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07-24-2012 , 07:02 PM
i literally haven't slept in nearly 48 hours and have no idea what the **** just happened with the test.

i didnt apply elements or rules or analysis... i just ****ing wrote until i was too tired to write anyone. then i went to hte bathroom, splashed cold water on my face and went back and gave it my best shot. i dont even remember what the questions were about. im so out of it.

also yeah some kid had a full out seizure in the middle of the morning essays. you take em in a big hockey rink filled with tables. tons of people and you can hear a pin drop.

suddenly everyone heard choking noises and looked over and some guy was convulsing violently in his seat. hit the floor really hard. foaming at the mouth everywhere.

people yelling "call 911! is anyone a doctor! is anyone a nurse!"

couple people taking the bar who i think were paramedics come flying across the room and tend to the kid. big crowd, all the people around him clear out. ambulance gets there within like 8 minutes and the paramedics are working on him on the floor and trying to get him into a stretcher. real dramatic stuff.

now, i ask you, did they stop the test while all this was happening?

Law School Quote
07-24-2012 , 07:07 PM
also i wrote so much for the morning session that the exam software told me it was running out of room

i didnt even know that was possible
Law School Quote
07-24-2012 , 07:40 PM
The essays were in the middle of completely obliterating me to the point of despair when negotiable instruments came along and saved the day. I knew every single point of law for that one and better damn well have nailed a perfect score on it. That combined with a good MPT and a couple of other passable essay questions should get me to about the halfway mark in points scored.

Not as good of a day as I was hoping to have, but I do think I'm in reasonable position to take it down with a good MBE performance.
Law School Quote
07-24-2012 , 08:07 PM
i spent the entire essay time just making up what seemed like reasonable rules. the topics tested were horrible for me, almost no MBE topic overlap.

on civil procedure and secured transactions i had no chance as they were obviously testing specific points of law that i just didn't know

gonna have to crush the mbe. mpt was pretty easy i thought.
Law School Quote
07-24-2012 , 08:49 PM
A bat flew into the convention center I was taking the test in and flew right by my leg during the MPT. I must admit it temporarily messed with my concentration.

During the essays, a lady in front of me quit with an hour to go and spent the final hour playing Angry Birds.
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 02:37 AM
6 essays, I had to make up my own law for two of them. I also saved torts for last and got cut off in mid sentence. I can't even complain because I'd taken four of them in regular class.

there were @300 unfamiliar and not from local schools. talking to them I figured out there are a ton of legal jobs in Arizona. The problem is they're given to lawyers from California and New York.
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 04:47 AM
He was a nice guy overall, but the guy across from me was in total all out gunner mode on the exam.

He was talking to someone before the PM session, discussing how straightforward and easy the AM answers were... how it was really apparent what laws they wanted applied. He also discussed the various "tests" and "elements" and "factors" he used on each question.

I'll admit I was downright delirious at this point (2 days of no sleep will do this to you). I then piped up and said, "I honestly couldn't even tell you what subject areas each question tested."

He goes, "What? Really?"

Me, "Yeah I like... I didn't even know what the words meant sometimes. I just wrote and made law up and I'm hoping it all makes sense. I did write a lot. That counts for something right?" and then I laughed... but he didn't :-(.

He gave me the most judgmental look ever and goes, "What school did you go to?"

I WISH I had a photo of his reaction. I then put my head down and like slept on my face for 5 minutes waiting for the exam to start. That kid must think I'm ******ed. I didn't feel like explaining I had spent the week before the exam on a toilet or massively dehydrated because my stomach decided this would be a good time to rape my life.

This same guy finished the PM session a full 45 minutes early and made sure he tilted his laptop lid down and leaned back so everyone knew. Lots of people talking on the way out about how easy the PM session was and how quickly they finished it. This gives me hope. The law exams I've done the best on, by far, are the ones where most of the class walked out saying they can't believe how easy it was and how quickly they finished. It wasn't easy, guys. You missed something.

But this is the bar exam and not a law exam, so it's possible they were right and I was just operating at the same level as someone with a .12 BAC due to sleep deprivation.

Also many of the schools in attendance had this these nice areas set up for lunch for all their students taking the exams. They had nice food, drinks and people from the school there. Richmond, Appalachian, Regent, Mason, W&L, W&M, etc. all really good looking setups.

GW, UVA and GULC were smashed together in a small room on the complete other side of the testing facility with a just "pick up and go find a place to sit" box lunch distribution. Nothing setup and nothing special for us :-(.

Also pretty sure I can identify any UVA student by simply looking at them with near 100% accuracy every time. u mad superfluous man?

Last edited by Karak; 07-25-2012 at 04:57 AM.
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 05:07 AM
What is the MPT? Why does it seem like every other state is 154534% easier than VA? I should have taken MD.

Also had some really super awkward run-ins with people from my 1L school, including the one psycho chick who tried to run me over with her car (C, for those of you aware of my alphanumeric system) and the other girl I sort of dated and her now husband (D and DG). Thankfully no A or B.

Certainly no BG.
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 05:12 AM
MPT = Multistate Performance Test.

It's easy and you don't have to study one second for it. They just give you a couple of hypothetical case files to work through and give you all applicable law to apply to it.

My friend who finished in the top five people in the class admitted to me after the MPT that it was the part of the test he feared the most. All I could do was leosquint.jpg.
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 05:13 AM
oh wow that actually sort of makes sense to test people on. i'd probably do well on that.

instead i failed because i didnt know the VA minority rule on perfected security interests when attached a good covered under article EAT **** AND DIE OF THE UCC
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 05:14 AM
I wish I had been tested on perfected security interests, dammit. Would have been a lot better than my disastrous run-in with Wills and Trusts.
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 05:31 AM
There was a UCC sales question I considered answering with ASCII drawings
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 05:36 AM
Since one of the things that completely ****ing stumped me was a question about how to compare taxation of two different types of corporations, it did make me laugh afterward to hear that BarBri told everyone that the Indiana Bar will never ask a question about corporate tax. There must have been a lot of ****ty answers to that one, and I won't be anywhere near alone.
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 05:57 AM
Va also had corps which I'm sure many people weren't ready for. It was also testing some unsettled law I'm pretty sure.

No tax thankfully. I didn't spend even one sec on tax. I have a basic knowledge of corp tax from arguing the politics of it but that's it
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 06:21 AM
dont talk to anyone at the test site. can only tilt you.
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 06:30 AM
What's a worse group of people:

Those who discuss the exam at the exam site


People with law or lawyer themed vanity license plates?
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 06:33 AM
Karak, your instincts about the essays are probably spot on. Often essays are frantic tours through one or more bodies of law, and running a full IRAC analysis just isn't feasible in the amount of time that you have. You just need to hang on and keep writing. DE had essays like that, where I was reading, processing and writing all at the same time - PA was more the standard bar exam experience. I bet you did fine.

Originally Posted by Riverman
dont talk to anyone at the test site. can only tilt you.
+1. This goes for the 3 months after the exam too. Going over the questions is just going to drive you crazy. Good luck to everyone on the MBE!

Originally Posted by drugsarebad
Found my way onto a political and civil rights law review for the upcoming year, and topic selection is the first order of business.

Anybody have any general advice when it comes to selecting a topic?
Visit your reference librarians and let them know you are picking a topic. They can guide you to resources for finding out what is hot in your field. For example, there are online services that cull cases and news in particular practice areas and will email digests to you, so you can see what is going on. If you want to write a note on a single case, good ones to choose are appellate cases decided 2-1, where the court identified a circuit split on the issue. These cases, or the issues presented, are more likely to result in a Supreme Court decision, and at the very least, they present differing views and give you an opportunity to make a critical intervention, which is really what writing a good article is all about.
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 07:35 AM
Word. One more day

By the end of today's exam I'll have slept 6 of the last 72 hours :-/
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 08:22 AM
Time to find out if the mbe can just be gamed
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 01:25 PM
Karak, I remember two years ago, when I took the Bar exam, I was on this forum doing all this freak-out stuff, just like you are right now. You were one of the people that was all like "lol shut up you passed". I passed pretty handily. You are going to be fine. Relax.
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 05:01 PM

Last edited by LKJ; 07-25-2012 at 05:01 PM. Reason: j/k I think I did alright. We'll see.
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
Me, "Yeah I like... I didn't even know what the words meant sometimes. I just wrote and made law up and I'm hoping it all makes sense. I did write a lot. That counts for something right?" and then I laughed... but he didn't :-(.

He gave me the most judgmental look ever and goes, "What school did you go to?"

I WISH I had a photo of his reaction.
This made me lol so hard. Guy sounds like a douche. What school did he go to?
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 06:19 PM
Well I sort of feel bad now because I talked to him a lot today and he's actually really nice. I prob misread him in my delirious sleep deprived state yesterday. So sorry guy who will never see this.

He went to Regent where they spend 3 years doing hardcore bar prep (I'm serious I've posted itt about it before)
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by XxGodJrxX
Karak, I remember two years ago, when I took the Bar exam, I was on this forum doing all this freak-out stuff, just like you are right now. You were one of the people that was all like "lol shut up you passed". I passed pretty handily. You are going to be fine. Relax.
When I said I was delirious yesterday I'm not kidding. I was in really bad shape.
Law School Quote
07-25-2012 , 06:52 PM
hope everyone did well (you did, everyone passes). get some sleep karak!
Law School Quote
