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I have more questions for....I won the lottery, almost 1 year anniversary celebration I have more questions for....I won the lottery, almost 1 year anniversary celebration

08-16-2010 , 07:43 PM
Get some kettlebells and clubbells IMO. Really fun and they build a lot of explosive power and coordination. I've got a couple, and that's what I would do. Clubbells are a really intriguing world of their own.

Also, if I were you, I'd take up tai chi or something, some martial art you could practice well into and past middle age. Those are great lifelong projects, fantastic on both mental and physical levels, but almost nobody in the world has the time for them anymore. You're one of the rare ones who does. There aren't many things out there you could look forward to doing voluntarily for the next 30 or 40 years ...
08-16-2010 , 07:49 PM
Good read, thanks for sharing and congrats!
08-17-2010 , 01:06 PM
In golf news... I played the best round of golf EVER today... 66 (-6). One bogey, 5 birdies, and 1 eagle... did everything right except for a stupid 3 putt bogey on the very first hole! Not the best way to start, but a great way to come back.

Also, i did it while playing with my pro with whom I take lessons. Could not be happier, and gets me one step closer to my scratch handicap!

FYI - my previous best was 69 (-3). Normally, I'm in the 72-76 range.
08-17-2010 , 02:01 PM
okay, NOW I'm jealous
08-17-2010 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by mesolucky
In golf news... I played the best round of golf EVER today... 66 (-6). One bogey, 5 birdies, and 1 eagle... did everything right except for a stupid 3 putt bogey on the very first hole! Not the best way to start, but a great way to come back.

Also, i did it while playing with my pro with whom I take lessons. Could not be happier, and gets me one step closer to my scratch handicap!

FYI - my previous best was 69 (-3). Normally, I'm in the 72-76 range.
What tees do you play from?
08-17-2010 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by levorti
What tees do you play from?
I play the back tees at my course which are 6900 yards
08-18-2010 , 11:32 AM
Shot 78 this morning... big difference.... felt like Tiger out there today!
08-18-2010 , 12:22 PM
hypothetical question - just curious and I understand if you don't want to answer

If you were dying and someone saved your life, would you give them a $ reward? If so, how much? Would it depend of whether there was any risk involved (like you fall off a cruise ship into icy waters and someone dives in to save you risking his own safety) or if it was something like you choking and the person doing the heimlich on you.

Sorry if this is kind of dumb, just curious.
08-18-2010 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Amber
hypothetical question - just curious and I understand if you don't want to answer

If you were dying and someone saved your life, would you give them a $ reward? If so, how much? Would it depend of whether there was any risk involved (like you fall off a cruise ship into icy waters and someone dives in to save you risking his own safety) or if it was something like you choking and the person doing the heimlich on you.

Sorry if this is kind of dumb, just curious.
I would absolutely not give them money for saving my life... no more than I would expect to get money for saving someone's life.

Some things you do because they are right, not for financial renumeration.
08-18-2010 , 07:52 PM
wow at 66!
08-19-2010 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Blarg
I think a lot of it is psychological. I was just reading an article the other day talking about a study saying kids who grew up poor and lower middle class have incredibly low expectations for themselves regardless of their abilities.
would love to read this if you can find it.
08-19-2010 , 11:32 AM
It was on the BBC's website within the last two weeks or so.
08-19-2010 , 02:15 PM
thanks I'll check it out.

Sorry to derail the thread, just been lurking and stumbled on that.
08-19-2010 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by mesolucky
I would absolutely not give them money for saving my life... no more than I would expect to get money for saving someone's life.

Some things you do because they are right, not for financial renumeration.

I always do that one too.
08-19-2010 , 04:57 PM
Has the overall quality of Christmas/birthday/anniversary etc. gifts improved over the last year?
08-20-2010 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by mesolucky
May have more kids... we are discussing... having kids isn't that easy, so get back in touch in a few years when you have a couple already
Unfortunately, it's unlikely that I'll make $50M in the next 3 years when I hit your age, so I don't think our situations are really alike.

I sold the business I had, so I think in most cases people just assume I'm living well from that.
I suspected you'd constructed an alternative narrative, whether purposefully or not. Selling your biz will definitely do that.

As for school stress/pressure, kids these days are pussies because parents make them that way... there is nothing wrong with pushing your kids to excel in school.
I think we have alternate views of elite prep schools. Generally most of the kids going there are smart and pushed hard by their parents to succeed. There's some advantages to that, but even if 30% of the class goes to HYPS, that means that kids have to work their butts off to get good grades. I'm not a huge fan of gradewhoring and following stupid conventions from some frsutrated high school teacher just to get an A. Given the competition and stories I've heard from friends, this happens alot. I'd much rather my kid learn to program well on his/her own, read widely and become trilingual than be valedictorian of his class.

Edit: Congrats on the golf round. That's pretty sweet.
08-20-2010 , 04:49 PM
Holy hell Blarg, I want a couple clubbells.
08-20-2010 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Hey_Porter
Holy hell Blarg, I want a couple clubbells.
You checked them out? They're awesome IMO. Fantastic outdoors especially, where you can really swing, but you can still use them indoors with other moves. I got a 35 lb. one for stretching my shoulderblade area, which can get real knotted. I dangle it behind my back and scrunch all around to work the kinks out. I'd like to get some 10 pounders someday, a pair. You can create such absurd momentum with them that you don't necessarily need heavy ones for swing moves; you just try to move faster or reverse direction against the momentum you've already created and boom, same thing as being heavy in most ways.

Even the sticks they use in Filipino stick fighting can give you a pretty darn good work-out, and they only weigh a few pounds.
08-20-2010 , 08:13 PM
I wasn't jealous of you at all until you posted your golf scores. Well done.
08-20-2010 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Blarg
You checked them out? They're awesome IMO. Fantastic outdoors especially, where you can really swing, but you can still use them indoors with other moves. I got a 35 lb. one for stretching my shoulderblade area, which can get real knotted. I dangle it behind my back and scrunch all around to work the kinks out. I'd like to get some 10 pounders someday, a pair. You can create such absurd momentum with them that you don't necessarily need heavy ones for swing moves; you just try to move faster or reverse direction against the momentum you've already created and boom, same thing as being heavy in most ways.

Even the sticks they use in Filipino stick fighting can give you a pretty darn good work-out, and they only weigh a few pounds.
Yea, I checked them out. Pretty expensive, though, even for one. Might look around some sporting goods stores and see what they have.
08-20-2010 , 09:02 PM
Google Indian clubs or exercise clubs. Wooden clubs are often a lot cheaper, and when made of heavy wood, can still be plenty heavy enough.

Using clubs for training goes way way back to ancient India.

If you do stick with Sonnon's clubbells, they are much cheaper in pairs and he regularly has sales on them.

I've forum blabbed with people who have filled up those plastic bats you get at toy stores with sand and gotten a workable club that way for ten bucks.
08-21-2010 , 03:26 PM
I don't understand. Maybe I'm missing something, but this is like a scenario with the bad beat jackpot at a casino, when someone gets up to go to the bathroom and the bad beat hits and they don't get anything. Most of the time people will give them something because it feels like the right thing to do, except imagine this person is your brother. I could not live with myself if i didn't make a difference in someone's life if I was rich, outside of the people i lived with.

I certainly don't see how a few one time potential hand outs to make your siblings live a little better life can hurt. I also don't see how not giving away a couple million and keeping it, is worth having them being pissed at you for years. No money is worth ruining a family over, and if they don't ask for anything It would make me want to give them some even more.

I certainly agree that they should make a life for themselves, but why would you not want to see your blood happier and enjoy life alot more, for only a tiny fraction of your wealth. All because you don't want them tocome back more than once to ask for more? You said it yourself they're already doing fine, so chances are a small payout wouldn't have them coming back to ask for more, especially if they haven't already.

And no this isn't how people go broke when they hit the lottery. Giving out small amounts of money does not equate to being broke. Most of the time the people that win have no concept of money, business or anything and go broke because they don't pay anyone to manage their money.

If i was one of your siblings, i would call you a POS, not because i deserve the money in anyway, but because it is absolutely sickening that you would not want to make your siblings life a little ****in easier.

I think giving to my siblings is alot more reasonable than my children ainec. At this point you've seen your siblings are successful, and that they worked hard to be where they are, and that they're not going to go out and blow the money you give them on stupid ****. Your children can now be under the impression, that they do not have to do a ****in thing, get a few million, and than start to try when it matters. IDK how you can sleep at night and actually think you're doing the right thing here by not supporting your siblings. It's truly unbelievable. Family is everything.
08-21-2010 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by mesolucky
I would absolutely not give them money for saving my life... no more than I would expect to get money for saving someone's life.

Some things you do because they are right, not for financial renumeration.
Exactly, so giving your siblings the right thing to do?
08-21-2010 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by drew13800
Exactly, so giving your siblings the right thing to do?
My standard response is suck it... go support your family if you like.
08-21-2010 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by drew13800
I don't understand. Maybe I'm missing something, but this is like a scenario with the bad beat jackpot at a casino, when someone gets up to go to the bathroom and the bad beat hits and they don't get anything. Most of the time people will give them something because it feels like the right thing to do, except imagine this person is your brother. I could not live with myself if i didn't make a difference in someone's life if I was rich, outside of the people i lived with.

