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Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3 Movies: Talk About What You've Seen Lately--Part 3

11-07-2017 , 05:24 AM
I enjoyed it, I like ben stiller in serious roles quite a bit, but jfc it tilted me so hard how everyone acted like the short "films" adam sandler's daughter made were good.
I know that was the point, but they were so incredibly terrible/overboard that it was impossible to suspend disbelief.
11-07-2017 , 06:33 AM
Originally Posted by Baltimore Jones
Studio executives should institute a "minimum % chance of main character death" immediately, because as we all know, % chance of death is the sole driving force of drama and good narrative.

This is the ONLY way to save the film industry.

(this is sarcasm)
Baltimore Jones gonna Baltimore Jones
11-07-2017 , 10:11 AM
The Killing of a Sacred Deer

Went into this movie with extremely high hopes and left a little bit disappointed. 7/10

I think I had the same experience that some had with Mother! I thought this was going to be much more of a suspenseful movie than it actually was. I'm familiar with Lanthimos's work, so I had some idea what to expect, but it just didn't hit the mark for me. Without giving too much away, I just had a hard time caring about the characters because they were all pretty unlikable, especially Colin Farrell.
The kid who played Martin and was in Dunkirk was very good though.
11-07-2017 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
For a low-budget genre flick by an unknown filmmaker, it's pretty much ****ing perfect.
One of the greatest quotes from Cameron was about casting the role of the Terminator.

Mel Gibson and Sylvester Stallone turned down the role and OJ Simpson was recommended for it but Cameron thought he "was unconvincing as a killer".
11-07-2017 , 01:22 PM
A jury thought so too.......
11-07-2017 , 02:04 PM
I saw it in bits and pieces, but Get Out was pretty good.
11-07-2017 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
A jury thought so too.......
That's one thing that struck me, what if he'd gotten the role?

Do we even have Terminator 3?
11-07-2017 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
I saw it in bits and pieces, but Get Out was pretty good.
Agreed - worth a watch.
11-07-2017 , 06:51 PM
Watching Get Out in bits and pieces is an insult. That film is fantastic.
11-07-2017 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
That's one thing that struck me, what if he'd gotten the role?

Do we even have Terminator 3?
Not sure but I know that we did NOT get a Naked Gun 4! ( LOL )
11-07-2017 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by TheDarkKnight
Watching Get Out in bits and pieces is an insult. That film is fantastic.
I had to pick up my daughter. I watched it though, not like I just had it on in the background or something.
11-07-2017 , 07:35 PM
Hi everyone
11-08-2017 , 07:54 AM
get out was awesome.
really loved what he did with the sound effects.
11-08-2017 , 12:15 PM
The Wall I'm not sure why I watched this yet again. GF hadn't seen it and she likes Pink Floyd. I warned her is wasn't exactly uplifting. The movie isn't bad, it's just so depressing.

One thing I'm wondering is if I really get it. There are so many themes - war, British sentimentality, depression, nazis, social programming, mommy/daddy issues. It seems like they just tossed everything in there. I can't figure out if that's the way I should look at it, or if there is something that ties all that together.
11-08-2017 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
The Wall I'm not sure why I watched this yet again. GF hadn't seen it and she likes Pink Floyd. I warned her is wasn't exactly uplifting. The movie isn't bad, it's just so depressing.

One thing I'm wondering is if I really get it. There are so many themes - war, British sentimentality, depression, nazis, social programming, mommy/daddy issues. It seems like they just tossed everything in there. I can't figure out if that's the way I should look at it, or if there is something that ties all that together.
First of all, if you arent hammered and watching this, you're doing it wrong.

And I think maybe its supposed to be different things to different people.

But its definitely a downer.
11-08-2017 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
One of the greatest quotes from Cameron was about casting the role of the Terminator.

Mel Gibson and Sylvester Stallone turned down the role and OJ Simpson was recommended for it but Cameron thought he "was unconvincing as a killer".
Yul Brynner would have been perfect!
11-09-2017 , 02:31 PM
I'm a huge Pink Floyd fan but I think both the movie and album of The Wall are awful. A depressing story with enough songs written and/or sung by Gilmour in there to make it passable.
11-09-2017 , 05:32 PM
Just watched a movie I had completely forgotten about some how.

Finding Neverland, Marc Forster, 2004

Gobsmacked. Beautiful, magical, perfect.

Marc Forster and writers Alan Knee and David Magee fashioned one of the best movies of the new century. Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet do superb work.

It's both a tear jerker/love story and a "making of" film, about the creation of Peter Pan.

I'm sure a lot of you have seen this before, but if you haven't, you must do so as soon as you can. Peter Pan has always been the most perfect fantasy ever told and it was my favorite as a child. Somehow, this movie does it justice.

11-09-2017 , 09:45 PM
First they Killed My Father, Angelina Jolie, 2017.

Man, I am gutted after watching this movie. Beautifully acted, directed, and shot.

It's the story of little Loung Ung, a Cambodian child during the Khmer Rouge genocide of the late 70s. Director Jolie makes a remarkable choice and shoots this completely from Loung's POV, and because of that, it is a mostly dialog free, subjective, and impressionistic.

We follow Loung and her family of 7 as they are forced out of Phnom Pen into labor and re-education camps. Luong's father is always in danger, as he he hiding the fact he worked for the fallen government's military. Obviously, the family is separated and Luong must learn how to set mines and shoot guns for the Khmer Rouge.

Watching a family be torn apart by pure evil is devastating.

Luong is played by Cambodian child actress Sareum Srey Moch, and hers is the performance of the year. Just spectacular.

I haven't heard much about this movie, probably because it isn't in English and it was distributed on Netflix, but First they Killed My Father is a devastating, beautiful film, and one of the very best movies of the year. Heck, I'd put it on a list of the very best war and/or child movies ever made. Pixote, Hope and Glory, Forbidden Games...this is those films' equal.

Last edited by Dominic; 11-09-2017 at 09:58 PM.
11-10-2017 , 02:44 AM
Going to start First they killed my father now. Will report back after
11-10-2017 , 05:39 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
First they Killed My Father, Angelina Jolie, 2017.

Man, I am gutted after watching this movie. Beautifully acted, directed, and shot.

It's the story of little Loung Ung, a Cambodian child during the Khmer Rouge genocide of the late 70s. Director Jolie makes a remarkable choice and shoots this completely from Loung's POV, and because of that, it is a mostly dialog free, subjective, and impressionistic.

We follow Loung and her family of 7 as they are forced out of Phnom Pen into labor and re-education camps. Luong's father is always in danger, as he he hiding the fact he worked for the fallen government's military. Obviously, the family is separated and Luong must learn how to set mines and shoot guns for the Khmer Rouge.

Watching a family be torn apart by pure evil is devastating.

Luong is played by Cambodian child actress Sareum Srey Moch, and hers is the performance of the year. Just spectacular.

I haven't heard much about this movie, probably because it isn't in English and it was distributed on Netflix, but First they Killed My Father is a devastating, beautiful film, and one of the very best movies of the year. Heck, I'd put it on a list of the very best war and/or child movies ever made. Pixote, Hope and Glory, Forbidden Games...this is those films' equal.
Agree with everything you said here Dom. It's an excellent movie.
11-10-2017 , 07:04 AM
Yup, I shall be watching that ASAP. Thx!
11-10-2017 , 12:53 PM
Battle of the Sexes (2017) - First 2/3rds is EXACTLY what I expected from a Steve Carell, Sarah Silverman, Emma Thompson movie that takes place in the 1970s and is based on a true story (women's tennis in the early '70s, culminating with Billie Jean King and male Bobby Riggs playing each other). If you find Carell and Silverman insufferable, you're going to hate this movie at first. Carell is barely acting in the beginning, he's just doing his usual schtick with '70s sideburns.

It did get me engaged for the final third and kinda shows the importance of the fundamentals of storytelling. Once there's a clear purpose and drive towards the final match, it's interesting and exciting.

Tom of Finland (2017) - biopic about the titular guy who drew homoerotic pornography post-WWII and had a huge influence on gay culture. He may have been the originator of the biker/leather/uniform fetishism in gay subcultures though I'm not clear on that.

I wouldn't seek out the movie unless you're interested in the man.

Okja (2017, the Netflix thing) - Bleh. Feels like it was written by a vegan freshman in college. Anti-science.

Some action scenes are reasonably strong, but the musical choices and changes of tone are strange and bad.

Snowpiercer (2013, 35mm) - Same director as Okja. This one is good. Sci-fi action class warfare, but on a train. The train makes things interesting enough that even when it's hitting some of the same tropes as usual, it's fine.

If you haven't seen it, see it the next time you're about to watch a lolMarvel or DClol movie instead.
11-10-2017 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Baltimore Jones
Battle of the Sexes (2017) - First 2/3rds is EXACTLY what I expected from a Steve Carell, Sarah Silverman, Emma Thompson movie that takes place in the 1970s and is based on a true story (women's tennis in the early '70s, culminating with Billie Jean King and male Bobby Riggs playing each other). If you find Carell and Silverman insufferable, you're going to hate this movie at first. Carell is barely acting in the beginning, he's just doing his usual schtick with '70s sideburns.

It did get me engaged for the final third and kinda shows the importance of the fundamentals of storytelling. Once there's a clear purpose and drive towards the final match, it's interesting and exciting.

Tom of Finland (2017) - biopic about the titular guy who drew homoerotic pornography post-WWII and had a huge influence on gay culture. He may have been the originator of the biker/leather/uniform fetishism in gay subcultures though I'm not clear on that.

I wouldn't seek out the movie unless you're interested in the man.

Okja (2017, the Netflix thing) - Bleh. Feels like it was written by a vegan freshman in college. Anti-science.

Some action scenes are reasonably strong, but the musical choices and changes of tone are strange and bad.

Snowpiercer (2013, 35mm) - Same director as Okja. This one is good. Sci-fi action class warfare, but on a train. The train makes things interesting enough that even when it's hitting some of the same tropes as usual, it's fine.

If you haven't seen it, see it the next time you're about to watch a lolMarvel or DClol movie instead.

That is a good review of Snowpiercer. It caught some flack for the cliches and the fact that it doesn’t reinvent the wheel, but I thought it was still entertaining and worth a watch if it sounds interesting to you. I thought the ending was pretty satisfying.
11-10-2017 , 03:57 PM
Yeah, I remember watching 'Snowpiercer'. Had a decent IMDB rating and agree that it was entertaining. I would say that it's worth a watch if someone hasn't seen it.

I see there are a number of really good reviews for 'First they killed my father'. I actually bypassed it but, am now re-considering watching it thanks to this thread. Isn't it a 'netflix' movie if I remember correctly? Just asking as, I watched a couple of netflix movies recently that, I actually quite enjoyed. One was 'What happened to Monday' and the other was 'Spectral'.
