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Lounge Summer LC Thread: Welcome to Looters, Lowlifes, Layabouts, and Lollygaggers Lounge Summer LC Thread: Welcome to Looters, Lowlifes, Layabouts, and Lollygaggers

09-06-2020 , 03:26 PM
For your Free Sunday Pleasure and Entertainment: Ray Zee and Phat Mack build a campefire.....

09-06-2020 , 06:54 PM
is he still around. all the hillbilly hicks like him.
09-09-2020 , 03:29 AM
getting a little smoky around the zeno homestead maybe? yes there is no E.
got your p100 mask.
09-09-2020 , 02:18 PM
Nasty about here! Worse in other places. Be awhile before things clear out.

09-09-2020 , 08:21 PM
pretty much anywhere in OR is getting much more than a little smoky right about now, especially on the west side of the state.
09-09-2020 , 08:41 PM
zeno if you have to evacuate you can come up by me and stay or camp as long as you want. little smoke, ocean breeze. no cigars though. bring booze
09-10-2020 , 08:46 PM
Thanks for the offer Ray, if I have to flee I may take you up on it. I’ll bring lots of good whisky!
09-10-2020 , 09:12 PM
we’re now in a stage 1 evac notice.
stage 1: be aware
stage 2: be ready
stage 3: get the **** out.

the fire would have to jump the Willamette River against the wind to get to us, but it has our attention.
09-10-2020 , 11:56 PM
wind has died down and it going to be cooler and monday change of winds and maybe some rain. so unless close to the fire id think you would be okay.

now if you lived next to silver falls park you might not be happy. i love hiking around there, and camping for the night. or one of the cabins. not this year though or next.
09-11-2020 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
The Red Martian Glow finally made its way down here to L.A. today.
It wasn't red outside where I am, but it felt like I was walking through a sepia picture. I took a photo, but it didn't do proper justice.

There was a trash fire though.
09-11-2020 , 04:57 PM
Friday beer consumption has commenced. No telling how long this may last?
09-11-2020 , 06:09 PM
The Beer consumption...? Or something else?

I'm pouring myself some whisky on ice.
09-12-2020 , 03:39 PM
The air is a special kind of acrid in LA. I thought the 112 degree days were bad, but at least you can run the a/c and get away from that.

Just read that Oregon has 10% of it's population under possible evacuation orders, which is just incredible. Sending my thoughts to everyone north of us.

Can we have just one event in 2020 that isn't extreme, or if this continues, can we break the record for something that is positive, like, idk, most ice cream eaten in a single summer?
09-12-2020 , 07:24 PM
i live in portland. granted, these are just 'major' cities and there are lots of smaller towns that have it much worse than we do right now.

09-12-2020 , 09:49 PM
Yeah, seeing photos from up there is pretty extreme. Didn't see any of the red-sky photos specific to Portland, but seeing them from Oregon and the Bay is pretty wild.

Be safe.

(I know Shuffle said he saw red skies, but I think he lives closer to Malibu than I do)
09-12-2020 , 10:06 PM
its going to rain on monday all is well except for those that got burned down or up.
air quality will get better it already great at the coast. except for the fog.

every time there is a big fire someplace that place has worse air than any place else. that's naturally.
he is on first of course. no he isnt. then who is.
09-12-2020 , 10:21 PM
i saw and listened to a man that actually watched john wilkes booth shoot abe lincoln in forbes theatre.
09-12-2020 , 11:06 PM
I was in Beijing in 2005 and the normal smog was so intense that my throat was raspy and raw at the end of the day, especially if outside all day. The same for Mexico City many years ago in the early 1990's. It's still bad here but I'm doing inside work on my house and shop. The ever present bluish haze is cool and I like the apocalyptic atmosphere it radiates. The sun is a beautiful orange ball that is pleasant and soothing. It's the end of the world as we know it, and I Feel Fine.
09-12-2020 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Could be worse. 12,000 people died in London from choking to death on sulfur dioxide fumes during the Great Smog of 1952.
The Crown did a whole episode of that...still astonishing to me.
09-14-2020 , 03:31 AM
Yeah, that overdramatised the chaos at the hospitals somewhat, but mostly accurate in all other respects, I understand. That's what happens when pollution and the weather conspire to engulf a city in a cloud of sulphuric acid.
09-14-2020 , 03:32 AM
Is all this from a gender reveal party faux-pas, or what?
09-14-2020 , 08:31 AM
Doris Day got gaslighted.

09-14-2020 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by diebitter
Is all this from a gender reveal party faux-pas, or what?
The gender reveal party caused the El Dorado fire, which is the fire on the right side of this map, next to San Bernardino:

Here is a size comparison of UK and California:

And here is the current fire map from Cal Fire:

It's mostly nature doing what nature does.
09-14-2020 , 08:46 PM
size of UK compared to Oregon:


Oregon fires four days ago:

09-16-2020 , 08:16 AM
The sight and sound of a young healthy Doris Day, or even a milfy 1960 version, can still get me going, I swear to God. Signs of life!
