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12-01-2011 , 02:50 PM
It may not be the best procedure, but I can't think of anything off-hand that would be as effective (in court) as a signed Miranda waiver. Remember that in a motion to suppress for Miranda, the burden of proof is on the defense.
Law School Quote
12-01-2011 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by diddyeinstein
She tried to bluff me by increasing the recommendations if we were to bring the motion, but apparently she didn't want to get into that today, because I sure as **** was going to mention how it is fundamentally unfair that the recommendations increased simply because my client asserted their constitutional rights to go to trial.
Every defense attorney has said something along these lines at one point or another, and every single time, the prosecutor said something along the lines of "I don't care". Prosecutor can change an offer/recommendation whenever he wants, for whatever reason he wants.
Law School Quote
12-01-2011 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by XxGodJrxX
It may not be the best procedure, but I can't think of anything off-hand that would be as effective (in court) as a signed Miranda waiver. Remember that in a motion to suppress for Miranda, the burden of proof is on the defense.
I can agree with this if on its face the document shows some semblance of waiver.

What I'm saying is that:
Do you understand that you have the right to remain silent?
Response: _Billings Learned Hand_________________

Do you understand that you have the right to counsel?
Response: __B.L.H_______________________________

on it's face shows no semblance of waiver or understanding of the rights mentioned, as any response other than yes/no seems to simply be unresponsive to the questions posed. When you compound this with the fact that it is a form specifically for juveniles, there is a higher bar to ensure that any waiver is fully understood and I'm not sure that is accomplished by having the juvenile sign their name like this. If it just said "Yes, B.L.H." then I agree there is no problem.

The second piece (higher bar for juveniles) I have law on point for, but obv I need to and will do more research on facially invalid Miranda waivers because I have not seen anything on point as of yet.

I just wanted to gauge the general opinion to see if my thinking was off, because it seems pretty clear cut to me and has since I first saw the form. With experience comes wisdom though, and I have little of either so I'm willing to reconsider.
Law School Quote
12-02-2011 , 02:39 PM
I think you are going in the right direction, but you are going to have to show more than that to show that it was not voluntary. The cop can just come in and say that he did seem to understand and the kid said he understood, and then what are you going to do? Judges, in general, are going to err on the side of the waiver being voluntary.

How old is the kid? There is some case law about age and voluntariness, but from what i remember, it is not just the fact that they are juveniles that is an issue, but also how old the kid actually was at the time.
Law School Quote
12-03-2011 , 01:47 AM
Got rocked by the Con Law final today. T/F+explanations wasn't that bad, essay portion bent me over.

Also, today marked the first time I have ever made 100% attendance for the full semester in a class (Crim Pro II). Get a free grade raise (e.g. B- to B) over what I make on my final as a result.
Law School Quote
12-03-2011 , 03:38 AM
ok legal conundrum: man gets in wreck, police report says its his fault but it isn't, he has two kids that are his in the back, and 2 other nephews.....Can I represent all of them Bonus: kids didn't have any seatbelts on!!!!!!
Law School Quote
12-03-2011 , 03:42 AM
As someone who recently passed the MPRE, I would say there is no way you could represent all of them. Some obvious potential conflict of interest issues.
Law School Quote
12-03-2011 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by jph0424
As someone who recently passed the MPRE, I would say there is no way you could represent all of them. Some obvious potential conflict of interest issues.
nephews are obvious, but kids are weird...they are his kids?? so who would bring the lawsuit on behalf of the kids? the mom against the dad i guess?
Law School Quote
12-03-2011 , 08:42 AM
What is your state's rule on real party in interest?
Law School Quote
12-03-2011 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by TalkingDonkey
jesus christ.

the extent of people being douchebags at my school is bitching about pie eating contests, which is more than tolerable compared to this bull****.
lol I did not realize other schools actually did pie-eatiing contests. They are loud, though.
Law School Quote
12-03-2011 , 05:22 PM
Job/Ethics question. I've talked with a few people about this but I figure I could use some more input.

Currently, I am participating in a school sponsored fellowship clerking for a judge in criminal court. It is scheduled to run out in March.

I just got a job offer with a mid-size firm, first job offer I have ever gotten. However, they have an odd sort of structure whereby they employ a 9 month probationary/evaluation period and which point they will let me know if they want to retain my services. The pay scale is like half market for the first two years, then a little bit above market after that if you stick it out.

I've never worked in a firm before and have heard some pretty terrible stuff from like 90% of my colleagues.

My only other options on the table right now are with DAs offices here in NY. I have had first interviews with all of them, and feel like I have a good mix of experience and connections in the field to have a solid shot at getting a position, and I actually really enjoy doing criminal justice related work. Those would start in the Fall, about 9 months from now.

SO - I think I have to take this offer, since I have massive debt and am living in squalor right now. Is there anything ethically questionable about continuing to interview with the DA places while I start working? Should I tell the firm that I am doing this? They told me they are hiring only one person right now. I have til early next week to accept, which I most likely will.
Law School Quote
12-03-2011 , 06:26 PM
I think the firm will survive if you leave in the fall.
Law School Quote
12-03-2011 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by diddyeinstein
1L year in legal writing our teacher gave us an outline of our first memo on a handout. My friend lost his copy or didn't go to class on the day they were handed out. A few days before the paper was due, he was kind of frantic because he didn't know what all sections were supposed to be in the paper. A fellow student made a copy of the handout and gave it to him. He posted on her fb wall, "Thanks for the help, you saved my life." At which point a third student turns them in for cheating based solely on the fb post. They both had to go meet with the teacher, which of course was a big scary deal 1L year, but the whole thing was dropped because nothing wrong was done.

For some reason, a group of people decided that a friend of mine took a test for his gf, and went the administration about it. Not even sure why they thought this, because she was in the final and he wasn't, and he hadn't even had the class at that point. Regardless, it gave the couple another thing to worry about during finals, which ultimately lead to nothing, because no wrong was done.

Girl A went and talked to the professor before her Civ Pro final. Girl B, for God only knows what reason, decides that the professor told Girl A exactly what is going to be on the test. She then convinces other people that this completely fictional version of events that she made up were the actual facts and convince them as a group to go to the administration and complain because this is unfair to the rest of the class. Nothing happens because she essentially made the whole thing up.
I lol'd irl how do these people live with themselves

I'm not in law school yet but this type of behaviour would not be acceptable anywhere else. These kids realize that their reputation matters in the adult world, no?

This is gold though A+++++
Law School Quote
12-03-2011 , 09:21 PM
LSAT was brutal. Anyone else take today
Law School Quote
12-03-2011 , 09:24 PM
Best of luck zugz, the wait is brutal. Stay away from TLS if you want to maintain sanity.
Law School Quote
12-03-2011 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by zzthe3rd
LSAT was brutal. Anyone else take today
I postponed to feb last minute. best of luck.

Are you a junior or senior?
Law School Quote
12-03-2011 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Best of luck zugz, the wait is brutal. Stay away from TLS if you want to maintain sanity.
yeah im doing my best, its hard though. gotta find out which was experimental obv, and hear people weigh in on the difficult Qs, but need to remove it from bookmarks until scores come.

the LGs in the past year have gotten super annoying, not more difficult per se, but there is now always an "unconventional" game that no matter how much you practice are unprepared for.

Originally Posted by mike ski
I postponed to feb last minute. best of luck.

Are you a junior or senior?
graduated in May. enjoying a year off from the grind.
Law School Quote
12-04-2011 , 01:18 AM
i found that it helped some to go to TLS and i'm super high-strung / paranoid about that **** (applying to schools right now and just cancelled all of my apps because i think i forgot a 'the')

you get to see the answers to all the harder questions and find out which was experimental, it generally puts you at ease until you get your scores ime.
Law School Quote
12-04-2011 , 03:13 AM
lol TLS
Law School Quote
12-04-2011 , 05:35 AM
Speaking of scores, ready to get my m'fin November MPRE scores in so I can know whether I'm going to have to take it again, or simply not practice in NY and whatever other states really think you need to be ethical.
Law School Quote
12-04-2011 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by zzthe3rd
yeah im doing my best, its hard though. gotta find out which was experimental
I took the October LSAT and had the experimental 4th--first time that has ever happened. Pretty brutal that I was convinced that section was real and section 3 was the experimental. Prob cost me 2-3 points but w/e.
Law School Quote
12-04-2011 , 04:12 PM
did they change the structure of the test or something over the last few years? i remember being able to identify which section was experimental by the time the test was finished.

if you poke around the internet enough you should be able to find a post-mortem discussion on LSAT, if ur into that sorta thing. i was able to predict my score within 1 or 2 points. these discussions were probably more common back in the day though when xoxohth was mostly comprised of law students/aspirants. TLS seems to be heavily moderated and not the kind of site that would allows LSAC rules to be broken.

+1 to LG being more difficult these days. when i was LSAT prepping i got to the point where i would get 100% on every LG, all the time. no exaggeration, i bet the last 200-300 LG questions i did were all correct. i was helping someone prep not too long ago and got like 22/25 on one section and i dont think it had anything to do with rush. maybe not "harder" but they have more wrinkles to them that'll slow you down enough to the point where time becomes an issue.

anyway, GL zz and diddy. i'm sure you passed the mpre diddy.
Law School Quote
12-04-2011 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
did they change the structure of the test or something over the last few years? i remember being able to identify which section was experimental by the time the test was finished.

if you poke around the internet enough you should be able to find a post-mortem discussion on LSAT, if ur into that sorta thing. i was able to predict my score within 1 or 2 points. these discussions were probably more common back in the day though when xoxohth was mostly comprised of law students/aspirants. TLS seems to be heavily moderated and not the kind of site that would allows LSAC rules to be broken.

+1 to LG being more difficult these days. when i was LSAT prepping i got to the point where i would get 100% on every LG, all the time. no exaggeration, i bet the last 200-300 LG questions i did were all correct. i was helping someone prep not too long ago and got like 22/25 on one section and i dont think it had anything to do with rush. maybe not "harder" but they have more wrinkles to them that'll slow you down enough to the point where time becomes an issue.

anyway, GL zz and diddy. i'm sure you passed the mpre diddy.
Yeah, the October test was the first time ever the experimental was 4th (for some people) but that's the only structural change lately I think. As far as LG go, they seem more or less the same to me. Outside of a few stupid mistakes on PTs (I took all the recent PTs and some older ones), I got all of them right and only missed 1 LG on the actual thing (misbubbled, sigh).
Law School Quote
12-04-2011 , 06:19 PM
stark you took in oct or yesterday?
Law School Quote
12-04-2011 , 06:28 PM
You can only narrow it down to two sections on your own in identifying the experimental.
Law School Quote
