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Law School Law School

12-12-2010 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by Tyler Durden
Took my last exam tonight which means I am now done with law school. Feels like I started just yesterday. Bar exam at the end of February, that should be fun.
Congrats on finishing up! Hope you get to enjoy yourself a little before bar prep starts.

When you first get your materials, look at the first outlines and see how much there is to know, remember that you don't have to know it all by the end of December, the end of January or even by the first few weeks in February. Just plug away a little at a time and it will all come together in the end.
Law School Quote
12-12-2010 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by jph0424
Yeah, I agree with Karak. Its all about the rules in Civ Pro (and the class I am studying for right now, Evidence)
The key is to know the rules well enough to understand when and how they are applied. You obviously don't have to memorize them. With Evidence, make sure you are ALWAYS conscious of why a piece of evidence is or isn't relevant. If you can articulate the chain of inferences that the evidence is intended to support, you will know whether the use is permissible or not.
Law School Quote
12-12-2010 , 02:11 AM
Truth of the matter asserted imo. If it's not in for it's truth, it's not in, no point.

I miss evidence.

I'm drunk sorry.
Law School Quote
12-12-2010 , 02:19 AM
My Civ Pro test is totally closed notes. We walk into the room, we get handed a copy of the FRCP (the Westlaw booklet to boot, which is the most offensively formatted piece of writing every. I don't think the person who wrote it hit the "return" key a single time) and that's it.

As far as Torts and Contracts go, I can't tell if I' really really well prepared, or really really poorly prepared, but it's definitely not somewhere in the middle.
Law School Quote
12-12-2010 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
I had an exam today. I never at one point felt stressed or struggled to identify the issues. I knew ever factor on point and applied them with ease. No question baffled me.

This has me terrified. I've never come out of an exam feeling like it was "easy" before or that I "knew everything." I feel like this means I missed something (or some thingS) huge.

I had this exact thing happen today on my Evidence final. I zipped through the whole thing with no problems, and felt very uncomfortable about it.

It simultaneously felt easy and also felt like I couldn't have possibly scored above the median, because there just HAS to be a catch that I was failing to identify.
Law School Quote
12-12-2010 , 03:40 AM

I finished TOCing the outline around 5am Saturday morning. I took a break and suddenly it was time fo the morning test. I didn't get to campus in time to print all the slides een though I had over 200 pages of fluff printed out.

I had a red bull right before the test and still nearly fell asleep during it. Also forgot the cord for my laptop and the casebook.

The healthcare law class which met once a week spent about 25% of the time on Obamacare and constiutional issues. They weren't explicitly asked on the test. Afterwards a couple of smart sounding students said they treated the new healthcare bill as a hypothetical; that might be the law. I just printed its Wikipedia page and treated it as the law. I didn't see anything in the fact pattern going one way or the other, and a lot of PACCA is phased in over several years.

The rest of the test was a standard medical negligence case. I typed gymnastics wondering what the standard of care in that state was. The other guys said they found about 7 issues.

However the that Karak suggested sold me a skeleton outline 65 pages long that was spot on with the basics. So despite this cluster#$&* I may have hit enoguh points to slip into the Bs.

It's now midnight, I would rather drink Gordon Biersch than sleep

Last edited by DeadMoneyWalking; 12-12-2010 at 03:51 AM.
Law School Quote
12-12-2010 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by mjw0586
Not the jurisprudence guy, but apparently there's another David Epstein
Yeah, there is also the David Epstein that does Barbri lectures. According to his Wiki page, he also wrote a Bankruptcy text...
Law School Quote
12-12-2010 , 06:31 PM
It just occured to me that my health law exam might have wanted us to discuss the constitutionality of HCR, like the individual mandate, in the general issue spotter, oops.
Law School Quote
12-12-2010 , 06:37 PM
stop thinking about it
Law School Quote
12-12-2010 , 06:38 PM
Law School Quote
12-12-2010 , 06:45 PM
i was doing a practice exam for my test tomorrow, and as i was reviewing my answer it matched up almost perfectly to the answer that received the highest grade. Sweet, but I guess i didn't even read the last sentence of the question, which essentially asked if remanding to state court was proper (it was a fed question question). So, out of the 30 points that I was assuming I'd totally get, i would lose god knows how many for not even attempting to answer. thank god that was on a practice test.
Law School Quote
12-12-2010 , 07:57 PM
Just took my first exam - property. Afterward I had an urge to chat with a friend about the basic issues in the issue spotter. He immediately dropped a small issue I had missed. Never discussing again.
Law School Quote
12-12-2010 , 08:00 PM
Don't you go to NYU/Penn/Columbia or something?

who gives a **** just pass
Law School Quote
12-12-2010 , 08:11 PM
Penn would seem to be a likely choice amongst those three, given his location.
Law School Quote
12-12-2010 , 08:52 PM
i go to a gewd skewl where we learneded reading and ishoo spawting
Law School Quote
12-12-2010 , 10:10 PM
anyone have a killer admin law outline they want to share? i saw you guys talking about them before

i'd appreciate it and be in your debt. plzplzplz. all the old student outlines here are awful.

bluecrew123 at gmail dot com
Law School Quote
12-13-2010 , 03:56 AM
Hahaha my fellow sufferers.
In the library at 2 in the am getting ready for property final, good times.
2 finals left then I can return to life again.
God speed, love you all, have a good night
Law School Quote
12-13-2010 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
anyone have a killer admin law outline they want to share? i saw you guys talking about them before

i'd appreciate it and be in your debt. plzplzplz. all the old student outlines here are awful.

bluecrew123 at gmail dot com
Sent a couple. GL
Law School Quote
12-13-2010 , 10:46 AM
Exam tip... If you are handwriting in a blue book. Leave the first couple or three lines blank when you start, then once you are finished with the essay you can go back to the beginning an succinctly answer the question. My prof's loved it.

I imagine you can do this as well on a laptop.
Law School Quote
12-13-2010 , 11:10 AM
Hey guys, just found this part of the board. Best of luck on law school finals- Two down and two to go for me. Anyone mind sending me some admin law outlines?
Law School Quote
12-13-2010 , 03:06 PM
Do you guys think I should take Sales and Leases next semester in preparation for the bar exam (MD)? Some of my friends are not taking it and say we already learned it by taking Contracts. If I don't take it then I can have a 4-day weekend too, which is tempting lol. Thanks.
Law School Quote
12-13-2010 , 03:47 PM
just got back from my civ pro exam. That was exhausting. There were three questions, the first two were worth 85points total and the last was worth 15 points. I nailed the first two questions, I think. The third question was a weird supplemental jurisdiction question about applying the Ortega case to cases where there are multiple defendants in the lawsuit. That was worth 15 points, I wrote a bunch of words, not really sure what any of them mean, maybe I'll get 5 points.
Law School Quote
12-13-2010 , 04:03 PM
On that note does it really make a difference on the bar if you took it in school?
Law School Quote
12-13-2010 , 04:55 PM
Yes. I took & passed my bar exam this summer. The subjects I had taken in school were a lot easier to study for than the others; plus I felt more confident on those parts for the actual test. I mean, don't kill yourself taking all bar classes but don't just blow them off either.
Law School Quote
12-13-2010 , 05:08 PM
Lol, completely bombed my Contracts exam like an idiot. I sure hope what you guys said about the inverse relationship between how you think you did and how you actually did is true!

Happily, I don't find myself upset or concerned in the slightest. I think it's dealing with all the coolers/suckouts that's made me immune. Ready to pwn my Crim Law exam and taking solace in the fact that Law School's stupid, I'm going for free, and grades are random anyway.
Law School Quote
