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Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays

12-08-2016 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Gioco
Greg Lake, musician, famous for King Crimson and Emerson, Lake and Palmer participation, dead at age 69 on December 7, 2016.
I was never a fan of King Crimson or ELP, but I love this solo song of his, and it's just right for the season:
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-08-2016 , 03:59 PM
I was all about EL&P back in the late 70s. From the Beginning, oh yeah.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-08-2016 , 04:10 PM
Oh man, it's the Christmas that Greg Lake died.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-08-2016 , 04:30 PM
John Glenn, first American to orbit the earth, dead at age 95 on December 8, 2016.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-08-2016 , 04:33 PM
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-08-2016 , 05:19 PM
RIP Greg Lake - I was a huge fan of both King Crimson (at least the early stuff with Lake) and ELP.

RIP John Glenn - I still remember sitting in grade school and having the teacher stop class and bring in a radio so we could listen to the details as he orbited the earth for the first time ever. The astronauts were really a big deal back in the day. I even remember astronaut trading cards. Now I am in the mood to watch The Right Stuff.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-08-2016 , 05:26 PM
Was a big fan of ELP in my youth. First band I ever saw in concert. So weird to have 2/3rds of them gone in the same year .
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-08-2016 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Gioco
John Glenn, first American to orbit the earth, dead at age 95 on December 8, 2016.
from a post i just made in another thread.

John Glenn died today at 95.
WWII and Korean War fighter pilot
Navy & Marine test pilot including the first supersonic transcontinental flight of the US
first American to orbit the earth and was the last remaining member of the Mercury 7
elected four times to the US Senate
oldest person to go to space at 77 years old in 1998
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-09-2016 , 01:03 AM
Now Lake.

This year needs to end.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-09-2016 , 01:22 AM
Time to rewatch The Right Stuff
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-10-2016 , 05:49 PM
AA Gill - restaurant critic

Probably only well known inside the UK. I has hit me harder than a lot of the others, I think because by reading his column regularly for many years I got the sense that I knew him personally (which I guess is a credit to to his writing).
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-13-2016 , 10:18 PM
RIP Alan Thicke (aka Jason Seaver)
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-13-2016 , 10:48 PM
They had tried to fob him off as the new Canadian Johnny Carson before that, Thicke of the Night, fiasco. He was perfect for a sitcom dad. Also he seemed to have a sense of humor about himself irl later on.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-13-2016 , 11:50 PM
I wonder what happened. He wasn't that old.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-14-2016 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by katyseagull
I wonder what happened. He wasn't that old.
Wikipedia says heart attack while playing hockey.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-14-2016 , 12:08 AM
Fitting somehow, him being Canadian and all. Evidently he was 69. Cold weather is brutal on the heart and blood vessels. It makes a big difference in my blood pressure which I have to monitor closely these days.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-14-2016 , 01:01 AM
That's the way a Canadian legend should go. Last words were probably "I'm good. I'll skate it off".
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-15-2016 , 10:39 PM
Sportscaster Craig Sager has died after a long battle with cancer that he shared with the public. Famous for his colorful wardrobe and his work on TNT's NBA games. He seemed like a really good guy, always very enthusiastic, had an ongoing thing with Spurs coach Gregg Popovich where Pop was mean to him and wouldn't answer his questions.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-15-2016 , 11:00 PM
Loved his running gag with Popovich
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-15-2016 , 11:49 PM
Rip Sager

2016 has been awful
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-16-2016 , 04:50 AM
Sagar (unlike 99% of in-game reporters) was bearable because he asked good questions.
Pop does that with all the reporters. Sagar was good enough that Pop actually respected him.

And for a career bookend, he was one of the guys who ran onto the field when Hank Aaron hit 714. You can see him in the pictures, clear as day, trying to get a quote.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-17-2016 , 03:29 AM
Joseph Heller, novelist, died December 12 (1999). I noticed that no one made the annual posting for the namesake of this thread.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-17-2016 , 05:34 AM
I watch literally every Spurs game, Nut. I have a pretty good idea of how Pop operates!
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-17-2016 , 01:50 PM
Henry Heimlich, M.D., creator of the "Heimlich Maneuver" for choking victims, dead on Saturday, December 17, 2016. I went to law school with one of Dr. Heimlich's sons and ate lunch with the two of them on occasion. Dr. Heimlich was a very entertaining person, somewhat controversial, and he had unique ideas and approaches to medical problems, the sort of things that don't go over with some in the medical community, but result in things like the "Heimlich Maneuver". He was pleasant lunch company.
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
12-17-2016 , 04:42 PM
Dr. Heimlich only ever got one chance to use his signature move:

Dr. Heimlich Uses His Maneuver At Retirement Home, Saves 87-Year-Old Woman

Resident Patty Ris, 87, had swallowed a piece of meat and was struggling to breathe. Perry Gaines, an employee of the Deupree House — who had in fact performed the Heimlich maneuver before — ran toward her table. But Heimlich was already in position.

"Typically, a staff member would do it," the Enquirer reports. " 'But,' Gaines said, pausing, 'it is Dr. Heimlich.' "
Joseph Heller still dead, still at 76 (and other celebrity deaths): RIP Hank Aaron and Willie Mays Quote
