothes in tatters, missing even his cane.) However, he's still not yet defeated and chases the last one off--and then folds his handkerchief neatly and puts it back in his pocket.
07-01-2010 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Yeah, it sucked.
It made Terminator 3 look legitimately good.

Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
Are you asking if they will remove that part of the mythology?
I read they're going for a "grittier reality" in BB/TDK style. If that's true, I'm not sure how you can have a radioactive spider still.

Originally Posted by John Cole
AJ, I think you need to watch it another twenty times or so. Keep in mind, too, that City Lights is far from a silent film since it uses both sound effects and the score that Chaplin wrote.

I love the movie's ending, which allows you to read it however you would like, and as one critic asked, which will win out, love or money, symbolized by the two gifts, the flower and the coin, the flower girl gives the Little Tramp at the end? How do we read the Tramp's face? Is he good enough for the flower girl? He hopes he is, but he also fears her response. Has one closeup in all of film ever said so much with its combination of hope and fear (or whatever else we read into it)? Of course not.

Because he is a human being, the Tramp will insist upon his dignity as if he matters (and the world he has been thrust into does not think he matters). Just before the film ends, he encounters the newsboys once again, and it seems he won't react to their torment since he has been utterly defeated. (There's that terrific shot of the Tramp when he comes around the corner at the end, his clothes in tatters, missing even his cane.) However, he's still not yet defeated and chases the last one off--and then folds his handkerchief neatly and puts it back in his pocket.
This helps me a little. I think parts of it are well done. I recognize the ending having some power. I also, however, see the lengthy boxing scene as being entirely unrelated to anything. It was hilarious, don't get me wrong. I loved it. It just didn't really have anything to do with the movie or even developing the Tramp too much.

I don't know. I am more than willing to watch it another 20 times to try and appreciate it. Like I said, for whatever reason, I really hate when I don't get something that I "should get."
07-01-2010 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by SoloAJ
It made Terminator 3 look legitimately good.
I haven't seen T3 since the theater but I recall it being pretty solid overall.
