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Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3 Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3

06-02-2017 , 01:18 AM
Wonder Woman

Lectures: Nope, none. No more or less silly than any other superhero movie. Nothing to be afraid of here.

Wonder Woman:
Gets laid.

Sammy Davis, Jr.: Wears a fez.

Cliff Clavin: Wears a kilt.

"Chief" Bromden: Tours Bleeding Belgium.

Trigger Warning: They could have found a role for Scarlett Johansson in a cat suit, but didn't.

Action up to Hong Kong standards? No, but CGI buffs will like it.

Trigger Warning: Laws of physics --
Take a beating.

Check it out, but unless you're a real buff, OK to wait for TV.
06-02-2017 , 01:20 AM
Phat Mack has the best reviews.
06-02-2017 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
I don't know, Baltimore, I don't really care if theaters have women-only screenings of Wonder Woman, but, by definition, to do so is sexist.
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Seems to me like women only screenings is the sexist thing here not these posts.
If we're using dictionary definitions, it's written in the first definition that it's "against women". Sure, in theory there can be sexism against men, just like there can be racism against whites in theory. In practice, neither of these are the case because whites and men are in power and have been for quite a long time. I assume you both also believe that racism has now flipped to be only against white people and that Black Lives Matter is "racist".

Maybe when nerd culture stops *literally* sending women death and rape threats for representing themselves (and advocating to be represented better) in movies, video games, and comics, there won't be a need for "women-only" screenings of the first-ever major female superhero movie. Until such time, it's fine, and if you have a problem with it you're simply not well informed about how nerd culture reacts to women, or you're trash.

Originally Posted by kioshk
It's Baltimore's incessant politarding up this movie thread with pc bull**** I object to.
I didn't mention a thing about politics with regards to WW until two others brought it up. I guess since they were on your sexist-ass side, that was okay.

I recently wrote 174 words in here about Weekend at Bernie's, of which 5 words casually mentioned sexism, no biggie, pointing out that it was there the same way it would get mentioned in an old James Bond movie review. Other points of interest in that review were that I'd watched a goofy 1989 comedy on Blu-Ray, the film's running time and potential ways to lean it up, concussions, "subtle" things you don't notice as a child such as cocaine use, the general 1980s upper-class vibe, and that I've written 45 (now 54) pages of a screenplay for a Weekend at Bernie's III.

I also wrote a quick follow-up post with a question about its general place in the '80s canon.

But what got a response from that review? The 5 words I used on sexism, that's it.

So maybe the issue here is that you and your delicate little conservative snowflake pals (and the ones who don't think they're conservative but have regressive social views) are just too easily triggered.
06-02-2017 , 03:11 AM
Baltimore, whats your views on Lynch and misogyny?

I cant remember the last time there is a realistic nonarchetypal female character in a Lynch film. I am very surprised you can be such a Lynch fan considering your political views.
06-02-2017 , 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by amoeba
Baltimore, whats your views on Lynch and misogyny?

I cant remember the last time there is a realistic nonarchetypal female character in a Lynch film. I am very surprised you can be such a Lynch fan considering your political views.
This shouldn't be dismissed as "political views", anyone with a functioning brain who likes art should want proper representation of women and other minorities in art, even if for no other reason than to have better art.

I have rarely seen a work of art where the misogyny or other bad elements were so egregious that they turned my opinion on the work as a whole. It's one thing that is taken into consideration, and as I said just before, 5 words out of like 200 in my two posts on Weekend at Bernie's regarded sexism, but that's ALL anybody latched onto here. So it ain't me. Feminism would have no bearing on how I rate that movie (about 3.5/5, higher depending on how we're considering "cultural impact").

As Anita Sarkeesian says, it's ok to be critical of the art you love:

I don't know what a "realistic nonarchetypal character" is, and I doubt it's true about women in Lynch when you consider all of Twin Peaks, Mulholland (lesbian scene is too close to softcore though), and Inland Empire.

There are debatably serious problems with female representation in some of Lynch's work, including the very newest Twin Peaks episodes (there is a chance that some of this is intentionally undermined later). In Blue Velvet, Fire Walk, and Lost Highway, women in a lot of trouble are shown nude and imo blatantly exploitatively (for the men in the audience to ogle, not to serve the film). I have friends who disagree. In Mulholland and Inland Empire and some of his shorts, women star and shine although they are always "in trouble", potentially a trope he likes a little too much. Or that's just kinda how it is for movie protagonists, I dunno.
06-02-2017 , 03:58 AM
Baltimore, there are countries other than the USA. Also you are basically arguing that whites can't experience racism and men can't experience sexism. Which is obviously ridiculous. No one here is some nerd men's rights guy. That post is embarrassing. Triggered, snowflakes...jesus ****ing Christ.
06-02-2017 , 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by Baltimore Jones
5 words out of like 200 in my two posts on Weekend at Bernie's regarded sexism, but that's ALL anybody latched onto here. So it ain't me.
No one latched onto anything, one person made a (funny) joke about it.

If we're using dictionary definitions, it's written in the first definition that it's "against women".
Merriam Webster:

prejudice or discrimination based on sex; especially : discrimination against women

Not at all what you said.
06-02-2017 , 04:54 AM
Baltimore, it just seems like for films you already love, you're willing to give the director the benefit of the doubt, even when you are unclear on whether something is misogynistic or pro authoritarian. You also don't talk about the political aspects of films you like. For films that you dislike, you always seem very certain of the message put forth.

My point about Lynch's female characters are that they are either innocent/virginal or hyper sexualized. The hyper sexual characters are never portrayed as normal women with healthy sex drive, but almost always abused or evil manipulative. To me, Lynch has a lot of issues.

On the Weekend with Bernie thing, everybody in this thread already knew you were going to hate it. It's like if you were to review American Pie. We all can write that review for you.

What is your criteria for whether nudity is exploitive or not ?

Last edited by amoeba; 06-02-2017 at 05:13 AM.
06-02-2017 , 05:17 AM
I for 1 enjoy Baltimore's posts/views and do appreciate where it comes from, but boy oh boy does he
or she
get triggered so easily
06-02-2017 , 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by Baltimore Jones
Dumb ****s. Both should be tempbanned for misogyny. Seriously.

You're just an utterly gigantic piece of trash if you have something bad to say about a woman only screening, or put "woman power" in quotes like that.
Holy ****, I thought he was trolling. GTFO.
06-02-2017 , 07:18 AM
WW... eh.
Its complete, well acted, lush and extravagant, Gal Gadot is a wonderous woman.
Probably will not watch again.

I am really tired of the Hollywood over use of the "Boss" syndrome where Protagonist must validate themselves against an evil svengali.

"Diana" already had more than enough motivation to propel her forward into new stories... she didnt need to have 5 minute fight with some mal-adjusted god character to make her more real to us... the horrors of war is more than enough.

Oh yes... I was right in my assumption as to the key motivational message of Wonder Woman, but I was wrong about it being overly preachy. Its an old message yet still the key to the world moving forward... and I think Baltimore needs a healthy dose of it.
06-02-2017 , 08:02 AM
It might have been 15 years ago that I saw it, but definitely was on HBO or something late night, saw a movie called Galaxies are Colliding (1992) starring Kelsey Grammer. You can't even buy it on DVD (only VHS) and it doesn't even have a Wikipedia page. Has anyone else seen it? That and Miracle Mile are memorable late80s early 90s movies to me for being so out there and fun.
06-02-2017 , 08:51 AM
What happened to the movie thread?

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06-02-2017 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
What happened to the movie thread?

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Kiosks threw a hissy fit because someone made a non-right wing comment.
06-02-2017 , 12:11 PM
I liked Avengers: Age of Ultron (4/5) better than Guardians of the Galaxy (3-3.5/5), which was unexpected. I was all ready to "lol Whedon" but nope; dude is pretty good at writing and directing. The opening action scene immediately drew me in, whereas I had been somewhat bored by some action scenes in GotG and especially Captain America 2.

Avengers 2 also had that Ocean's 11 vibe which I like. In general the feeling of great actors and characters just having fun together. That's what Guardians goes for to a lesser extent.

The Freshman (1925, silent, Harold Lloyd) - Not great, plenty of better silent comedies (like the Chaplin ones) and probably better Lloyd ones to bother with.

Originally Posted by amoeba
Baltimore, it just seems like for films you already love, you're willing to give the director the benefit of the doubt, even when you are unclear on whether something is misogynistic or pro authoritarian. You also don't talk about the political aspects of films you like. For films that you dislike, you always seem very certain of the message put forth.

My point about Lynch's female characters are that they are either innocent/virginal or hyper sexualized. The hyper sexual characters are never portrayed as normal women with healthy sex drive, but almost always abused or evil manipulative. To me, Lynch has a lot of issues.

On the Weekend with Bernie thing, everybody in this thread already knew you were going to hate it. It's like if you were to review American Pie. We all can write that review for you.

What is your criteria for whether nudity is exploitive or not ?
You're not paying attention to a single thing I write, and are basically doing exactly what you accuse me of (having a preconceived notion and ignoring all other evidence).

- I just said Weekend at Bernie's is a 3.5/5. In what universe do you think I hated it? The sexism was one minor component of it that I spent 5 words on; I used considerably more words on the tired plot convenience of concussions.

- I said Lynch has issues.

- If you were the one who asked me about Dark Knight Rises: I said multiple times that I don't know where it's at politically, which you seemed unwilling to accept. I've seen it once and read almost nothing about it. I've seen the earlier Dark Knight 4 times and read/thought about it tons over the last 9 years, so I have more negative things to say about it.

- I don't think it's true at all about what I'm willing to forgive, I also just said that we can be critical about things we love. I often find myself eye-rolling at unfortunate bits of sexism/racism in things I'm otherwise enjoying. Maybe I don't always write about it every single time because of how much flack I get for it?

Originally Posted by biggerboat
What happened to the movie thread?

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Two people made sexist comments about Wonder Woman; I became the bad guy for telling them off.
06-02-2017 , 12:16 PM
i'm getting really psyched for the horror movie it comes at night coming out next week. i thought the director's debut krisha was really good and joel edgerton is awesome

also just watched the orphanage- good horror film from benicio del toro i hadn't seen before. i enjoyed it quite a bit
06-02-2017 , 12:51 PM
very conservative movie reviewer I read actually really liked wonder woman, so eat a d
06-02-2017 , 01:13 PM
even the national review guy said it was legitimately great and not being overrated because feminism or whatever

now i probably won't like it because i pretty much loathe every single super hero movie they all bore the hell out of me because we already know what is going to happen
06-02-2017 , 02:35 PM
BJ is just a SJW troll/virtue signaler

pay no mind
06-02-2017 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
Yes indeed.

From "women only" screenings to the press junkets touting "woman power",I'd imagine it's already got the "don't say anything bad about this or be labeled misogynistic" vibe.

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Is that what happened to Catwoman and Elektra?
06-02-2017 , 03:03 PM
The definition of sexist is sexist
06-02-2017 , 03:12 PM
I didn't think there was anything political about Wonder Woman. I didn't see anything political about American Sniper or 13 Hours, either, but they seemed to get captured by people selling something.
06-02-2017 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by Phat Mack
I didn't think there was anything political about Wonder Woman. I didn't see anything political about American Sniper or 13 Hours, either, but they seemed to get captured by people selling something.
That's what happens sometimes,the film or filmmakers have no agenda except to entertain,and others,whether it's the producers ,actors or some other entities feel it necessary to prove a point.

Also,some use a film as an example of political correctness or cause,when there is none there.

Sometimes a film is just a film.

The vibe I got from press and interviews led me to believe it was going to push someones agenda,it might not,still too early to tell.

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06-02-2017 , 05:16 PM
I think it's more interesting that Patty Jenkins directed the film...who has done Boys Don't Cry and not much else.
06-02-2017 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
BJ is just a SJW troll/virtue signaler

pay no mind
Using the term SJW is the single best marker ever created. It absolutely guarantees the user is a total moron not worth listening to on any topic.

Now let's go back to movies.
